‘Breaking Point’ – Denmark Running Out Of Space For Refugees
Denmark’s capacity to admit migrants is near breaking point. With 12,000 refugees searching for a place to live, nearly a third of the nation’s struggling municipalities say that they have little to offer newcomers…’
Buy popcorn, then sit back and watch their idiot policies collapse under their own absurdities.
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You will be interested in this-Dane speaking to the Swedes-close the border-
as one US citizen of Danish decent- I wonder about the Vikings -of today–
It’s very sad, Carol.
I wonder whether the other Scandanavian “free” societies take heed? No, they won’t.
They have to make room for them or they are RACISTS! I love it when the Left eats it’s own, it’s so satisfying.
More cultural enrichment:
And the Australian Labor Party leader says the Australian intake of these people should be doubled.
And still more:
Another nail in the coffin of what Australia once was.
Yep, absolutely.
Thanks to politicians from both sides of the aisle. And the media.
Treacherous bastards.
One of the most popular mini-series on the History Channel is “VIKINGS” – In those days the Norsemen kicked ass and took names….Oh, how the mighty have fallen!
I wish I could’ve brought the Swedish stripper* I was yarning to in Townsville back down to my little town- to educate the Aussie girls in whats coming re:muslims, of course.
Not everyday I talk to anybody who understands the problem that’s coming[/is already here]. Or talk to someone who enthusiastically agrees with my world perspective.
” Denmark’s municipalities have already been told they will be housing at least another 12,000 next year.” Almost makes me feel the anarcho-tyrannical tax rip-off enabling bastardry I fled wasn’t that bad.
*Yes- I bought her a drink, No- I didn’t give her a days wages. Just conversation she was relieved or happy to have.