Open house

Obama says something sensible   8O

Pascal says something more important: Fighting the Growth of Theocracy in America

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41 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    Ted Cruz:
    “Today, the President of China, President Xi is in town. Media all across the world are reporting on this historic meeting between the world’s most powerful communist… and the president of China.”

  2. Pascal says:

    OMG, Finally, a major political figure had the gonads to speak the truth about what’s bad about PC, especially on college campuses?

    I bet he’d make a great president!

    Oh, wait.

  3. KG says:

    German nurse faces eviction from council block where she brought up her children to make way for asylum seekers

  4. Victor says:

    I have been saying the same thing for a while now… don’t give them a reason to come and they wont come…

    “It is also amusing that those against immigration growl about Hispanics’ being on welfare. This, like the whole problem of immigration, is self-inflicted. If you don’t want people to go on welfare, don’t offer them welfare. How hard is this? We would all freeload if we could. If the government offered you a grand a month, legally, for free, would you take it? I would. It seems a bit wrong-headed to offer Hispanics free stuff and then growl when they accept.”

    • KG says:

      Quite so, Victor.
      The truth of it is that any pronouncements from politicians in power about the invasion have to be taken with a grain of salt, since they have the power to stop it. The fact that the invasion continues is evidence in itself that it suits their agenda, and their words mean nothing.
      Look at what a man does, not what he says, if you would know his character. Words are cheap.

  5. The Gantt Guy says:

    “Anybody who comes to speak to you and you disagree with, you should have an argument with them. But you shouldn’t silence them by saying, you can’t come because I’m too sensitive to hear what you have to say.”

    No, you steal the Presidency, then sic the IRS and DoJ onto them instead! Liberalism is, indeed, a mental disorder.

  6. Oswald Bastable says:

    Someone must have put the wrong script into the Teleprompter.

  7. Ronbo says:

    Dear Crusaders:

    Clearly, none of you speak Obamaese – When the top commie in America says that Leftists on the college should allow different points of view besides socialism to be heard – In fact, Obama is saying, “DON’T ALLOW DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW TO BE HEARD.”

    Obama is a LIAR – big time.

    • K2 says:

      The SJWs in college who are responsible have been empowered by his administration’s abuse of title IX. He could stop it without even an executive order. Now that his administration is coming to an end, he’s doing what all commies do to avoid retribution: lie lie lie and lie some more. The problem is that when you are the ultimate leader, you can’t use the excuse “I was just following orders”.

  8. Pascal says:

    At the conclusion of this story
    Soopermexican writes “… it’s this kind of gaffe that makes our side look like idiots.”

    I hate it when bloggers fail in line with the SSM view of conservatives and the Republican Party.

    JEB, as are all Bushes, is a Prog embedded deeply in the Republican Party much as a family of ticks. How to say it quickly? How about:

    RINOs are parasites in our hide
    They have NEVER BEEN on our side.

    Try that out on everyone you meet. Reprogram our neighbours of the misinformation put into their brains by the SSM.

  9. andy5759 says:

    [deleted at author’s request]

    • andy5759 says:

      Can somebody in charge in this house delete my previous post please? Thank the Lord that I have plenty of beer in which to drown my sorrows. Villa lost too. The only thing to make my day now would be the news that PotUS suffered a massive coronary whilst in the company of his COTUS.

      Sounds like Catter might.

    • Michael in Nelson says:

      Especially when they beat the English at Twikenham (sp?) in the RWC.

      BTW the Welsh coach is a kiwi like the Japan coach. I see a trend here

  10. mara says:

    Who will post the best version of “Song of Joy?”

  11. Gregoryno6 says:

    Malcolm Turnbull knows not the wrath he has aroused.
    Tim Blair: Have you quit the Liberal Party?
    The TV stations used to figure that every angry viewer who wrote a letter represented ten more who fumed but didn’t bother writing. Some of the heat will be gone by the next time we go to the polls. But enough will remain to give MT and his treacherous crew a good scorching, and inevitably burn a few twigs off the trunk.

    • KG says:

      From the comments:

      ‘What is the point of a party where 55 people can overturn the clearly expressed view of the voters?

      For that matter, what is the point of a system that permits this?

      *Looks at Congress*

      Never mind.’

      • Gregoryno6 says:

        The sequel. Brace yourself for schadenfreude overload.
        Liberal ‘strategist’ Mark Textor goes from ‘They don’t matter’ to ‘They do’.
        I’ve posted the story from which the original quotes comes here.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          That’s a huge backflip in anybody’s language! I was wondering if the rage I was seeing on the Social Media would translate to the real world.

          The ALA launch will be a massive event, with Geert Wilders giving the keynote.

          Indeed, the planets are aligning. I still think it’s too late, but it is interesting to see the sheeple awaken and become restive as they’re in the truck on their way to the meat works.

          • KG says:

            “I still think it’s too late, but it is interesting to see the sheeple awaken and become restive as they’re in the truck on their way to the meat works.”
   Sure is.

  12. KG says:

    ‘John Key will this week join a star-studded cast at the United Nations in New York.’

    He’ll be right at home alongside the vermin.

  13. KG says:

    8O ‘More than 500K driver’s licenses issued to undocumented immigrants in California’ 8O

  14. KG says:

    ‘Pope Francis Tells Americans to Avoid a ‘Superficial Quest for Unity’; Praises ‘Traditions’ of Unassimilating Illegal Aliens’

    • Pascal says:

      Excuse me KG. Is it still news that he’s a full-blown Marxist?

      • KG says:

        :mrgreen: Nope, Pascal. But a little repetition won’t do any harm. (I just added a link to that excellent post of yours)

        • Pascal says:

          Thanks. A little reread can’t do any harm. :mrgreen:
          Scientism: to bestow the prestige of the science label on rationales for unpopular or unconstitutional government policies while simultaneously scaring most critics into silence and marginalizing the rest.

  15. KG says:

    The semi-literates at the NZ Herald:
    ‘Daylight saving should bring fine weather and plenty more sunshine for many parts of the country this week, but there are a few showers to content with first.’

  16. Yokel says:

    I know that there is some debate about whether Voltaire actually said “To find out who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize” but it crystallises my thoughts over the latest UK Plod intervention in free speech. And for once (possibly the second time ever!) I agree with the Grauniad:

    Of course the Plod didn’t actually ban the display, they merely said that they had determined that extra policing would be necessary and that the organisers or the gallery would have to pay £36,000 for it (presumably in advance, in used fivers in a sealed brown envelope!).

    Relevant links and quotes:
    It is dangerous to be right in matters on which the established authorities are wrong. – Voltaire
    It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere. – Voltaire
    Man is free at the moment he wishes to be. – Voltaire
    which leads us to:

    All this can only be pointing one direction; our governments are indeed selling us down the river.

  17. KG says:

    “All this can only be pointing one direction; our governments are indeed selling us down the river.”
    Damn right they are, Yokel. No other conclusion is possible, let alone reasonable.
    But the sheeple really would prefer not to know. Voltaire ‘It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere’ was spot-on.

  18. Yokel says:

    Has anyone found any reports of Saturday’s Mohammed Cartoons Demo, yet?

    Is Gates of Vienna down, or am I being blocked?

  19. Michael in Nelson says:

    Interesting how a secure system suddenly began to disintegrate once HBCS and Hildabeast were in office.

    The almost immediate degradation would make one think it was intentional.

  20. Pascal says:

    Obama: Non-Muslims MUST stop equating Islam with terrorism. [emphasis added as substitute for his royal foot-stamping image]

  21. Darin says:

    Gavin McGuinness-” The whole family is stupid and they duped us”