Glenn Beck shows his true colors:

Tea Partiers Who Support Donald Trump Are Racist… Opposed Obama for ‘Being Black’

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18 Responses to Glenn Beck shows his true colors:

  1. Contempt says:

    “Tea Partier” here. Balance the budget. Close the borders. That’s it.

    • Wombat says:

      “Balance the budget”

      US Economy collapses.

      You might as well tell a man to take card 32, 45, 75 and 93 out of his house of cards.

  2. Contempt says:

    “Tea Partier” here. Balance the budget. Close the borders. That’s it. Could not vote for a God Damn America/Jeremiah Wright candidate, nor for John McCain. Both of them give me the creeps.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    I honestly believe Beck is having some kind of mental breakdown. The crazy announcement about his feud with the Palins, his “maybe I should leave public life” cry-baby thing the other day, and now this?

    I think the man needs a nice cup of tea and a lie down!

    • Ronbo says:

      Ditto, TGG – I sometimes listen to Beck on the radio via the Internet in the morning, but of late he’s gotten very strange – I think the man is in the process of dying!

      I hate to say that, but he has battled various diseases for years – and once was a pretty bad alcoholic – so I think he’s breaking down physically and this has effected his mental condition.

      Glenn Beck is always the Cassandra – the prophet of doom – and I think – he thinks – these are the end times for our country and the world – so he’s lashing out at people around him and those in the news like Palin and Trump.

      This is sad, as the man is a stalwart patriot who loves God and Country, however, the upside is that he has people in place that will continue his small Media empire.

  4. Pascal says:

    I look at this from another angle. I have forgotten how many times have I had cause to remember that he started out a rodeo clown. Then his job was to keep the bull from attacking the fallen talent while entertaining the public.

    I think he’s still doing it. This latest outburst plays well for whom?

    Well look at this verbiage. It carries a double-whammy.
    He feeds the Left at the same time he derides the Donald supporters for being what the Left (and GOPe too if you recall the MS senate primary) always claimed they were. Racist? Is that the best he can do? See what I mean? It’s at the extreme and it’s clownish.

    Now who else does it aid? Trump of course. The more media heads that throw nothing but juvenile name calling charges at him and his supporters the more his supporters defend Trump.

    What has Trump done more than anyone? Said things that even Bill Maher never permitted on his old show Politically Incorrect. The Establishment KNOWS they are guilty of everything Trump says. Far better for them to have it come from a voice who has made a joke about his own lack of sincerity. He uses whatever a lot. For me, I suspect like a large number of his defenders, Trump is a welcome respite from double-think and apologies for alleged double-plus ungood misspeaking.

    So why would a rodeo clown have to come out now to charge Trump’s followers with what the Left and GOPe have long called TEA partiers? Because for a lot of us the show is getting old and people are asking him for more details.

    And what are we being distracted from actually doing? I think it’s to keep us defending Trump rather than finally actually vetting not only Trump, but other actually possible good conservative candidates. Beck’s job is to keep us from actually choosing the right candidate who might really cause some harm to the “talent” — the established order of Dems and GOPe and their moneyed and foreign backers.

    Sorry guys. There were several other connected thoughts that I was planning to insert into the above, but I’m not well and it’s just not working well for me today (more so than other days?) But I wanted this perspective thrown out to you. Remember that Beck is a creation of the SSM I’ve long been attacking and I know SSM takes its job seriously.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Interesting perspective, Pascal, and you may well be right. I question your point that “… it’s to keep us defending Trump rather than finally actually vetting … Trump …”

      I don’t think vetting Trump is the point. I’ve not read anybody anywhere who considers Trump any kind of Conservative; in fact most know he’s far from it. It all goes back to GFY. People know he’s not a Conservative, but they also for damned sure know the GOPe have been raping the base since forever and they want someone who will tell the GOPe to GFY. The actual policies, and the character of the messenger, are less important than that.

      You may be on to something with the rest of that sentence, though: “… other actually possible good conservative candidates …” IMHO that becomes relevant when you get past Carson and Cruz, to the lesser lights. Carson has no political pedigree, which for this cycle is a massive bonus in his favour. On top of that, his rise to political prominence came when he told President Obama, in a nationally-televised public setting, to GFY (in a very polite, Christian, Carson kind of way of course). Very few members of either house, in either party, have ever been so bold. Unless he’s a silent partner in Kermit Gosnell’s or Planned Parenthood’s slaughterhouses, Carson is in the “doesn’t need vetting” camp. Cruz, again, regularly tells the GOPe to GFY and in this cycle, that’s what matters. He was wrong to vote in favour of TPA, and wrong to vote in favour of the Corker/Cardin bill that destroyed the Treaty provision, but apart from that he’s pretty rock-solid with a history of doing what the base wants – telling the Washington Cartel to GFY.

      • Pascal says:

        I’m feeling better today, but not about the state of my dearly lamented republic.

        I agree more with your version than mine of yesterday, but I’m also more pessimistic about the late stages of our republic.

