‘Six arrests after far-Right ‘white man march’ clashes with anti-fascist demonstrators in Liverpool city centre ‘
Of course, anything and anybody not commie scum is routinely described as “far right” by the effing media. The fascists here are the demonstrators shutting down free speech.
Leftists/”progressives”/socialists are not welcome here. Pay for your own soapbox.
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‘I believe that politicians, lawyers, busy-bodies and do-gooders are like salamis- greatly improved by hanging for a time.’ Oswald Bastable
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No two guesses as to which group is so utterly morally superior as to require the masking of their identities.
Perhaps the irony of dressing almost entirely in black is lost on some of those assholes.
The left has made it abundantly clear that they intend to make peaceful protest impossible. That makes violent protest inevitable.
I’m thinking blanket parties, and not the tame ones given out in basic training but the “see you again when you get out of hospital”ones, traditionally delivered to HIV infectees who insisted on knowingly spreading the disease.
I don’t think violent protest is merely inevitable; I believe it will be absolutely essential IF there is any hope of returning sanity back to the world.
I am fully convinced we, on the right, are being bullshitted into believing the leftist loons far outnumber us and that resistance to their collective is futile. And I believe it is for that reason alone, many on the right figure goose stepping in to the collectivist’s fold will secure them some meager, albeit short lived existence.
So yes, there is no doubt that blanket parties (with weighted clubs… etc) are clearly called for as a totally necessary continuum of force multiplier. I would rather fear arrest for something I’ve done than fear arrest for something I thought.
“I would rather fear arrest for something I’ve done than fear arrest for something I thought.”
Excellent stuff.
I think vast mobs of British “Anti-Fascists” dressed head to toe in black with masks hiding their faces, sport brass knuckles on their fists and wear jack boots on their feet while attacking peaceful protestors should, indeed, drop the “Anti” part of their organizational name and proudly announce to the world what they really are, “Nazi Storm Troopers” – and make their old Godfather Adolf happy for a moment in hell.
“Violent anti-fascists”? British Journalists don’t seem to be able to recognize Irony when they see it. I think it must be Alanis Morrisette’s fault…
Everyone is a socialist, either National Socialist (Nazi) or international socialist (commie). The Nats want to spread their word, they don’t hide behind anonymity, they are open about what they desire. Commies daren’t let on what their goals are, they need to hide their identities. When the revolution comes it is they, the commies, who will be on the wrong side. It’s in the air, I can smell insurrection. There will be Nationalist uprisings across the Anglophone world within twenty years.