Open house

NZ Herald headline, this morning: ‘Baby blues a big problem in NZ
One in eight Kiwi mums are depressed during their pregnancy, new research has found.’
Headline news?  This is satire, right?

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37 Responses to Open house

  1. andy5759 says:

    One of my old mates from years ago used to get his missus up the duff and promptly get hisself sent down again. On the other hand you could say that he got parole then got his missus ‘electing again then got collared, again. He taught me a lot about burglary. Should I ever consider a change of career. Certain cultures, people I mean, not penicillin, certain people like to put their dough into gold. Do they keep the gold at home? Do they trust banks? Do they have some kind of “community” repository, like a Church hall sort of thing? Just asking, like. Every little thing which helps, when help is required.

  2. Wombat says:

    One in eight is a fantastic number.

    Great news. In fact, it probably compares favorably with the non-pregnant demographic.

  3. Wombat says:

    I’m quite surprised that neither the author of the article nor the experts quoted seem to have a grasp on psychology of what’s being perpetrated here.

    People are not afraid of clowns because of Stephen King or the Batman films. Those films merely capitalised on a more common fear. The fear of the man who cannot be expected to act predictably.

    People fear clowns because they know the clown feels he possesses a license to break social norms in the name of pursuing his persona.

    The court jester was once a character who was able to break the codes of conduct of a very regimented and strict society and it was his duty to use that rare freedom of expression responsibly. Now that our society permits all but the basest of moral depravity the jester is a character that is understandably to be feared.

    Oddly enough I came to this story by way of a news ticket at the bottom of a screenshot at

    • Darin says:

      The evil clown phenomenon is already old news,it’s been going on worldwide for several years already and while the odd man acting outside the norm can cause havoc I maintain the ones who blend in,keep quiet and hide in plain sight cause more damage. The Paul Kersey’s of the world.

    • KG says:

      Francis Porretto over at Liberty’s Torch has a lot to say on the subject,Grog. Well worth taking a look at it.

  4. KG says:

    I’m a bit spaced and groggy right now after a general anaesthetic, (and two glasses of wine) so tonight and the next day or to I’ll probably be making even less sense than usual.

  5. KG says:

    Check the spin from AP – dutifully regurgitated by the NZ Herald:

  6. KG says:

    ‘…THIS is not the Global Financial Crisis Mark Two. But that’s actually small comfort, it could be worse.
    This has not been triggered by ‘an event’ – like the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, which sparked the GFC by threatening to bring down a whole series of other financial institutions.
    But by the fear that the great engine of global growth over the past decade, China, might be sputtering to a stop.
    This in turns collides with the disturbing reality that governments and central banks around the world have used up all their ammunition from fighting the GFC…
    This is not going to go away anytime soon. It could well get seriously worse.’
    Terry McCrann, veteran Australian finance commenter. One with a good record of predictions. (bold mine)

    • Darin says:

      Stock market dropped 1,000 points upon opening this AM.Enough to pause trading,when they restarted it dropped another 800,but rebounded to -300.

      This tells me a lot of cash was just dumped in to keep it propped up.

    • Yokel says:

      Add in that there is good cause not to trust any of the official figures coming out of China, for reasons of “face”. Think “tractor stats”.

      • Darin says:

        Yup,the Chinese have built the mother of all bubbles and sooner or lather it will pop,although some would argue it already has partially since Chinese nationals have been dumping money overseas buying every house and patch of land they can find.

    • Darin says:

      Door? What door?

      • Yokel says:

        We sold it last year to buy a bottle of fine wine to celebrate with when the Minister told us everything had been sorted. Security doors were selling for good prices last year.

        • Darin says:

          We have a high tech invisible door on our southern border,all sorts of watch towers,drones,random patrols,busses picking up the people that walk in to take them further into the house so they have a place to stay and apply for benefits…….oh,wait,there is isn’t a door is there?Who stole our door dammit?Was it the Mexicans?Smiley

  7. KG says:

    ‘Silicon Valley Is Headed for Disaster, and No One Can Save It
    …America will always plant crops and need chemicals to service those crops. And it will always need payment, delivery and data services. But will it always need Facebook and Twitter? Cisco runs a large proportion of the Internet; Facebook hosts your grandma’s pictures. You do the math….’

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The unanswered (perhaps rhetorical) question is: is that necessarily a bad thing?

    • Darin says:

      Ferrofluid is some nifty stuff with many different applications,was originally developed by GM for use in variable resistance shock absorbers IIRC.

      I’m still collecting parts for a Nixie Tube clock

  8. Wombat says:

    A racial grievance monger has gone off the deep end and given the Democrats a new stage for gun control.

    Point of view.

    News feed. Camera falls to show shooter at 13 seconds in.

    The man is thus far being described as a disgruntled former employee. You don’t have to dig far to find out that this guy was convinced that everyone around him was a racist. Thankyou identity politics. This one goes at the feet of the “community organisers” who organise nothing but hatred. They, however, will almost certainly laud the sick bastard as some sort of hero, fighting injustice. Whether copycat attacks will follow is something only time will tell.

    • Wombat says:

      My apologies. It’s more complicated than simple racism. Apparently all the whites hated him because he was black, and all the blacks hated him because he was gay.

      No wonder Obama is so paranoid.

      • Darin says:

        What got me was how long he stood there with the gun out,right in front of them before he shot,and they didn’t realise it until the shooting started.

        • Wombat says:

          There’s been a bit of talk about that. I suppose the interviewer and the interviewee have both trained themselves to ignore whatever is going on around them.

          Most open air interviews would be conducted with one or more gawkers wanting to know what’s going on or trying to get in the shot.

          Nobody who’s eyes dart left or right during an interview is going to get far in news or politics.

          • Darin says:

            True that,I guess they would have to be pretty well focused and able to block out everything else around them.