        She looks dead and beyond any chances of resurrection.

        I’ve long looked at GWBush and Zero combined as our version of Rome’s Marius in destroying republican rules. Marius made the Latins Roman citizens (ironic isn’t it?) and they became the backbone of his unprecedented 7 consecutive reigns as consul. It took his nemesis Sulla to route the Marians in a very bloody civil war.

        Sulla won and then tried to force restoration of republican rule by proscription and edicts and then retired from the scene. But the CULTURE had changed and it was too late. They were already on the downward spiral leading to the rule by emperors.

        That’s another reason why I worry over The Donald craze. It suggests Americans are already into our post-Sullan era, preferring a dictator to a president because that seems what you need when the law has become selectively enforced. The problem is you don’t know which way the new boss’s selectively will go. Hope and Change? Again? Oh dear Lord.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          All societies eventually die, Pascal. It’s what has led us to this point – previous societies have died out, and here we are. Is the Republic salvageable? Not likely and in its current state, I would argue it shouldn’t be.

          My view is that in 2008 (and, to a lesser extent, 2012) Americans – at least, the stupid ones – looked to Barry Soetero as some kind of saviour, who would father them and give them free stuff and take care of them. Of course, he demagogued his way to two electoral victories and has fundamentally transformed (i.e. “set on fire”) not just the remnants of the USA but large tracts of the world.

          Is The Donald a demagogue in Barry-esque style? Well, you don’t get to do what he’s done without having an ego the size of Texas! But, and I really mean this, I don’t think the Trump phenomenon is about Trump. He’s just the vehicle; the perfect loudmouth saying exactly the right things at exactly the right time for an electorate in GFY mode.

          Personally, I believe the collapse is inevitable. The debt will do it if the leeches and locusts and cockroaches don’t. The questions are (a) how to survive it, and (b) what comes next? Is it an inevitable jolt back to tyranny, or something even more driven by liberty than the experiment of the Founders?

    • Wombat says:

      “I think it’s to keep us defending Trump rather than finally actually vetting not only Trump, but other actually possible good conservative candidates.”

      Since when has any degree of vetting managed to weed out the slimy god-damned snakes you’ve been getting this last century?

      From that fat fuck William “Sixteenth Amendment” Taft to Mitt “no ARs in Mass” Romney, it’s been traitor to the oath after traitor to the oath for over 100 years!

      A vote for Trump is a vote to pull the whole fucking DC mess down, and amen to that.

      • Darin says:

        “A vote for Trump is a vote to pull the whole fucking DC mess down, and amen to that.”

        As Whittle pointed out,he can’t be any worse than what we have now and would by default be better than a Sanders or Clinton or Biden.

        Sometimes a house becomes so rotten and broken down the best way to fix it is with a match and Trump is a water proof strike anywhere.

        • Wombat says:

          It’s ironic that his election slogan is “Make America great again”.

          He ought to cut that down to “Make America again.”

          There is no fixing the mess over there at the moment.

          • Pascal says:

            An autocrat by his actions and attitude, there’s no way The Donald would make America again. There is a slight chance he might try to pull off a Lucius Cornelius Sulla act and force reforms via edicts and then retire from the scene after the proscriptions have bled out (heh), but I doubt it would restore our republic. American nationalism was never centered on her being the big dog on the globe, but on her setting the model for limited and decentralized government. If all you want is America “Great” again — forgive me if I misread what you’re after — you may get it, but it will be more like post-Sulla Rome than the American Republic.

            • Col. Bunny says:

              A strong, decisive leader is not necessarily authoritarian, esp. in the political realm. Even military leaders know that leadership’s more often than not persuasion and showing respect to subordinates.

              Too, it’s only common sense to realize that any nation, esp. the U.S., is a complex machine and that you will have a less stressful life if you allow others to make their own decisions, a la Constitution 1.0. Jimmy Carter tried to read every comma in every document and was ineffectual, though there might have been other reasons for that as well.

              In fact, it’s a very stupid or insecure man who tries to lord it over others and control everything. Autocratic comes back to bite you eventually.

      • Pascal says:

        I understand your urge Wombat. You want revenge on those who destroyed the republic. But she won’t rest in peace.

        • Wombat says:

          Her course is all but charted, good sir. That also of our Western democracies in Europe and beyond.

          Victims of our own success, we have cultured ineptitude and laziness.

          The reset approaches.

          • Col. Bunny says:

            We didn’t boost our immune system to sedition and treason. “We” even allowed Muslims in who, by definition, are hostile to our fundamental principles, of which rule of infidel law, free speech and freedom of conscience are three. Shariah demands there be none of this.

            On top of which, we mewl about offending people and “all people are lovely,” and tie ourselves up in bogus due process knots, as though due process involves $250,000 in legal fees and 5 years litigation per scum bag who shows his hatred for this country (U.S.). Want to know what due process should involve? Q. Abdul, do you agree that shariah MUST necessarily supplant the Constitution? Or, Q. Jorge, did you enter this country legally?

            Elapsed time = two minutes.