Never a peep of a question about the lying muslim though

MSM in full overdrive lie and smear mode over Carson’s past-

Read here-

Lie,get caught,hide the lie,never apologize -it’s the same pattern always with the MSM.

Personally I think the lying,POS,Racist editor who wrote the first story should be fired :evil:

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10 Responses to Never a peep of a question about the lying muslim though

  1. KG says:

    All in all, though, a promising sign that the MSM aren’t going to be able to do what they’ve done in the past – that is, select a RINO candidate to run against whatever scum leftard they support.

    • Darin says:

      Let’s hope so,I ‘ve taken to calling any demorat or GOPe member that criticises Carson a racist,I figure paint them with the same brush they try to paint us with.

    • Ronbo says:

      Like Rush Limbaugh said, “If the Drive By Media (Limbaugh designation for the Leftist/Traitor/Lamestream Media) didn’t make you – THEY CAN’T BREAK YOU!”

      Trump-Carson-Cruz, the leaders in the GOP nomination for president have went out of their way – not only to correct the Lamestream Media – BUT TO ATTACK IT!

      This has resulted in them being leaders of the nomination pack; whereas, those candidates eating the dust like Jeb Bush – who have went silent on the Lamestream Media’s anti-Republican bias – are just about ready to either resign, or get kicked out of the nomination process.

      Therefore, any member of the “Big Three” who gets elected president will be elected BECAUSE they trashed the Lamestream Media – and owe it no respect – or PROTECTION.

      As I have said before, a Republican president with some balls could put the Lamestream Media and Leftist Hollywood into bankruptcy by issuing an Executive Order ending the “bundling” of cable channel, whereby the customer cannot pick and choose what stations he wants to watch.

      This means no matter how bad the cable channel, or how few people watch it and the terrible movies and television shows they run – Hollywood and the Leftist propaganda media gets a piece of the action, which means that Hollywood can produce shit Leftist propaganda movies and little watched neo-communist “news” organization like PBS, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN can stay on the air.

      Yes, there is the FCC in theory, but we have seen how easily Obama packs the benches of the regulatory agencies, so it should no problem for a GOP president to pack the benches with his people.

      What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

    • Darin says:

      I would take them up on it,but where I live I’d have to find a ten year old

      • Ronbo says:

        Ditto for the Seattle Soviet! The poor little Leftist Amazon and Goggle tech weenies that live in my apartment building would have a case of the vapors and pass out if I’d mention the dread “G word” as in “GUN” to them.

  2. Carson simply must be Priority Target #1 for the Left, as he shatters their entire racial narrative and makes them walk over the shards barefoot. Expect as much more of this as the MSM and their Web allies can contrive, for as long as Carson remains competitive or better in the campaign for the GOP nomination.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Lamestream Media attack on Carson is right out of Ye Olde Leftard Playbook and designed to take him out of the race, as was done with Herman Cain in 2012 – HOWEVER, this is NOT 2012 – and the more the Leftard Media hits Carson, the more popular he becomes…Ditto Trump…Ditto Cruz.

      It is said the generals always fight the last war – and this also true of the Leftard Media that still believes they are only source of information, when the reality is that their information monopoly is long gone – and with it the ability to make or break political candidates.

  3. Darin says:

    This just in-“Thank you biased media,Carson hauls in $3.5M in donations this week ”

    • Ronbo says:

      ….yet more proof that my theory is correct and there is an inverse relationship in polls numbers and donations when the Leftard Media attacks a Republican politician who strikes back with an iron fist – in other words, the more the Leftard Media attack a fighting GOP politician, the more donations and higher poll numbers he gets!

      Also, it is well established by the last five years of the Bush Regime that Republican politicians who IGNORE OR TRY TO APPEASE the Leftard Media end up with no donations and super low poll numbers.