Open house

‘Los Angeles Muslims block the street to pray’
If Christian “leaders” had balls, they’d organize their flocks to do exactly the same, and dare the police to act. But we all know how likely that is.

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97 Responses to Open house

  1. Pascal says:

    I missed this and I am often only a block from here. That looks like Broadway near 6th. But that would mean that they are facing North-northeast and not toward Mecca, so I don’t see how I can be right. In which case it wouldn’t be for prayer that they were there. Gee, I wonder why then? /s

  2. dondiego says:

    The American Thinker can talk about Waking Up and Speaking Out but at the end of the day it’s like our mate @ Iron Legion said:

    Muzzies and niqqers are WINNING because they use violence and take ACTION.

    I thought MotoGP was exciting last Friday, but it was just as exciting at work- a muzzie got sacked, went silly/aggro with a knife in the locker room, and five cops came and tazed him and took him away.

    Hows that going to work out for the brainwashed white wimmins when there aint a 5 white cops/1 muzzie ratio? (Probably worse than their sisters bitching about traffic inconvenience)

    • Darin says:

      “Hows that going to work out for the brainwashed white wimmins when there aint a 5 white cops/1 muzzie ratio? ”

      It won’t matter,they won’t be able to say much looking out through that slit in their veils.

      • Victor says:

        I wonder what would happen if I was to show up in front of a prayer group like this carrying a giant crucifix… I show up out of nowhere with this giant cross, draped in the flag of St. George as they raise their heads…

        • Wombat says:

          I’d dash to the nearest butcher, buy all the diced bacon they had, run to the roof of the nearest building and give the bastards a pork shower.

  3. KG says:

    Right-wing plot to attack German refugee shelters with guns, explosives and baseball bats in bid to terrorise migrants is foiled by police

    Poor tactics – they should be targeting the enablers of this invasion, not the invaders.

    • Wombat says:

      I picked it up early along with most of the commenters.

      Those are all toys, the centerpiece being a paintball/bb gun.

      The coppers have obviously dusted off their list of harmless cranks in order to round up a bunch, get some photo ops and give the impression that they’ve got a handle on the situation. Now where’s that “wanking” emoticon.

    • Seneca III says:

      Mind you, KG, every little bit helps and I know of at least two museums that have WW II Flail Tanks that could be brought back into service without too much trouble

  4. Pascal says:

    I’ll call this “Reading Between the Lines.”

    How often have you heard a conservative talk show host declare something is a conspiracy?

    Well, I just heard one.

    On Hugh Hewitt of all places. Early in the first hour of his Oct 22, 2015 show.

    What I heard was a report of the Benghazi hearing by Hewitt’s guest whose name I didn’t catch. What he said was approximately this:

    ‘there was clearly a conspiracy between DOS and the WH to deny that Benghazi was a terrorist attack so as not to undermine Obama’s reelection narrative that Al Qaeda was on the run.’

    [Anyone can capture this comment from a podcast it will verify what I heard. I don’t know if there is a free one and I won’t pay that hack to hear his show.]

    Hewitt didn’t call him a conspiracy nut like his colleague Medved likes to do most every day.

    What I think this open talk of a conspiracy does, however, is deflect from the thought of the deeper conspiracy. The one that might come to wider attention but for the notable lack of more probing questions such as
    “What happened to over 1000 of Gaddafi’s ManPADs?” and
    “Where does intelligence say some turned up?” and
    “Why exactly was Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi in the first place?”

    Conspiracy to gain election seems to be accepted as par for the course in America today, at least when the Dems are caught at it. What felonious conduct?

    But conspiracy to commit treason rises to another level entirely. So don’t expect your favorite conservative talkshow host to call that one out.

  5. KG says:

    ‘UN accuses Czech Republic of strip-searching migrants and stripping them of money to pay towards the costs of their detention’
    So effing what? That’s what happens when you invade a country. They are NOT “migrants”, they have no right to be there and therefore no “rights”.
    I’d like to see them shot on sight as they cross the border.
    All we have to do is ask ourselves what rights we’d have if we arrived uninvited and demanding welfare in a muslim country. What obliges us to treat them any better?

  6. Wombat says:

    This kind of behavior from the muzpets is not abnormal in the slightest. Only the scale varies.

    A reliable friend of a reliable friend was in Sydney not so long ago and a dozen or so pulled their little flash-mob prayer bullshit, blocking the single lane way for a quarter hour.

