Object to being invaded?

Then you’re a “right-wing radical.”
‘Tens of thousands take to the streets in Germany in right-wing marches against immigration
FEARS right-wing radicalism is on the rise in Germany are growing after around 20,000 took to the streets to campaign against huge numbers of migrants entering the country…’
Only nasty “right wingers” object to being forcibly colonized by primitive, murderous parasites, it seems. Every decent human being is quite ok with it.

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16 Responses to Object to being invaded?

  1. Ronbo says:

    The German Republic is literally being overrun by Islamic barbarians complete with murder, robbery, rape, and arson that rivals the destruction of the Vandals of the 5th century A.D. – and the idiot Left are worried about a few thousand law biding protestors and Climate Change!?!http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_wacko.gif

    Beam me up, Scotty, there is no intelligent life on this planet.

    • KG says:

      It’s a very ominous sign when perfectly decent people who happen to disagree with a government policy – a policy that directly impacts those people in a negative way – can be demonised by the media and marginalised like this.
      Echoes of Nazi Germany….
      Isolate. Persecute. Destroy. We’ve seen it all before.

      • Darin says:

        I don’t know,I think there might be a place where muslims will fit into Germany just fine,the ash bin :twisted:

  2. mawm says:


    This shocker (really?) from the Telegraph …..

    Neo-Nazi sympathisers and other far-Right elements….
    …resurgence of far-Right extremism…
    ….several far-Right sympathisers…
    …..a convicted member of the neo-Nazi group Sturm 18 …..
    ….xenophobic anti-refugee demonstration…..
    …….a series of far-Right demonstrations against refugees…
    …..redefined the word NAZI as “Not Adjustable to Islamisation”….
    …..men with tattoos who described themselves as “former” biker gang members
    etc, etc.

    The same tired old litany from the left. Does anyone still believe them?

    • KG says:

      Yep, the sheeple do, Mawm.

      • Wombat says:

        The perpetual gunfire in Western Sydney is apparently not enough to ring some alarm bells.

        I take heart that most family men are probably not buying into this bullshit, particularly those with daughters.

        They may tolerate the touchy feely PC sewerage their kids and their wife wallow in for the time being, but father and grandfather alike know the truth of the matter.

        When the straw is placed that breaks the camel’s back, dad is going to demonstrate that the family unit is not a democracy and that the words of women and children are of little consequence to men pressed to take action. :evil:

  3. Wombat says:

    Again we must labour the point.

    When in the last decade has anyone been described by any of the mainstream media as “far left”?

    • Ronbo says:

      Fox News has often used the term “Far Left” as in the “Far Left of the Democrat Party” – and Fox News is the mainstream media station in America, as it attracts more viewers than Leftist media stations ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS combined.

      Also, America’s anchorman is Rush Limbaugh on Internet video and over the air on over 600 stations that cover America….Leftist PBS radio is coast to coast coverage too, but only attracts a fraction of the listeners and has no anchorman to challenge El Rushbo.

      Therefore, conservative media is the clear winner in America’s “air war” with the Left, the problem is that The Ruling Class get their marching orders from the New York Times and the rest of the Leftist Media.

      • Wombat says:

        Speaking from an Australian point of view, we almost never hear “far left” in our media.

        Even stalwart conservatives like Bolt fear using the term.

        Honestly, what can you even call “far left” these days? Most of the “far left” benchmarks are either business as usual or well within the sphere of common dialogue.

        • Ronbo says:

          GET A GRIP!

          The enemy of all Western nations is a tiny minority of less than 1% of the population who actually run things, but whose propaganda is designed to make you believe they are the 99%.

          Did you see the Wizard of Oz? 1939 version?

          Do you remember when they pulled back the curtain and all there was, was a sacred little man yelling in the microphone that he was the “GREAT AND POWERFUL WIZARD OF OZ!”

          In America we have at least pulled back the curtain and we patriots know how pathetic, weak and stupid are the “movers and shakers.”

          This brings to mind an old war movie about the Korean conflict (50-53) where some G.I.s watch as a few MPs herd a column of Chinese prisoners down the road to the POW camp and one G.I. turns to another and says,

          “I was afraid of that trash?”

          • Wombat says:

            It’s a lot higher than a fraction of 1%.

            Spend some time in a university down here and then for an encore wait for the bearded muppets on the east coast to kneel for morning prayers.

            Don’t forget the public servants who aren’t keen to lose their cushy jobs. They may not be kicking in your door but they have a thousand other ways to grind you down without firing a shot.

            The 1% have captured the worst of humanity, the followers of the seven deadly sins, and co-opted them. They will not be overturned so easily.

            • KG says:

              “They will not be overturned so easily.”
              In fact it’s now an almost impossible job. It would take a revolution and comfortable people will not take the risk, even if that means they have to continually re-define “comfortable” downwards in order to avoid taking a stand.
              Besides, the vast majority of people don’t see that there’s much of a problem in any case and so long as there are reality shows to watch and celebrities to worship, they’d sooner not find out.

  4. PC says:

    Leftie chicks to the front of the queue when they all start feeling a bit rapey. Then tell us how much you embrace the diversity.

  5. Robertv says:

    What I never understood is why they come by boat. Don’t they know Constantinople has two bridges.

