Thanks, you statist creeps

you’ve just made sure my rent will increase. Bastards.
‘The Government has announced all rental properties must be fully insulated and fitted out with smoke alarms within four years…’

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31 Responses to Thanks, you statist creeps

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Does that include walls? I bet a lot of old rentals are only insulated properly in the ceiling. Don’t forget KG, the government will set the rules as to what constitutes ‘adequate’ insulation.

    • KG says:

      And how will they enforce this, Michael? With an army of little nazis, armed with clipboards, turning up on the doorstep to violate my privacy?
      We have a great landlord who respects our privacy, but the government assholes won’t give a damn.
      Besides, I’d rather live in a cold house with privacy than in a luxury property without. And that should be our own damn choice.
      The government and its minions need to fuck off out of our lives.

  2. KG says:

    “Don’t forget KG, the government will set the rules as to what constitutes ‘adequate’ insulation.”
    These assholes could do a fucking sight more to help people keep warm by ending the ripoff energy prices in NZ that benefit their cronies. :evil:
    Pardon my language – petit nazis have that effect on me.

    • Cadwallader says:

      Don’t worry the Greens still aren’t satisfied with this absurd decree. Next they’ll whine about the rise in rents. If it is too cold, the tenants can always bugger-off.

      • KG says:

        “If it is too cold, the tenants can always bugger-off.”
        Always provided they have somewhere affordable (and warmer and reasonably close to their work) to bugger off to.
        This is yet another case of government interference which will have downstream consequences for people – consequences the government and minions will NEVER admit responsibility for.

        • Darin says:

          It’s the national socialist check list-

          #1 seize control
          #2 make trains run on time
          #3 caulk windows and insulate attic

          Hitler and Mussolini never got around to #3

          • KG says:

            I’d like to see these bastards suffer the same fate before they can get around to it, too.

            • Darin says:

              Judge-“Ignorance of the law is no excuse”

              Defendant-“Oh,I don’t know,it seems to work fine as an excuse for those that write the laws”

        • Cadwallader says:

          If the market is let to run then it is inevitable there’ll be a landlord ready to voluntarily appease the forthright tenant.

    • Darin says:

      “Send a dramatic signal”? The only signal I am seeing is telling me to stay away from Auckland.

    • mawm says:

      If you stay in Auckland you are already paying that tax – it’s called rates, and it is inflated above the rest of NZ’s because the higher house prices, transport levies, etc. and because we have a idiot socialist as mayor who hasn’t yet found a cause that he doesn’t want to fund.

      • KG says:

        But there’s always an excuse for a new tax, Mawm.

        • mawm says:

          An excuse…….or a need? Councils and government have to fund their election bribes somehow.

          • KG says:

            And so many people are too dumb to realise that they’re being bribed with their own money…

    • Tom says:

      Not to mention a group called Kids Safe who want speed bumps on all drives longer than 12 metres and all drives serving more than 1 home.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    Holy shit! KG, I just saw the news item about this. They are talking about underfloor insulation FFS! I own this place and have just had underfloor insulation put in. I put up with it for 15 years and I did not suffer that much. Oh, and it hasn’t made enough difference to where I don’t need to dress warmly on cold mornings. It may slightly reduce your power bill but I would bet it won’t be much unless you are on poles (like I am).

    • KG says:

      It’s all smoke and mirrors – with a dash of fascism, Michael.
      The single most important factor in healthy homes would be affordable power, but the Greens and cronyism have ruled that out.

  4. Not only will rents increase because the landlord can charge a higher price for an insulated house, but if you live in Auckland the rates increases introduced by our beloved nightmayor Len ‘Skidmarks’ Brown will be added onto the rents also. All up it equates to a rise in the cost of living that will hit the poor hardest.

    • KG says:

      “All up it equates to a rise in the cost of living that will hit the poor hardest.”
      Indeed it does – while the perps pat themselves on the back and preen about their “concern for the poor”.

  5. Ronbo says:

    I take it Auckland is the Seattle Soviet of New Zealand?

  6. Cadwallader says:

    “Bribing voters with their own $$$” is the fulcrum upon which all politics turn! There’s always an excuse to dream-up and impose a fresh tax…but seldom a reason to scrub it.

  7. mara says:

    Now that we are officially too stupid to know how to keep ourselves warm over winter, the Govt. has kindly stepped in to do it for us. And soon we will have to remove or board up fireplaces before we can sell our own houses. I give up.

  8. Lara says:

    Len and co are actually taxing people out of their homes. My sister’s Auckland rates have risen by three grand in a year. More to come next year. Is that the end goal? To make born and bred Kiwis sell up to investor, deep-pocketed Chinese? What a freakin sell-out, and Key and his cronies are totally insulated from the Chinese assult, which they have allowed, being super duper rich. Evil!!! He’s just bought his spoiled daughter (not her fault though, I guess) a pad in Paris. She’ll never know the value of an earned dollar!! spit.!!!1