‘Serial NZTA speedsters not a matter for police, agency boss says
…NZTA chief executive Geoff Dangerfield; “”None of these things in the data have resulted in any infringement notices at all. It’s not the right thing for us to hand this over to police. We didn’t do this [put GPS in vehicles] from a sanctions point of view but from a health and safety point of view…”
But farmers have been fined thousands of dollars for not wearing safety helmets while riding quad bikes at work, endangering nobody but themselves.
So for the productive, “health and safety” breaches result in monstrous, disproportionate fines, but for the fucking leeches in a government agency, it’s a “get off free” card!
Selective law enforcement is no law at all, but tyranny.
I was stopped by a Asian cop a couple of years ago, for being slightly over the speed limit, according to him. He was rude, arrogant and power hungry and because I dared argue, he almost arrested me. So nasty. Oh, the power of the badge and uniform…