GOP nightmare:

Above 30 Percent in Polls Trump Storms the American South to Overflow Crowds
Policies and experience no longer matter – Trump articulates the anger and disgust of very many Americans, to the peril of the ruling two-party oligarchy.

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6 Responses to GOP nightmare:

  1. The Gantt Guy says:

    Like I said in an earlier post, this is the ultimate GFY election cycle. Those “in the know” keep expecting Trump to tank. The media sheep all get their marching order to “Promote Marco”, or “Promote Carly” and for a week, their numbers get up around 20%. All the while, Trump stays north of 30%, and Those In The Know scratch their heads.

    GFY explains The Donald, and equally explains Bernie Sanders. I don’t expect either to be the eventual nominee. In my dreams I see Cruz against Crazy Uncle Joe, but I doubt that will happen either. I’m sure the elites will engineer another Bush/Clinton play-fight, and the GOP will once again get to play the part of bridesmaid.

  2. Ronbo says:

    Never say “NEVER!”

    I think the The Donald will be The Man In 2016.

    I think he will be the American Caesar.

    The Republic is dead – now comes the Man On Horseback.