‘Anti-Islam workplace bias target of summit
A Muslim woman quit her job because company meetings and functions always had alcohol, and the employer of a Muslim chef who worked at a bar kitchen could not understand why he could not touch pork.
Challenges faced by Muslim workers in New Zealand and the reluctance of employers to hire them are among the issues that will be up for discussion at a Muslim at Work summit on Wednesday…’
More effing whining muslim fake victimhood.
So, did the muslim woman expect the company to ban alcohol at meetings, for her benefit? And why would anybody employ a chef who would not touch pork?
These people clearly expect that Kiwi culture should change in order to accommodate their rotten ideology, and the campaign to do so is relentless, always couched in weasel words such as “tolerance” and “inclusiveness”.
Well, screw them. They can always move to a muslim country instead if they dislike – and disapprove of – our culture so much.

Odd, isn’t it, how we don’t hear anything like this whining from Jewish people?

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16 Responses to WTF!!

  1. Brown says:

    …reluctance to hire them… Excellent. Next there will be Muslim quotas?

  2. Cadwallader says:

    Before the savage blow of a “Muslim quota” is here to greet us; why not tell them all to naff-off? That’ll sort it wonderfully.

  3. andy5759 says:

    You ask why they don’t move to a Mozlem country, as far as they are concerned, they have. We’re fucked until we wake up and get it sorted. Then they will be fucked.

  4. PC says:

    Actually, the real revelation in this story is that there are Muslims who actually work. I thought they were all living off the jizyah tax, aka welfare.

  5. Darin says:

    Friend of mine works at the local Nasa facility where among others there is one muslim engineer.He hasn’t bothered anybody,probably because he’s outnumbered 5000:1 by red blooded rednecks.

    Said muslim was at last years Christmas party and commented on how much he liked the Deer sausage someone had brought.That’s when my friend told him,uh,you do know proper Deer sausage is %50 Pork so it doesn’t taste dry don’t you?

    He turned white as a ghost and said “no,thank you for telling me” to which my friend said “your welcome” while struggling to keep a straight face :mrgreen: