sigh….some people just need shootin’

Those Baby Blues

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9 Responses to sigh….some people just need shootin’

  1. Darin says:

    Best comment under that thread-

    “I don’t feel sorry for the baby boy, I feel absolute horror. Like hearing about a child born in Auschwitz. That baby boy’s childhood will be an ongoing hell of psychological abuse — and, inevitably, sexual abuse at the hands (and other bits) of his father’s “queer circle” friends. By the time he reaches adulthood he will either be a broken, emasculated ghost, full of fear and shame and self-loathing; or he will be a pressure-cooker of rage.

    I hope he escapes, but it’s hard to imagine how.”

    Bug,meet the reality of the windshield.

    • KG says:

      And the whole atrocity is carried out with such a self-righteous air of smug superiority, too….
      Seriously, I’d like to see the bastard shot. :evil:

      • Darin says:

        I don’t think it’s possible for someone in that lifestyle to raise a normal functioning child.Even IF they attempted to do so with the uttermost sincerity,the lifestyle and everything that is pulled into its orbit would ultimately do emotional damage to the child.

        There is probably no way to stop them having kids biologically,but adoption I think should be outlawed.

  2. KG says:

    “..adoption I think should be outlawed.”
    Damn right! It should never even be considered. Not ever.

  3. Lara says:

    It’s never about the rights of the innocent child though is it, it’s always about the ‘rights’ of the loopy decadent, and selfish adult (same with the abortion debate…).

    • Darin says:

      Spot on!I believe there is a massive pay back coming for all the children that have been sacrificed on the altar of convenience and vanity.The cup of wrath is filled to overflowing and is about to be poured out.

  4. Lara says:

    I agree with that, Darin. Some of the mushy thinking taking hold of the world is so freaking sick, and it’s the very ones that should have been protected that have paid the price – such a shocking, high price. Planet Earth is a vacuum of no morality left at all.

  5. Phil Stephenson says:

    I gave up reading it in disgust.

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    Kind of reminds me of the cartoon of a scruffy looking hippie couple in a messy apartment looking at their son who is dressed neatly in a scout uniform. The one parent says to the other “Where did we go wrong?”