    The taxi drivers being blocked appeared resigned to suffer the indignity. It obviously wasn’t their first rodeo and they knew that interfering would probably cost them their entire day (plus damages) whereas waiting would only cost them fifteen minutes.

    • KG says:

      The primitive assholes are winning, courtesy of Western spinelessness. :evil:
      Why the hell didn’t the taxi drivers just sit on their horns and drown the pricks out?

      • Wombat says:

        Investment vs return.

        On any given day it’s not worth standing up to the bully.

        The truth of the equation only becomes apparent over time.

        • Darin says:

          Why didn’t the taxi drivers protest?Probably because most of them are muslims.The rarest thing in NYC is a white Christian taxi driver.

  7. Wombat says:

    Well looky there.

    Mr Rawles of Survivalblog fame posted my correspondence on Wednesday.
    Reckon that makes me darn near famous.

    More recently however he posted an interesting link.

    Seems Idaho might soon have need of an “Ebola Coordinator”.

    Comforting to know…

  8. Wombat says:

    What a letter. If it’s genuine it paints a vividly different picture from the one the MSM is peddling.

    • KG says:

      Great comments under the article, Wombat.

      • Wombat says:


        A nice change from the usual no.1 comment “Arg teh zionist joos is to blame!” followed by ten thousand comments demanding said troll/idiot back up their claims, even though said idiot/troll is probably never going to check back on his work.

        I note the same thing over at the Bolt blog.

        Some left wing troll/idiot posts an incitement against logic or decency and fifty conservatives suddenly feel the need to waste a half hour of their time and mental energy formulating intelligent and concise retorts.

        It’s certainly an effective exchange of resources for the left. I for one really wish Bolt would put in a simple thumbs up/down system like The Daily Mail has.

        • KG says:

          Or simply ban trolls. Why tolerate the assholes?

          • Wombat says:

            They’d only bang up a new email address and keep coming.

            A thumbs up/down lets the audience display some solidarity. Not necessary here of course, as the viewership is not large or diverse enough to warrant it. We all know where each of us stand on most issues.

            But for Bolt it would do some good. It would squash any suggestion of the curtailing of public debate while still allowing the readers to smite the leftards in their own way.

      • mawm says:

        “Great comments under the article, Wombat.”

        Like this quote….
        “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”– Winston Churchill

    • mawm says:

      In an open swimming pool 10 Muslims raped a 7 year old girl just a few weeks ago, and that is only one story of MANY. I could cry!!

      This is nothing more than gutless Western men prostituting their children to muslim invaders. The only response should be mass extermination; first and foremost the East German Hausfrau, her enablers and then the muzbots. *spit!*

      • Wombat says:

        This is the problem.

        Every man with a daughter doesn’t want to be the first one over the trench, lest nobody follows and his own children are left defenceless while he rots in jail.

        • KG says:

          “The only response should be mass extermination; first and foremost the East German Hausfrau, her enablers and then the muzbots. *spit!*”
          Amen. There is a time for some righteous killing, and that time is right now.

    • KG says:

      That site is utterly absorbing.
      Now, all I need is a mill, 2 lathes, lots of time and patience….

  9. Ronbo says:

    Comments on some of the comments made by my fellow Crusaders in this current discussion:

    SPOT ON what KG said about going FIRST against the ENABLERS of the Muslims:

    Anders Brevik had the right idea for a target – the socialist party of Norway – however, a massacre of socialist children at this point in time was a bit too much – although I suppose his point was that out of nits grows lice.

    “Violence is Golden” says the man, and as a fellow Crusader noted, this gives the Muslims and Left an advantage at this point because they often use violence and threats as a means to force their will on the law biding majority.

    Why does this happen? People like the Crusaders are pretty well represented in all nations of the West World – and yet we just grind our teeth, write brilliant and well reasoned articles/books/videos/speeches, etc., peacefully protest in Washington, D.C. by the tens of thousands (and even clean up our trash afterwards), we stand for elections and are voted in office – over 1,500 Crusaders elected in local, state and federal elections in the USA during 2014 alone!

    However, all our peaceful and lawful actions have not changed a FUCKING THING!

    Our borders are wide open, the barbarian hordes from the third world continue to pour in unchecked, our educational systems are shit, our medical care declines by the day, etc., etc. ,etc. To summarize: THE DECLINE OF THE WEST which happened to the Romans over a period of 300 plus years is happening again in a few generations!

    Therefore, a reasonable law biding white man or woman can only conclude that we must channel our inner Anglo-Saxon warrior that is deep inside us and throw ourselves at our various Ruling Classes with the same fury our ancient ancestors threw themselves at the oppressive Roman Empire!

