A “free people”? Us?

No, we are not:
‘A trade pact being negotiated in secret may create new criminal sanctions for illicit downloading of films and TV shows.
The terms of the TPP will not be made public until a deal has been struck between the 12 countries, which account for 40 per cent of the global economy.
…As the TPP talks enter their final stretch, the telco industry has lodged a Copyright Code with the Australian Communications and Media Authority which would create a streamlined scheme for ISPs to hand over customers’ details to film studios...’
The TPP will also:
“override national immigration restrictions in the name of facilitating the free flow of labor.”
The ‘One World Order’ was a paranoid conspiracy theorist’s fantasy a few years ago. The reality is that it’s here, already.
“Of course our people are free. They’re free to do whatever is not expressly forbidden” Erich Honecker, former leader of East Germany.

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4 Responses to A “free people”? Us?

  1. mawm says:

    What can possibly be wrong with something even the negotiators only know about the bits they are involved with? http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif Our only hope is that spineless Congress refuses to sign the deal. I won’t hold my breath.

  2. G P says:

    Excellent video on SOPA legislation to control the internet when Cnet taught people how to pirate


    Obummer outed
