‘The Pope blesses the dying of Christian Europe’


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19 Responses to ‘The Pope blesses the dying of Christian Europe’

  1. Brown says:

    One could argue the Roman Catholic Church knows little about real Christianity although there will be many fine Christians within the ranks.

    I respect Andrew White, the Anglican Bishop in Baghdad. He is not going to abandon the faithful. How old fashioned. If only there were more like him.

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    This is the inevitable outcome when the Catholics choose a Liberation Theology Marxist for Pope. It really is that simple.

    Much like the Church of England choosing a Progressive Liberal Marxist to be Archbishop of Canterbury.

    • Wombat says:

      That’s assuming they chose him and he wasn’t chosen by other folks with leverage in the right places.

      • Ronbo says:

        The Church – both Catholic and Protestant – is doing what it always does in the face of barbarians – APPEASEMENT.

        Please do recall that the RCC signed a treaty with Hitler in 1935…If go further back in history, you will find that the RCC chose appeasement with the barbarians in the invasions of the 5th century A.D. and further still to the early days of the RCC, you will likewise find appeasement to the Roman emperors at the height of their power.

        There is a very good reason the RCC has survived over 2,000 years.

  3. Wombat says:

    I know what in my heart these is a part of me that hopes I’m overreacting. That these immigrants are actually not all that bad.

    I read this eyewitness report and got back to cleaning my guns.


    “…This great mass of people — sorry that I write this, but it’s an absolute horde. Vulgar words, thrown bottles, loud cries of “We want Germany” — is Germany at present some kind of paradise? I saw how they surrounded the car of an older Italian lady, pulled her out by her hair and wanted to drive off in that car. The coach I was on in a group, they attempted to overturn. Excrement was thrown at us, they banged on the doors, so that the driver would open them, they spat at the window… I ask, for what purpose? How can this wild horde assimilate in Germany? For a moment, I thought I was in a war…”

    • Wombat says:

      Goddamn spellchecker. You’d think I had fracking dyslexia. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

      I can type for hours in wordpad without a frigging error.

  4. KG says:

    ‘Watch African migrants destroy southern Italy’

    • Ronbo says:

      5th century A.D. Roman Italy REDUX!

      I do believe it was the Vandal barbarians from Africa who raped, looted and murdered decent Roman citizens in Italy…In fact, the Vandals did so much destruction that the word “vandal” came into usage as any person who does senseless destruction.

      …and what the barbarians from the south didn’t do to the wealthy high civilization of Roman Italy was done by the barbarians from the north….

      In 476 A.D. the last Roman emperor was overthrown and Italy along with the rest of Europe entered several hundred years of Dark Ages.

  5. Kathleen says:

    God told Christians to help, be light upon Earth. I believe in being kind and encouraging to others. The Bible also says to test the spirits because not every spirit is from God. Proverbs talks about fools and wisdom. I don’t think God wants Christians to be stupid. He would want us to be discerning.

    • Kathleen says:

      P.S. I do see it as getting one throat though.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Kathleen, I confess I’m unsure of the point of your comment. Are you saying you agree with the Pope that the invaders should be welcomed? Or are you suggesting there should be some vetting process, to weed out those sympathetic to ISIS and its interpretation of the iSlamic creed?

      BTW, He also instructed us to be the salt.

      • Kathleen says:

        I don’t agree with the pope. It seems to me he is messing with lives. Some of these refugees aren’t kosher, on the up and up. Before any help should be ordered there should be background checks. Send the evil ones to jail or back where they come from.

        The fact no other Muslim country is showing brotherly love to these so called “poor refugees” (said with lots of sarcasm). Makes a statement that it isn’t just about money but something sinister. The leaders of these Muslim country knows more than what they are telling.

        As a Christian I-my heart should be with the so call refugees but it is not. My heart is with the European people. I can’t but think their being manipulated. I find myself praying more for the European people and asking God to expose the evil before it too late, :(.

        I am sorry I didn’t make myself clear with my first comment

  6. Brown says:

    I have aquaintances working in the Middle east and they report that the Muslims are being challenged by the violence. In the camps many respect the Christian refugees (the people of the book) because they alone are kind. Islam is being called into question.

    That is encouraging but doesn’t make me want to bring them here. There, that satisfies the theology and common sense.

    • Ronbo says:

      Muslims in the West falling away from Allah is one of the biggest unreported stories of the 21st century – and this without any encouragement from the various governments, Christianity, and few private individuals.

      I say this tiny stream could be a flood if there were a properly funded and manned effort to get Muslims away from there “faith” where so many – especially women – are prisoners even in the West.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_scratch.gif

      • Col. Bunny says:

        I think killing of apostates and critics (blasphemers) is the only reason Islam persists. Like a toe fungus. To some extent it also has male dominance as a sacrament. That has to be popular with the insecure Muslim male population.

        Overall, what in the world is kind or decent or rational about it. Savagery forever locked in amber.

  7. Michael in Nelson says:

    I left the Catholic years ago, this would make me leave it now if still in.