‘How mannequins are destroying women
From the the depths of an eating disorder, even the most harmless image, comment or interaction could trigger waves of self loathing and insecurity, writes Emma Gleason…’
Any woman who is “destroyed” by the mere sight of a shop dummy would be a precious, stupid, immature little flower indeed, so if widdle Emma is correct and there are such idiotic women perhaps it’s just Darwin in action. For which we should be grateful.
And isn’t it odd how the sight of improbably handsome, muscular action heroes in movies and advertising doesn’t prompt a similar hysterical self-destructive impulse in men?
Next thing she’ll be telling us, is that we should all be wearing baggy clothes. Then people will be wondering why they’re always pulling up their pants.
KG, You are obviously thinking of men. What about metrosexuals like Pajama Boy? Although, They would probably direct their loathing toward the hero.
It is vaguely possible she is right about those women with eating disorders, but this is hardly relevant. If we had to cater for the delusional thought of everyone with a mental health disorder, we would have to dig up all our tiled surfaces and lay concrete for the obsessive compulsives, enclose the streets for the agoraphobics and remove all children from sight so pedophiles can walk safely.
I don’t want to think what we’d have to do to make the paranoid schizophrenics happy…
Ditto on the last point. What a whiner, an embarrassment to real women.
Who cares? Mannequins are often ‘armless or can be disarmed without a struggle.