Well, of course not.

obama+gun+control Borrowed from Liberty’s Torch

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6 Responses to Well, of course not.

  1. George Romero says:

    Oh my God!
    I never even thought about that.
    Barak Hussein Obama really is a muzzie lover , if not an actual muzzie!

  2. Ronbo says:

    Obama visiting Seattle today…Ronbo holding his nose….

    America’s stinking Leftist/Muslim traitor – a.k.a. “Barack Hussein Obama” (Also known as Barry Soetoro) – will be visiting Seattle on October 9th only six blocks from Ronbo’s apartment! WHAT AN INSULT!

    I moved from the East Coast to the West Coast to get away from the stench of his black commie crap!….but it would appear the smelly little black turd is coming to Rain City to make money for a very ugly Leftist Senator with a room temperature I.Q. by the name of Patty Murray.(SPIT!)

    Yes, The Magic Negro will be well guarded by his fascist, corrupt, degenerate, alcoholic/drug addicted and trigger happy Secret Service Runic “SS” Praetorian Guard who are well trained and well paid in looking the other way while he commits felony after felony right under their 24/7 surveillance.

    Of course, if you are Joe or Jane Plain Citizen and don’t kiss Obama’s large black ass, you will find not-so-nice members of the Runic “SS” breaking down your door at 3 a.m.

    It is interesting to note that the Runic “SS” ignored countless threats against George Bush while he was president, but have suddenly adopted a “get tough” policy under Obama, and have even interrogated small 13 year old boys in Tacoma for making alleged threats against his Imperial Blackness!

    The citizens of Seattle are advised on October the 9th 2015 to keep their hands in plain sight, do NOT wear a backpack and if His Highness decides to have a beer and act “normal” at Kelly’s Irish Bar with the peons – be sure to smile – and please ignore the sudden open field latrine smell in the room.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Barry’s a moslem is the only explanation that makes sense. In fact, I’ll go further.

    We often discuss the strange relationship between the radical left and islam. Which manifests itself so brightly in the personage of Barry the Bath-house Blow-job Boy (thanks, mawm – I have that one on high rotation). His father was an African moslem. His step-father was an Indonesian moslem. His mother (apart from being the village bicycle) was a radical leftist, and all of his early influences – Frank Davis, Bill Ayers – were radical leftists. It’s a toxic mix that, thanks to the blindness of a large portion of the American Voting Public and the perfidy of the GOPe, has been let loose on the world in a well-prophesied shitstorm of violence and incompetence.

    I think he’s also – like most narcissists – got a massive inferiority complex. The moslem world has its own pecking order, with Arab moslems at the top and everyone else beneath. And I think he’s suffering from a mighty dose of that, with the fact he’s an African/Asian moslem rather than an Arab one. And that’s what gave him the impetus to divide the M.E equally between Sunni moslems (Saudi, A.Q and ISIS) and the Shia moslems (Iran and what used to be called Iraq).

  4. Ronbo says:

    Never forget TGG that Obama didn’t make the Progressive Movement; the Progressive Movement made The Manchurian President – and he’s nothing more than a sock puppet that can be thrown under the bus when the time comes, as apparently is the case with the Hildabeast and her “server scandal.”

    As I’ve often said the only way to get rid of bastards like Obama is to first get rid of The Ruling Class Progressive Elite who train up and defend their low I.Q. sock puppets – and the only way to get rid of the Elites is with fire and the sword.http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_good.gif