    Yes, today – for the moment – we Crusaders are at peace. I think the reason is that – unlike the barbarians of Islam and the Left – we have too much to lose at this point by becoming violent. I think we Crusaders remain at peace until the inevitable economic meltdown happens to the welfare states of West World…

    Then all hell breaks lose in the anarchy and Anton Brevik’s massacre of socialist children will look like the good old days….

    • KG says:

      “Then all hell breaks lose in the anarchy and Anton Brevik’s massacre of socialist children will look like the good old days….”

    • Ronbo says:

      The Democommies are already drooling at the mouth thinking about the thousands and thousands their newest voters just south of the border – who, of course, simply have come to the “Del Norte” because of the “worst hurricane ever” that was somehow caused by the Republican Party and George W. Bush.

      Also, the Global Warming Climate Change Communists (GWCCC) are already advocating the end of “dirty” energy to stop hurricanes from happening.

  10. Ronbo says:

    When decent folks meet to discuss the 2nd Amendment and the Open Border they get police from two different departments and a police helicopter:

  11. Mike says:

    Yet another “Waaaaaa, I’m a muslim and I want special treatment, and if I don’t get what I want it’s islamophobia”.

    • Wombat says:

      Sikh (men) are commanded in their scripture to carry a dagger at all times, are they not?

      Of course, the sad truth is they’d never get on that soap-box because most of them are justifiably afraid of being lumped in with mohammed’s morons.

      • Mike says:

        Oh but Sikhs do whine and demand special treatment, just not as much as muslims. Not too long ago there was a group of men denied entry to eden park stadium in Auckland because they were wearing their daggers – of course they ran straight to the media claiming discrimination and demanding special treatment because of their religion.

        Same thing happened when another of them was denied entry to a branch of the Cosmopolitan club, a private organisation which has a blanket ‘no head coverings’ rule. Once again striaght to media bawling about racism etc. and demanding they make an exception for people like him. He didn’t get his way though as far as I can recall.

        • Wombat says:

          They’re not on the same page.

          It only works if you’re part of a “minority” comprising 1.5 billion people who routinely commit thousands of terrorist atrocities per year whereafter you can shrug your shoulders and say “I’m not a terrorist, but if you refuse to submit to my wishes I can’t guarantee a different muslim wont kill you for it.”

          Some Sikhs wrongly think our capitulation to the muslims is a matter of principle, whereas it’s actually done out of fear and political expediency. :evil:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      FIFO, whingeing muzzbot. Fit in, or fuck off.

      That said, I question this agit-prop artist’s version of events. The prop-rag never went to the store in question, only to “head office” which would have had no direct knowledge of the discussion. Dollars to donuts this is Ahmed’s “clock” writ for the New Zealand experience.

      • KG says:

        Yep. You’d think people would be awake to this muzfilth weapon by now, wouldn’t you?

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Most people still believe the tripe they’re fed by the SSM, KG. They have some inkling there’s a slight leftwards tilt, but for the most part they have no idea the scale of the corruption.

          Most people wouldn’t even think that article had a whiff about it. Baaaa.

  12. Pascal says:

    The headlines read “Monster” and “Worst Storm Ever” Hurricane Patricia.

    By reading between the lines I think it’s safe to predict that the clock is now ticking for Mexico to sue the United States for damages from Patricia.

    See, the stage has long been set by the Progs and their climate fraudsters that American prosperity is the cause of greater and greater storms.

    Now the thinking man will be wondering ” could this really be worst storm on record as the SSM is reporting? Because I know they lied all last summer about it being the hottest on record (when there’s been no warming for nearly 2 decades).

    Alas, we know the SSM is not heeding the thinking man, and indeed is seeking to have him prosecuted.

    Anyway, that’s what you can expect from reading today’s headlines and reflecting back on all the CAGW staged preparations that preceded it.

  13. Ronbo says:

    Another Ronbo “I TOLD YOU SO….”

    Right on cue: Mexican voters for the Democommies:

  14. Darin says:

    How to drill a hole…..on Mars-

    Smarter Everyday-

  15. Ronbo says:

    Wombat said:

    “Sikh (men) are commanded in their scripture to carry a dagger at all times, are they not?”

    Maybe we are on to something good here….

    Since most of us come from an ancient Anglo-Saxon/Viking warrior background and belief in the Pagan Gods, I’ve suddenly remembered that my religion requires me to wear a helmet and have a weapon at my side AT ALL TIMES!

