Deport the bastards to the nearest muslim craphole.

Students Force University to Cancel Screening of ‘American Sniper’

Muslim, Middle Eastern and North African students at the University of Michigan were successful in their mission to cancel a campus screening of “American Sniper” – claiming the film promotes anti-Muslim rhetoric and made them feel unsafe.
…They said the film has “contributed to a culture of Islamophobia in America.”..’

“Culture of islamophobia”?  Firstly, Americans have been incredibly (even stupidly) tolerant of muslims since 3000 innocent people were killed on American soil one bright autumn morning. They continue to import the assholes, even since the Boston Marathon bombing. They allow them to get educated in America, open businesses in America, build mosques in America and wear their loathsome totalitarian clothing in public in America.
I pray that one day these creeps, these followers of a foul, murderous ideology meet real “islamophobia” at the end of the guns of a whole lot of armed and angry Americans.

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12 Responses to Deport the bastards to the nearest muslim craphole.

  1. Barry says:

    I’d very much like to see that prayer come true!

  2. PC says:

    “made them feel unsafe.” It’s a film for goodness sake.

    It’s not like their heads are being hacked off or they are being stoned to death, or being thrown off a building, or [insert your choice of miserable end].

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I guess their theory is that infidels are helpless to resist any stimulus no matter how weak. If I see a pizza commercial the only thing left for me to do is rush immediately to the nearest pizza parlor. If I see a movie with a rape scene this immediately activates my lizard brain and the nearest human with two X chromosomes in each cell gets it.

      • Wombat says:

        Laughable when you consider that most of the people who would have gone to see the movie will probably now go home and play Call Of Duty instead.

        I wouldn’t even hazard a guess at how many digital mujahideen my boy and I have obliterated. :lol:

  3. Darin says:

    “Culture of islamophobia”? Firstly, Americans have been incredibly (even stupidly) tolerant of muslims since 3000 innocent people were killed on American soil one bright autumn morning.”

    No Sir,not Americans,we have been highly pissed and waiting for righteous payback.No,it’s been the traitorous appeasers,the same ones objecting to this movie that have been coddling and kissing moslem ass since well before 9/11.This is the same bunch of trust fund red diaper doper baby,lying shit for brains lefty trash that has no problem rioting,burning stuff and spitting on the military,but now claims to be too “sensitive” and in need of a bubble wrap security blanket for fear of a film they disagree with.

  4. Mathew says:

    Give the University of Michigan a few more of these slithering back downs and groveling and there won’t be any need to deport them to a muslim craphole, they’ll have turned it into one all by themselves and will be feeling all smug and superior about it.

  5. Darin says:

    University of Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh -Patriot

    “Michigan Football will watch “American Sniper”! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!”

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    I have to confess, I don’t understand the attitude of these people to the US in general, and the hero Kyle in particular. From what I saw from the movie, and have read subsequently, Kyle joined the Marine Corps as a direct response to the September 11 atrocities, in which radical moslem terrorists murdered 3,000 Americans. He was in Iraq killing radical moslem terrorists, who were for the most part killing non-radical Iraqi citizens – most of whom were moslem. Basic logic and reason inform me Kyle and the other patriots who traveled from the US to Iraq saved countless moslem lives. Every radical moslem terrorist killed by a member of the armed services of the various Western nations represented in Iraq, would have saved many dozens of non-radical Iraqi citizens’ lives.

    I guess what I’m trying to say (brain not fully engaging this early in the morning) is that these people are not siding with, defending or representing Iraqis, or moslems, but radical moslem terrorists. Whose beliefs and opinions, we are constantly informed by our overlords, are “nothing to do with iSlam”.

    So, I’m confused.

    • KG says:

      It’s simple anti-Americanism, and any excuse, any complaint will do. Facts have nothing to do with it.

      • Wombat says:

        That’s right.

        Their goal is to be the thorn in the lion’s paw that drives it insane.