Open house

 Now the Europeans are flying the invaders to their preferred new “homes”!
Meanwhile, the NZ Herald does its thing as the relentless propaganda organ of the left.

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23 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    From the link:
    ‘A significant number of the people making dangerous journeys across the Mediterranean Sea are from Eritrea, an authoritarian country in northeast Africa.’ (bold mine)
    By that metric, most of us qualify as potential refugees.

  2. KG says:

    ‘Muslims in the hospital, Muslims on the train, as Europe hands over the keys to the kingdom
    • Clinics and hospitals are unable to handle the massive influx of migrants with their myriad diseases and demands.
    • Many of the migrants have HIV, tuberculosis, syphilis, and exotic diseases not seen in Europe, while many of the women are pregnant with several malnourished children in tow.
    • Many male Muslims refuse treatment by female staff. At the same time, female staff refuse to work among Muslim males patients due to fear for their own safety.
    • When migrants discover they must pay for prescriptions, they have a fit. In one instance, a Muslim stabbed a doctor and two nurses. The doctor required surgery and the nurses needed ICU care. The attacker was not apprehended or punished. It appeared from the doctor’s report that a patient also threw syphilis-infected urine at a nurse’s face.
    • The barbarians are causing such havoc they must now be accompanied by K-9 police units when they come to the hospital and police must guard clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies.
    And if that isn’t shocking enough, the local press is forbidden to report on any of this, forcing citizens to communicate by email as a somewhat clandestine system of information-sharing is necessitated in the face of layer upon layer of madness.

    • Wombat says:

      If I was an operator in a K9 unit I would fully understand if my dog refused to bite a syphilis infected muslim, in which case I would gladly lend him my gun and let him shoot the bastard.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    The second link made me laugh. Until I realised it wasn’t parody.

    About six weeks ago, a group of teenage girls approached her while she waited at a bus stop. “They were saying: ‘Give me your phone, give me your bag’. They kept saying: ‘Give me your effin’ phone’!

    No mention of the whereabouts of the bus stop, but I’d guaran-damned-tee you it wasn’t Remuera or Takapuna. I’d also be willing to bet, if the event even occurred in real life as opposed to somewhere in this obviously-mentally-unwell woman’s fantasy world, that those requesting she divest herself of the evil inventions of the modern world, which the prophet (piss be upon him) demands she eschew, were (a) of a more dusky complexion than me, and (b) sent by the prophet (piss be upon him) to encourage her to live a more pious existence, absent the evils and temptations of the modern world.

    “Quite often I’ll be walking even at the supermarket and they go: ‘Kaboom! Get back to your effin’ country! Eff off out of our way’! If I’m walking up the road, people drive past and yell out: ‘White power’!’ – like they’re supremacist, or something.”

    Again, I would have $10 that this happened inside her head, rather than in an “actual” supermarket in the “real” world. Kind of like Barry the Bath-house Blow-job Boy’s “amalgam” girlfriend in his 3rd auto-biography.

    She is looking forward to moving back to Australia to work as a housekeeper in Muslim homes.

    Well that should be an interesting experience for her. I hope she enjoys being punched in the face by reality. She obviously doesn’t know how The Help is treated in the moslem world. She should perhaps ask one of the Bangladeshis who go to Saudi to work construction. Except of course she can’t because in large numbers they find themselves raped, murdered and buried in the desert.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid bitch.

  4. KG says:


    (Fairfax media also owns the NZ Herald. No wonder it’s a low-grade semi-literate lefty rag)

  5. Robertv says:

    It’s not IF but WHEN things get really ugly.

    Over the next six months, 10,000 refugees with leave to stay in the Netherlands will be moved into permanent housing to free up places in asylum seeker centres.

    But this is not a new problem

    April 1, 2015

    In total, 13,000 asylum seekers who have been given refugee status in the Netherlands are waiting for a new home, according to the government’s refugee agency COA.

    Every local authority area in the country is required to set aside housing for refugees in proportion to their size of their area.

    • KG says:

      Hits it squarely on the head.
      And of course, that’s unfixable by anything less than complete abasement and the dismantling of those things which make for civilization.

  6. KG says:

    Europe Riots:
    Mass Outrage Over Mass Immigration
    ….the Dutch government has now announced that many refugees with a residence permit will be moved into normal homes. This means that these newly arrived immigrants will live in houses originally meant for Dutch citizens. The latter may have been waiting on waiting lists for years, but to no avail; refugees are given priority.
    …As a result of the exponential growth of refugee centers and the housing issues, the normally complacent Dutch citizens have started to riot. And no, I don’t mean that figuratively: they’re literally blocking roads and even attacking government officials…
    …What’s most remarkable about this is that the protesters are normal people, not diehard activists with a long history of anti-immigrant activities. The reason, of course, is that the average Dutchman is fed up. This is no fringe movement; the protesters gave voice to the worries and anger of ordinary Dutch voters. They’ve had enough. They’re no longer willing to sit and be quiet while their neighborhoods, villages and cities are transformed beyond all recognition because of mass immigration.
    …Chances are that the tensions will only increase in the weeks and months ahead. The only question left is: who’ll win in the end? The politically correct government or the angry Dutch voters who believe their government is committing cultural suicide by taking in thousands of Middle Easterners with no love for our culture?..’

  7. KG says:

    ‘The far-right came close to overturning 70 years of Social Democrat rule in Vienna amid fears of a wave of migration.’

  8. Pascal says:

    As if this were news: Hillary:’I’M REALLY NOT EVEN A HUMAN BEING’

    This is only SSM member-in-good-standing, Vanity Fair, seeking to make light of the likability deficiency of its favorite Democrat.

    Not worth clicking, but definitely worth laughing at their desperation (as evidenced by this click bait).

  9. Pascal says:

    Another sign of the rapid decay of the republic:
    Dem Rep Calls for Bipartisan ‘Coalition’ All Out-of-the-Closet RepublicRats to Elect Speaker [headline improvement by Pascal in italics]

  10. Pascal says:


    We all know how the Left laughs at the suggestion of Self-deportation.

    Well Texas has found a way to rid its universities of Lib professors and it wasn’t even planned that way. UT professor quits over ‘campus carry’ law

    Push to get rid of gun-free zones and simultaneously find you have a vermin exodus.

    • Wombat says:

      “Cheap hero” indeed.

      I’d bet dollars to donuts that this pompous windbag was leaving anyway for a number of reasons and simply decided to build a little monument to himself.

      What this fuckwit is doing in Texas is anyone’s guess. Forward sapper for the collectivist push I reckon.

  11. Darin says:

    More proof the GOPe are selling us out lock step with the left-

    “It’s just tragic to me that we’re making the same mistakes that we made in the 1960s and 1970s….

    “As the great criminologist and professor James Q. Wilson said, ‘A high risk of punishment reduces crime. It just does.’”

    Republicans used to understand that.