
‘Breaking Point’ – Denmark Running Out Of Space For Refugees
Denmark’s capacity to admit migrants is near breaking point. With 12,000 refugees searching for a place to live, nearly a third of the nation’s struggling municipalities say that they have little to offer newcomers…’
Buy popcorn, then sit back and watch their idiot policies collapse under their own absurdities.

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11 Responses to Excellent!

  1. C-CS says:

    You will be interested in this-Dane speaking to the Swedes-close the border-

    as one US citizen of Danish decent- I wonder about the Vikings -of today–

  2. Cadwallader says:

    I wonder whether the other Scandanavian “free” societies take heed? No, they won’t.

  3. dav343 says:

    They have to make room for them or they are RACISTS! I love it when the Left eats it’s own, it’s so satisfying.

  4. Ronbo says:

    One of the most popular mini-series on the History Channel is “VIKINGS” – In those days the Norsemen kicked ass and took names….Oh, how the mighty have fallen!

  5. dondiego says:

    I wish I could’ve brought the Swedish stripper* I was yarning to in Townsville back down to my little town- to educate the Aussie girls in whats coming re:muslims, of coursehttp://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wink.gif.

    Not everyday I talk to anybody who understands the problem that’s coming[/is already here]. Or talk to someone who enthusiastically agrees with my world perspective.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_whistle3.gif

    ” Denmark’s municipalities have already been told they will be housing at least another 12,000 next year.” Almost makes me feel the anarcho-tyrannical tax rip-off enabling bastardry I fled wasn’t that bad.

    *Yes- I bought her a drink, No- I didn’t give her a days wages. Just conversation she was relieved or happy to have.