Soul partners….


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5 Responses to Soul partners….

  1. Robertv says:

    Congress ?

  2. Robertv says:

    You think it is a bad idea Iran having nuclear weapons ? What about Turkey ?

    Turkey launched construction of its first nuclear power plant on Tuesday.

  3. G P says:

    ISIS cartoon about Obama

    ‘They don’t know who their friends are. Obama talks tough rhetoric against the Islamic State, but he forecloses on honest discussion of its ideology, motives and goals — which only ensures that that ideology will continue to advance unchallenged. And his weakness and incoherence regarding Iraq and Syria enabled the Islamic State to rise in the first place.

    Note also that they call him the “mule of the Jews.” It is always, for Islamic supremacists and jihadists, all about the Jews, the people whom the Qur’an designates as those who are “most intense in animosity toward the believers” (5:82).