Open house

And a comment re-published, since for some reason it was held in moderation.  ‘Mawm’, on vaccination:

mawm says:
April 13, 2015 at 18:10 (Edit)
The science is settled! Obviously you have no grasp on the subject and how vaccines work, and that there are different types of vaccines. The way they are manufactured differs immensely too, the way they work varies and some very cleaver people have saved millions of lives and have allowed billions more to have a better life. There is no single science in this. What you do not want to understand is that we know many vaccines have side effects or even cause death but the frequency with which this happens is so small in comparison to the devastating harm or death caused by these diseases.
With respect to autism, it is on the rise but the diagnosis has become all encompassing and this accounts for much of the increased prevalence in our society. There are obviously other factors and maybe one day we’ll understand them and not rely on some dishonest “research” from some nutter who wanted to find that vaccination was to blame for it.
You also have a massive misunderstanding about pharma and vaccines. Sure some companies package it nicely to make a profit but the majority of stuff has been developed by dedicated scientists (the true kind) working long hard hours with little or no funding. The Gates Institute and the Wellcome Trust are currently the big funders in AIDS and malaria research, the next big vaccine breakthroughs. Neither are not Big Pharma.
Finally, the “medical industry” has a healthy distate for government interference in patient care. Of course health care has been politicised by government paying for it in various ways, but the medical profession fights tooth and nail to prevent government, the UN, etc. from dictating to them on patient care.
One day the ‘medical industry’ might save your life, you just never know when. 

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20 Responses to Open house

  1. mawm says:

    :oops: I thought you had binned it because I get a bit angry at people trying to justify not getting their kids vaccinated based on ‘anecdotal evidence’ or discredited research, and of course taking a swipe at the medical profession’s ethics while they are at it. The bottom line is vaccination saves millions of lives.

    • KG says:

      I wouldn’t bin it Mawm. Even if I had, I’d have said something. :grin:
      But why it was held in moderation is a mystery. :sad:

  2. Darin says:

    “Birds of a Feather flock together” an old saying that has a great deal of truth to it.Given such I tend to notice patterns of thought and speech and group ideas which I then compare and assign to a given flock based on the flock’s pattern of behavior.

    So we have groups warning about vaccines,others warning about fluoride,still more warning of sea level rise,ocean acidification,mercury poisoning from Tuna,Fukushima radiation,global warming,climate change on and on and the one thing all those groups have in common is a red nut roots core.

    Now think about this,isn’t it possible that these are the same people and groups who believe in depopulation?Isn’t it possible that they want you and your children unvaccinated,with rotten teeth,worried you’re going to drown or burn up,afraid of the air,afraid of the food all so you can live shorter lives and die sooner?

    Just sayin

    • Robertv says:

      And then there are the people who think you should have a free choice.

      Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  3. KG says:

    “And then there are the people who think you should have a free choice.”
    I think we should too, Robert. But it should be a choice based on factual information.

  4. Ronbo says:

    The judge rips Hillary Clinton a new butt hole for her defense of the rapist of a 12 year old girl:

    A must see for the anti-Clinton folks :!:

  5. G P says:

    Don’t know if anyone remembers Dr Andrew Weil who used to do the CCF sponsorship ads on TV. I saw him interviewed once and he said that the people who don’t vaccinate should go to a third world country and see first-hand what these diseases do to children and then they would pick up their child and run to the doctor to get them immunised.

    I acknowledge that some children may not be able to be vaccinated because of compromised immune systems or may have had bad reactions in the past. I have read that children with egg allergy have to have the MMR vaccine in hospital because the vaccine is grown in an egg culture

    There was also that very sad case, the subject of a documentary of a NZ mother of two boys with autism who got taken in by some crank doctor in America who said that her children had heavy metal poisoning and if she used his remedies and rid their systems of the heavy metals her children would improve. Well of course they didn’t and through the documentary she ended up just getting fatter, her hair kept getting shorter and she was severely depressed.

    Instead of facing up to the condition she was hoping to cheat the condition and thus delayed early intervention that might have got her boys talking.

    How do I know this?

    My eldest is autistic, thankfully he has Asperger’s and he is extremely hard work, I don’t know how people cope with kids who have Kanner or classic autism. I had already noticed that before his 15 month MMR jab that he did not look at people’s faces and often ignored people. A hospital visit was done to rule out deafness at 3 years of age. There have been hundreds of beam-me-up-Scotty moments and extreme stress at times. He had an excellent paediatrician and I asked about the MMR/austism link and he said the study could not be taken seriously because the sample of children studied was 12.

    The thing is that you have to get in on the ground floor and he had an excellent aide at kindy and was fully teacher aided for the first four years of primary and by year 7 could attend classes without one. The school had a special needs unit and some people moved across the country to get their kids into the school. Unfortunately, the criteria has been tightened up so much for teacher aide help that any special needs kid has to virtually be in an iron lung to qualify for help. I know that because of his excellent teacher aide my son with some help can hold down a job. What about those that don’t have this help and could potentially live productive lives?

    Just my ten cents.

  6. Ronbo says:

    Why women shouldn’t be in the infantry – they throw like girls :!: :mrgreen: