Open house

Yesterday it was mow the lawns, instal an intruder alarm, extract a broken bulb base from the porch light, zero a rifle, figure out a speed controller for the heat transfer fan, split some wood. Exciting stuff, eh?

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29 Responses to Open house

  1. Seneca III says:

    And one presumes that no Tinnies were consumed in the process, you poor, hard done by soul?

  2. Wombat says:

    I’ve got a little beauty in the post on its way to my local dealer.

    Tomorrow I’m going to tee up a digital night vision scope for it and a silen… errr… solvent trap adapter. Once the package is complete I will declare war on the local possum and wallaby population, and become unto death itself. :twisted:

    • Darin says:

      $549 :shock: :shock: You guys are getting hosed,that model is $265 tops here.I just bought the Stainless model and paid $316 +$20.00 transfer fee out the door including shipping and insurance.

      Is it taxes?Shipping? Or just cause they can?

      • Wombat says:

        A combination of the three, if of course you count the fees for importing firearms as a defacto tax (which it is).

        I’ll pay it anyway. Believe me. In Australia that’s very cheap for a quality rimfire rifle.

  3. Jamie says:

    “Most of the 147 victims of a terror attack on a Kenyan university on Thursday died execution-style as they lined up waiting for their turn to be shot, a senior Kenyan government source has told The Telegraph.”

    “Some students were killed as they spoke to their parents on the telephone.”

    Maureen Manyengo, a 21-year-old Christian from western Kenyan who was training to be a teacher, described how she hid inside her wardrobe after seeing several friends killed.

    “I could hear the attackers telling my friends, ‘Do not worry, we will kill you, but we will die too’,” she said.

    She said the terrorists also told the cowering students: “We are not bad guys, we are just here to make your Easter Holiday better.”

    Reuben Nyaora, an aid worker who was among the first to enter the university after the terrorists’ final clash with Kenyan special forces late on Thursday afternoon, described seeing women rise from among the corpses covered in blood but unscathed.

    “I have seen many things, but nothing like that,” said Mr Nyaora. “There were bodies everywhere in execution lines, we saw people whose heads had been blown off, bullet wounds everywhere. It was a grisly mess.”

    Meanwhile, questions remained about how the 15-hour siege reached its final bloody end and how the death toll jumped from 70 in the late afternoon to 147 just over an hour later.

    • Darin says:

      Kenya should begin rounding up moslems and imploding mosques,wipe the whole country clean of islam. :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        As should England, France, Australia, the USA and every other nation on earth where the filthy goat-rapists have spread their “religion of peace” by blood and the sword.

  4. Wombat says:

    Consider, banning a substance is one thing, but forcing someone to undergo a state mandated treatment or face poverty is a line that, once crossed, will lead into the most frightening realm of government abuse.

    Predictably they’re trotting out the “vaccinations harm nobody” nonsense despite the fact that many deaths and disabilities have occurred as a direct result of faulty vaccinations or allergic reactions. It seems, though, the life of your child is not yours to wager but theirs.

    Think they would never start trotting out statistics that prove people on prozac commit less violence? Think they’d never madate weekly shots in the arm to keep the herd compliant?

    Whatever your view on vaccines, this is the foot in the door for everything else that follows.

    My views on the matter will be made clear to my elected representatives. If this goes forward then I will do what it takes to “legitimately” lose my job and go on welfare.

    I will not pay tax and then have it used as leverage to force my kids to take medicines produced by multinational corporations that care about nothing but profits.

    I will not wade into issues of immune system disfunction or sterility, except to say that anybody who thinks big government is dedicated to evil ends EXCEPT where our health is concerned need to pull their head out of the sand.

    • KG says:

      There are valid arguments on both sides of the vaccination debate, but the bottom line for me is I just don’t trust the bastards.