    Of course, after many upgrades in weapon science over the years it can be a large caliber pistol, like, for example, a Colt 45 automatic.

  16. Wombat says:

    Heard this song on the supermarket radio and must have misheard the lyrics. Earlier today I spent a half an hour trying to google it, grinding my teeth, to no avail.

    Sat down just now and due to a typo on the search bar I found it first shot. IMHO considering all the pop garbage cluttering the airwaves these days, this is a real gem.

    (Jamie Lawson – Wasn’t Expecting That)

    • Ronbo says:

      OH, PLEASE!

      Methinks ole Freddy has the Leftist wimp minority PC cadets confused with the majority who are too busy in the REAL world to worry about the cloud cuckoo land of the Progressives.

      • Victor says:

        c’mon Ronbo – you gotta laugh at that shit… after all it is the hardworking right that props up the left… remember who keeps the lights on and the wheels turning and oil flowing and the food growing… one side only survives because the other side is letting it… but I could be wrong…

    • Wombat says:

      I often look around the plantations and forests bordering my house and think “this area is WAY overdue for a bush fire.”

      It’s hard to get anywhere, for me and increasingly for the animals.

      Council says no to burnoffs of course.

      The metaphor is quite apt. Whether it be undergrowth or fat, lazy suburbanites, whether the spark that lights the fire comes from the clouds or by the hand of man, the cleansing fire that follows will not be interested in council regulations.

      The strongest trees will survive and the seedbank currently smothered by weeds and rot will have a chance to sprout into new, mighty white gums and ironbark trees.

      • Victor says:

        yup – that’s nature, and nature, created by God, was designed to work a certain way… you just have to laugh… well, I laugh – you see all these fools that preach evolution to me are people that just are not strong enough to survive “evolution” – not without us… but you can change, you can adapt, the week can make themselves strong and the uneducated can read and learn and everyone can, if they wished, be more spiritual, skilled, talented… if they want… the dependent can become independent – if they want… but nature will decide – meaning God will decide – who and what will last… but the week will not survive without the help of the strong… the worthless and the useless will surely not.

        Here is an article worth contemplating –

  17. Wombat says:;_ylt=AwrC1jHukytW3T4AxxvQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByMHZ0NG9yBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwM3BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–#

    Yahoo news. Hardly a bastion of the heartless right wing. Yet read the comments and check the thumbs up/down ratio.

    We are truly being f#@ked by powerful moneymen against all GENUINE public opinion. I can’t but suspect Abbott was turfed not by Turnbull but by shadowy powerbrokers who have never held an Australian passport.

    • mawm says:

      Wombat, this will confirm your suspicions and is as predicted by Christopher Monckton last year…..

      “David King was asked whether all the nations of the world were now, in principle, ready to sign their people’s rights away in such a treaty. Yes, but there are two standouts. One is Canada. But don’t worry about Canada. They’ve got an election in the Spring of 2015 and we and the UN will make sure the present government is removed. He was quite blunt about it.

      The other hold out is Australia. And Australia we can’t do anything about because Tony Abbott is in office until after the December 2015 conference. So that means you all have to guard Tony Abbott’s back. Because the Turnbull faction, in conjunction with the UN, will be doing their absolute level best to remove your elected Prime Minister from office before the end of his term and , in particular, before the end of 2015, so that they can get 100% wall-to-wall Marxist agreement. They do not want any stand-outs. And the most likely stand-out at the moment is Australia. So look after him.”

  18. KG says:

    I’m trying to get hold of the movie “Death Wish” (Charles Bronson) and no NZ online store seems to have it.
    Ideas, anyone? The last time I bought a DVD from overseas it was the wrong region code.

  19. mawm says:

    Bronson =

  20. Wombat says:

    The popular and widely propagated myth about law enforcement is that it’s a well oiled machine that closes in on its prey like a spider moving in on a trapped fly.

    Well these guys have only been on the run for… what… nearly a decade?

    • Ronbo says:

      Excellent find, Wombat!

      I agree, the State, in the West World, is in full retreat.

      In America the recent private arms race that began the day Obama and anarchy took office in 2009 speaks volumes to the insecurity felt by average American, who fear the lawlessness of the federal government and the “Obama Enabled” barbarians like black racists and Muslims.

      The American Ruling Class lives in fear too – It is scared shitless of the”Non-Enabled” patriot majority of Americans – mostly white, well armed and intelligent – who could if they rose in mass tomorrow – send millions of well armed militiamen into all major cities and seize control of their government and protector.

