Open house

‘Breitbart Editor Raheem Kassam Takes Pro-Migrant Activist To The Cleaners Live On Sky News’
‘London Sees Tuberculosis Rates Higher Than Iraq, Rwanda’

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22 Responses to Open house

    • mawm says:

      I don’t know why the Americans have to have these awful debates. Personally I’d like to see them answer questions from the public – straight forward answers recorded for posterity.

      • Michael in Nelson says:

        I have to agree Reporters, ‘journalists’ pundits, etc. don’t seem to have a clue what John Q. Public is really concerned about. Either that or they do know but are more concerned with hit points than doing their job.

  1. Flashman says:

    A foreign cash-cow student at a culturally enriched NZ polytechnic was diagnosed with a TB.

    Boy, did the the publicity about that get closed down toot-sweet.

  2. KG says:

    Utter drivel, by yet another clownish female writer. The money quote:
    “..It’s stunning, isn’t it, how pervasive the concept of so-called “normalcy” is…’

    Yeah, ok, let’s “ditch the labels” and call things for what they are. How about heterosexual and homosexual, for starters?
    And no, homosexual is NOT “normal”. It might be unobjectionable or acceptable but it can never be normal.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’m not so sure about that, KG. I’ve always wondered if I’m actually a lesbian trapped in a man’s body. See, I really really like sleeping with women. The smarter and prettier the better. So really, that’s the only explanation. I can’t help it, I’m a lesbian, I’m just trapped in the body of a man.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Donald Trump gets his first serious assassination threat FROM THE REPUBLICAN ESTABLISHMENT!

    Naturally, I had to personally report this to an SS agent I know in Seattle:


    Ronald Barbour



    Dear SS Agent Robertson:

    The name of the person making this threat is Rick Wilson, address unknown, but works for the Republican Party Establishment in Washington, D.C.


    The wording of the death threat and the individual’s high level position in the GOP may indicate a conspiracy against the life of Donald Trump.

    Of course, I do not believe the SS will arrest this man or even interview him due to its current orientation as the Praetorian Guard of the worst president in U.S. history.

    I will be closely watching and blogging about this incident, as will an army of Tea Party bloggers.

    This is the perfect chance for the SS prove it is not the corrupt, degenerate and the lackeys of our communist president and the Republican Establishment that so many Patriots believe.

    Cheers, Ron B.

  4. Darin says:

    Casting a small Brass Flywheel-

    • KG says: I ended up looking at lots more stuff there, and found out how to make fire bricks. Which we need.

  5. Ronbo says:

    Like “DUH!”

    It’s been obvious to anyone paying half attention to the Lamestream Media in America that it has become the Ministry of Propaganda for the Democrat Party (The Party of Treason) and other Leftists of the totalitarian stripe to include the Republican Establishment.

    Therefore, Comrade Priebus is LYING when he said he was “surprised” by the “crap sandwich” given to the Republican presidential candidates, who have finally risen in mutiny to the RNC and will do the next series of debates THEIR way.

    So fuck you, Comrade Priebus – you filthy Republican Establishment boot licker – the day of the RNC is DONE!

  6. mawm says:

    What’s not to like about Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Last of the few and no doubt in time the UN will arrange his downfall.

  7. Pascal says:

    Reading misanthropy between the lines:

    EMT suspended for trying to save choking girl 

    “was suspended because it is against company policy to make a stop without being called.”

    I have my own list of questions not addressed by this story. Many of you can surely come up with your own.

    Once thing is clear: any society that has forgotten that protecting the sanctity of human life comes first before financial and legal niceties is one surely on the road to Hell.

    • KG says:

      “Once thing is clear: any society that has forgotten that protecting the sanctity of human life comes first before financial and legal niceties is one surely on the road to Hell.”

  8. Darin says:

    CF -vs- LED light bulbs

  9. Yokel says:

    Russian Airbus down over Sinai.

    I haven’t found the details, but some who have are reporting a loss of forward speed from 400 knots to 98 knots in an elapsed minute, and an altitude loss at the rate of 6000 feet per minute. Earlier the climb to 33000 feet had not followed this plane’s usual profile, possibly steeper.

    Bomb? Or cockpit intruders? Or another suicidal pilot?

    • Darin says:

      Russia is fighting Isis,so it stands to reason that Isis will be hitting back at Russia.Maybe this was a terrorist attack in retaliation?We might see more terror attacks in Russia going forward and of course Putin will escalate,fun times are coming me thinks.

      Or it could be that Russian airlines have a lousey safety record and the plane just quit flying,it was an Airbust afterall.

  10. Darin says:

    Latest from Uncle Remus-