Time to start killing these bastards:

‘ On the representation of a “pandemic” level of harassment against women and girls, and on the ostensible grounds that “respect for the security of girls and women” trumps freedom of speech, the UN wants access to the Internet to be licensed and policed…
…Catastrophe has breasted the horizon and is rushing toward us at high speed. What are we willing to do to head it off?..’
Francis Porretto
How many U.N. treaties, agreements, understandings and protocols has YOUR government made you subject to, often in secret and always without a vote?

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8 Responses to Time to start killing these bastards:

  1. mara says:

    One day our grandchildren will have to go underground to wonder why we so willingly gave up our culture to barbarians who so easily over took us.

    • KG says:

      I think perhaps they’ll simply accept the way things are, Mara, since they’ll have never known anything better.

  2. mara says:

    KG, this will not happen in my family but, by in large, I think you are correct.

    • KG says:

      Then families like yours will be the only ones to keep the idea of liberty alive, Mara. But I doubt there are many like it. :(

  3. mara says:

    I should have changed the preposition, Gulp, look the other way while I self immolate. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_whistle3.gif

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: My grammar is no great shakes, so who’s to worry? You can have editing rights to your comments if you wish.

  4. Ronbo says:

    The fact of the matter is that the United Nations has no authority to do anything and represents nothing more than an international crime cartel – MAFIA would be an good description of the U.N.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_negative.gif

  5. Ronbo says:

    mara said,

    “One day our grandchildren will have to go underground to wonder why we so willingly gave up our culture to barbarians who so easily over took us.”

    Like the man said, “The game ain’t over until it’s over!”