    • mawm says:

      The facts support vaccine use. Sure there are deaths and complications from their use but they are far fewer than those caused by the diseases. This is not something our governments dreamt up but facts revealed by medical research. The most obvious vaccination success story has to be smallpox, followed by polio. Rubella causes devastating harm to foetuses, measles causes any of death, cerebral palsy, blindness, deafness, etc., while with HPV very young women have to have either hugely destructive surgery with resulting infertility and/or die. They are all preventable.

      Those people who campaign against vaccination should be strung up……….however governments should not be telling you what to do but instead should be providing unbiased information/education and allowing you to make your own choice.

      • Wombat says:

        Vaccines make perfect sense (a) if you’re old enough to be able to communicate the nature of any adverse effects, or (b) if you’re determined to take your children to third world pest-holes.

        Of course, simply vaccinating people at age four or five might be embarrassing if/when a metric crapload of them go from normally functioning children to special needs cases or corpses.

        Best to dose them with heavy metals when they’re infants, so if they drop off the perch they can be chucked in the SIDS bin without any further scrutiny. :evil:

        At age thirty I had a serious reaction to a “perfectly safe” vaccine, and I don’t doubt a similar reaction would have damn well killed someone half my body weight.

        The doctor chalked it up to a psychosomatic reaction, up to and including the massive inflammation.

        See? It’s easy to prove that vaccines are safe when no god-damned doctor in their right mind would toss their career out of the window by documenting the detrimental effects of this shit.

        And hey, at least if I died then my wife could reasonably sue the corporation, but when your infant ends up a vegetable what’s the comeback?

        “Who’s to say they weren’t that way in the first place, right?”

        As far as I’m concerned, membership on the board of any big-phama corporation including the AMA is a green light for the prescription and application of a 60 grain lead pill. :evil:

        • mawm says:

          “if you’re old enough to be able to communicate the nature of any adverse effects, or (b) if you’re determined to take your children to third world pest-holes.”

          These diseases occur in 1st world cities and how can one expect an as yet to be conceived child to comprehend what a rubella vaccine is for. Apart from the fact that ir often small kids that die from these diseases.

          “when a metric crapload of them go from normally functioning children to special needs cases or corpses.”

          Really! Obviously you have not educated yourself that there is no relationship between vaccine and autism. However CDC and the WHO would be interested in your information, let alone the hundreds of dedicated epidemiologists around the world.

          “At age thirty I had a serious reaction to a “perfectly safe” vaccine, and I don’t doubt a similar reaction would have damn well killed someone half my body weight.”

          Are you sure it wasn’t an allergic reaction? You know some people get them eating seafood, from house mites, etc. What are we going to do! /sarc.

          • Darin says:

            Personally I think there is a much stronger correlation between birth control pill use and the rise in Autism.
            Does it strike anyone as odd that the country with the highest autism rates is also the one with the most prevalent use of the pill?


          • Wombat says:

            Oh. I’m sorry.

            I didn’t know the science was settled.

            Sounds familiar. :roll:

            Doesn’t it always when billions of corporate and government dollars are on the line, along with control of the population?

            • Wombat says:

              Seriously, I can never comprehend why so many people who display healthy skepticism of government motives seem to draw short and write a blank check for subordination as soon as the medical industry is involved.

              “Oh. They’re all doctors, so clearly their motives cannot be impugned.”

              Doctor worship (forget the fact that the industry is driven by businessmen) is one of the strongest holdouts of authority worship to survive unblemished beyond the cold war.

              • KG says:

                Doctors’ professional integrity is one of the remaining holdouts of decency and integrity we have left.
                No, I’m not saying the rate is 100%, but it’s way, way above what I’ve observed elsewhere.

            • mawm says:

              The science is settled! Obviously you have no grasp on the subject and how vaccines work, and that there are different types of vaccines. The way they are manufactured differs immensely too, the way they work varies and some very cleaver people have saved millions of lives and have allowed billions more to have a better life. There is no single science in this. What you do not want to understand is that we know many vaccines have side effects or even cause death but the frequency with which this happens is so small in comparison to the devastating harm or death caused by these diseases.

