Open house

‘Restaurant owner yells at ‘demon’ toddler’
Good for her. People are becoming very sick indeed of undisciplined children. I blame the parents, not the child.

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33 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Don’t Be Fooled by the Media; This Isn’t About Trump’

  2. Michael in Nelson says:

    The unabashed arrogance of HBSC never ceases to make me nauseous. He waits until after the UN Security Council votes to accept the Iran deal to bring up the US hostages there. I won’t like to his speech and therefore spare you having to hear his voice.

  3. Michael in Nelson says:

    ‘like’ = ‘link’ (anger affects my typing skills)

  4. The Gantt Guy says:

    So, here’s a thing. We know facts are racist. Logic is racist. Mathematics is racist. Statistics are racist. And of course, white people are racist.

    But now we also know … the environment is racist!!

    Global Warming is killing black people! Planned Parenthood isn’t engaged in genocide against black people. The Democrat Party isn’t engaged in genocide against black people. ProgLib mayors and city councils (Detroit, Baltimore) aren’t engaged in genocide against black people. But the earth is out to kill the niggaz.

    Maybe there’s something in that evolution thing, after all…

    • KG says:

      I look forward to the day somebody shoots that racist bastard. :evil:

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I’m very, very surprised it hasn’t already happened, KG. After the Crown Heights, Freddie’s Fashion and Tawanna Brawley outrages at least, if not for anything since then.

      • K2 says:

        Are you kidding? Sharpton’s the poster boy for Democratic party race pandering, ignorance, corruption and greed. Even mainstream blacks think he’s a con man out for number one. Fox should try to him on every chance they get, because every time he’s shown as representing the left the right gets another 10,000 converts.

    • Warren Tooley says:

      Well Gantt, the central idea of evolution is survival of the fittest. Only the fittest survive, grow and reproduce. Everything else just dies. Is this what your referring to or something else about evolution.

  5. Darin says:

    Preach it Baby! Preach it!

  6. KG says:

    We can hope….does anybody in Kenya have a spare Stinger laying around the place?
    ‘Security breach? Kenyan airline official leaks Obama’s exact itinerary’

  7. Darin says:

    Testimony before Congress of Laura Wilkerson, Mother Of 18 Year-Old Killed By Illegal Immigrant today –

    “Wilkerson read aloud portions of the gut-wrenching autopsy: “‘This body is received in a grey body bag. There’s a tag on his toe that bears the name, Joshua Wilkerson. This is a white male weighing a hundred pounds. He is tied up with braided rope — 13 loops around his neck in a slipknot. It goes behind his back through his back belt loop. It goes to his hands and his feet, behind his body. He has multiple fractures in his face and nasal cavity. His throat and his voicebox are crushed.’”

    Wilkerson took a deep breath and continued, looking at the senators before her with a steady gaze. “He was kicked so hard in the stomach that it sent his spleen into his spine, and sliced it in two… The medical examiner said it was torture.”

  8. mara says:

    That Tomi Lahren is a good girl. She reminds me of someone much closer to home. Give her parents a medal.

  9. Ronbo says:

    KG said:

    “We can hope….does anybody in Kenya have a spare Stinger laying around the place?
    ‘Security breach? Kenyan airline official leaks Obama’s exact itinerary”

    The Muzbots will never put a Stinger up Obama’s big black ass – He’s their greatest and most powerful ally in the world.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    What’s betting there won’t be any riots or phone call from HBSC because the kid was white?

  11. Darin says:

    Some Water Bomber action

  12. Darin says:

    FCC-“Duh…we didn’t know,gosh looks like there is some fraud going on,oh well,ho hum,maybe better luck next time” :eyeroll:

  13. Michael in Nelson says:

    From Wirecutter:

    White privilege = being held responsible for the acts of your ancestors by blacks who accept no responsibility for the acts of their children.

  14. Michael in Nelson says: explain this…HBSC claims Climate Change (AKA Global Warming) is the greatest security risk to the US. The US economy had another bad first quarter which was blamed on….wait for it…a very cold winter.

    You can’t make this shit up.

    BTW Arctic ice extent this summer is the greatest in 20+ years.