      Would “their” police stop a determined looking ad hoc bunch of militiamen from overthrowing the various local, state and federal Leftist governments? Governments who stand behind the racist-terrorist “Black Lives Matter” organization that has let lose a nation wide campaign of death and terror on policemen? I think they would be more likely to join people who stand for a return to law and order.

      Like I said before the Leftist Ruling Classes are scared shitless of We The People – YOU! – and it should be no surprise to anyone that the ruling lords of West World have you as Enemy Number One in their crosshairs. And this is the reason they always rule in favor of internal traitors and external threats like Iran.

      I think at the end of the day, The Ruling Classes will regret allowing their protectors in the police forces and the military to die by a thousand budget cuts and disrespect; of allowing the Constitution to become a piece of toilet paper on which they wipe their big white butts; on allowing anarchy to spread.

      Because guess what? Patriots who cannot move to a violent mode today because of the power of the State – can and will run wild – when the State become anarchy. When every man or woman is his own government. Then the cowardly wimp ruling lords and ladies of the Left will have deal with tough old alpha males like Ronbo and KG who have nothing but contempt for them and their treason.

      …and, yes, we have their names and addresses…

  21. Ronbo says:

    Boy Wonder Justin “I’m a commie like my old daddy” Trudeau is Canada’s new elective monarch (by a whopping 39% of the vote) and already the Canadian dollar has fallen four cents against the “would be worthless U.S. dollar except for that world reserve currency thing”…So it doesn’t take a genius at math to predict when the worthless Canuck dollar becomes worthless next to the almost worthless Yank dollar.

    Worthless to the second power?

    Nice going, Boy Wonder!

    Hey Canucks! How’s that hope and change working out in the frozen Northland?

    Yeah, I know – “No hope and no change left in the pockets.”

  22. Ronbo says:

    ON this date in 1415, the Battle of Agincourt was fought that ended in victory for the common patriotic Englishman who followed a warrior-king against impossible odds.

  23. Grog says:

    A late entry to the thread, but a worthy one.

    Wonder if anyone in Norway “observes” his passing.

    And it won’t happen soon enough for a host of other sycophants.

  24. Darin says:

    Anyone familiar with the book “The Man in the High Castle”? I haven’t read it,but Amazon has made a series out of it that so far has been excellent.

  25. Wombat says:

    Two from Drudge.

    Poland gathers its marbles.–poland-elections-dd60ef2756.html

    Muslim “celebration” in Copenhagen. At 2:20 watch the vehicle of the mighty authorities flee the scene at warp speed.

  26. KG says:

    ‘Poland takes a decisive turn to the right in its parliamentary elections, voting in an anti migrant, Eurosceptic party. ‘

  27. Wombat says:

    Responsible of the asylum center learned about the rape during the day, and in collaboration with the Swedish Migration Board had decided to move the man from the accommodation to protect him.

    They had also chosen not to contact the police in order to conceal this incident.

    However it was revealed when friends of the girl’s mother contacted the police. Eight hours later.

    But at the asylum center, the police could not get hold of the man, as he had been moved to another place, and employees at the asylum center were reluctant to tell the police of the man’s new location, who he was, or any information at all.

    This shit is beyond ridiculous now. I could literally spend all day posting this stuff because it’s hit a critical mass. It’s now happening faster than you can write or link articles about it! :evil:

    I’ve been posting a lot because I’m on extended leave from work but whereas I previously jumped online once per day and dug up what articles were interesting before logging off, I now have to simply draw a line under it or I would never get any time to sleep, much less be with my family. :evil:

    Tasmania is slated to receive 500 of these assholes and I apologise for the language but there’s no fucking way they will ever have peace here while I draw breath.

    • KG says:

      Every single person who converses civilly with these bastards, who rents them accommodation, sells them food, gives them a job…is guilty of aiding and abetting the muzfilth takeover of our societies and the rape of wives and daughters, the destruction of our culture.
      Every. Damn. Person.
      So the Aussie or the Kiwi or the Brit standing next to you, making excuses such as “they’re not all like that” is as much the enemy as any muslim piece of shit.
      And should be treated accordingly.

  28. KG says:

    The future:
    ‘American Millennials are among the world’s least skilled’

    • Darin says:

      I see that firsthand on a regular basis.Kids graduating high school who can’t show up for work on time or tie their own shoelaces let alone read a ruler.