              With respect to autism, it is on the rise but the diagnosis has become all encompassing and this accounts for much of the increased prevalence in our society. There are obviously other factors and maybe one day we’ll understand them and not rely on some dishonest “research” from some nutter who wanted to find that vaccination was to blame for it.

              You also have a massive misunderstanding about pharma and vaccines. Sure some companies package it nicely to make a profit but the majority of stuff has been developed by dedicated scientists (the true kind) working long hard hours with little or no funding. The Gates Institute and the Wellcome Trust are currently the big funders in AIDS and malaria research, the next big vaccine breakthroughs. Neither are not Big Pharma.

              Finally, the “medical industry” has a healthy distate for government interference in patient care. Of course health care has been politicised by government paying for it in various ways, but the medical profession fights tooth and nail to prevent government, the UN, etc. from dictating to them on patient care.

              One day the ‘medical industry’ might save your life, you just never know when.

  5. KG says:

    Now watch them lower the standards:
    ‘No female Marines pass Infantry Officer Course by experiment’s end

    The Marine Corps‘ historic experiment to allow women to take part in its Infantry Officer Course ended with zero female graduates. The last two female applicants hoping to make it through the course were cut during the Combat Endurance Test on April 2, along with 81 of the 90 male Marines who applied for the program, Marine Corps Times reported Wednesday…’

    • Wombat says:

      Plenty of openings in the coughjoydivisioncough.

      Nah. Good on the gals for trying at least.

      But never, ever, lower those standards!

  6. mawm says:

    Not quite Emmylou ……. 3 old gits, Eric, Jack and Ginger, live at the Royal Albert with their blues/rock hit from 4 decades ago.

  7. tranquil says:

    A great speech here by Rand Paul –

    Quote – “Liberal policies have failed our inner cities. Liberal policies have failed to alleviate poverty. Our schools are not equal and the poverty gap continues to widen. You want to know where the income gap is greatest? Cities run by Democrats, states run by Democrats, and countries run by Democrats.”

    A cracker of a speech.

    I know very little about him. Keen to hear what others think of him.

    • Darin says:

      Libertarian leaning Republican,generally conservative,but I don’t like his foreign policy ideas much.He’s okay with Iran going nuclear for instance and believes in non-intervention which I don’t.
      If it came down to it I would vote for him if he is the nominee as I believe he would be better than Jeb Bush and a few of the other candidates out there.At least Rand isn’t another damned lawyer/community organizer.

      The Guy the media,even Fox news doesn’t like to bring up is Scott Walker.He’s ahead of the pack in the polls,he beats Hillary by double digits.He has not just been elected governor in a blue state,but has thoroughly trashed the dems in not only his election,but also two recalls.

      He said he was going to end Tenure for teachers and he did it.He said he was going to break the backs of the union in Wisconsin and he did it.He said he was going to make Wisconsin a right to work state and he did.In the time he has been there the state’s budget has been balanced,the state retirement fun has been fully funded and the economy is looking bright there.

      But besides all that he’s been attacked at every angle by the left and he didn’t back down.I’m not cheerleading for him,but he seems to be the only one with a spine.

    • Wombat says:

      “And, the granddaddy of all questions: Can the communities be assured that foreign nationals with ties to ISIS, al-Shabab and other Islamic terrorist groups won’t slip through the government’s porous screening process posing as “refugees”?”

      Irrelevant in the context of the article. Terrorists rarely kill their next door neighbor.

      I would be far more worried about the garden variety “1,500 more Somalis getting ready to be resettled there in St. Cloud,”.

      Having had plenty of dealings with these buggers in Adelaide, you’re a thousand times more likely to be knifed by a common criminal Somali than shot or blown up by a terrorist one.

      • KG says:

        “you’re a thousand times more likely to be knifed by a common criminal Somali than shot or blown up by a terrorist one.”
        Too bloody right.