Open house

“confident we are moving in the right direction.”

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28 Responses to Open house

  1. K2 says:

    1. Ban public employee unions.
    2. Treat government agencies like corporations – if your job doesn’t add value, you’re gone. Instant 50 percent reduction in personnel.

    Hey, I can dream can’t I ?

  2. The Gantt Guy says:

    Nobody should be surprised by this.

    A corrupt bureaucracy in the form of government has gotten together with a corrupt bureaucracy in the form of a Tier 1 consultancy and spend a decade in a drunken orgy (digitally) raping the taxpayer. And now someone’s walked into the room and asked “why are two shagging that sleeping girl?” the only response is “look don’t worry, we’re almost done.”

    Except of course they’re never done. Everyone knows the closest thing to eternity on earth is a government programme, and government IT “transformation” projects are no different. Consultants get instant hard-ons when governments announce big projects, especially when they use the word “transformation” because it guarantees their bonus for at least a decade.

    In the real world, 32% of projects deliver on-time, on-budget and yield the benefits articulated in the business case. That number is much, much lower for government projects because it’s only taxpayer money and there’s no need to be lean, efficient or good.

    The other good one (as in, pull the other one) is the “moving to the cloud” comment. They’ve been using that one for decades now as well. Back in the early ’90s NZ Police were re-vamping (they say “transforming” now) their whole Criminal Information System and launched a project called “INCIS”. At the time it was the largest IT project in the country, led of course by IBM. When it was finally revealed in the papers that they’d blown $1 billion (back when that was serious money) and not delivered anything, whichever chatterer they spoke to from NZ Police said “yes we’ve had problems, but the Programme Director is gone and we’re re-designing the solution using a new technology based around three-tier architecture.”

    • GW says:

      Yes but, with this degree of seeming incompetency and that many tax payer dollars disappearing down a black hole, its time to start looking for fraud. And one should never underestimate the power of a hanging to focus the mind of others dealing with tax payer funds.

      • Darin says:

        The way it works with federal contracts here is this-

        Congress through one of it’s alphabet agencies advertises for a bid for X technology,let’s say a treadmill for Squirrels.

        They put the job out for bid to all the usual big iron contractors,IBM,Raytheon,General Dynamics,Boeing etc,all of whom are prime contractors and well connected politically(jobs in numerous congressional districts).Now to give the illusion of fairness they also put the bid out to the Small Business Administration so all the not so big companies can have a crack at it.
        If it’s a gravy job congress has earmarked for one of their buddies,one of more of the big iron companies bids the contract at a ridiculously low price so that no person in their right mind would bid on it.It’s usually a price where the margins would either be insanely tight,or at a downright loss.
        How do they get the job though and stay in business? Easy,the contract is cost plus and they simply submit and get change orders that end up far exceeding the original bid.Their ass is covered no matter what.That’s why big projects are routinely plagued with massive cost overruns,the final turnkey cost of the project is usually pretty close to an original realistic bid.

        Now,let’s suppose you are a small upstart company that has come up with an innovative way to build a better Squirrel treadmill and you bid lower than the top tier bidders and are awarded the contract anyway.
        They(congress and the big iron) will depending on –
        If you own the intellectual property for your innovation(patents and copyrights) will-
        Stall you into bankruptcy with needless studies and regulations-
        Intrap you with hidden regulations and design flaws-
        All an attempt to force the sale of your company to one of the big iron so they can roll your design/company into themselves.

        Or,if you don’t own the rights will-
        Allow you to make a profit,but change the tax code enough to later indict you for some tax violation clawing back any profits or then some,or strong arm you with environmental and safety regs until you give up and sell.

        Did I mention the deck is stacked in favor of congress’s friends?There is an unspoken rule in business here.If you want to deal with the government,you must either work as a subcontractor for one of the Gilded few,or be ready to do whatever it takes to get a seat at the table.Anything other than that and you’re playing with fire.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Oh, absolutely. Somebody’s brother/cousin/friend, etc. would undoubtedly have been on the negotiating team.

  3. andy5759 says:

    Y2K. Remember that scam? It was “The Night of the Nerds”. Since that time every government or over-large corporation has bent it’s knee to the Nerds. Not Nerds, but clever gardeners of green shoots, dollar bills.

    Remus has an early example of trigger warnings. My trigger warning would be; stop your fucking whining, or I will pull the trigger. Suck that, bitchmanthing.

  4. Lara says:

    Swamped by immigrants, taking over housing, jobs, the country, submerging our culture, burying everything NZ and the West had, our children’s future has been torched and handed away.

    • Darin says:

      Ever see Planet of the Apes?If not no problem,just kick back with a beer and some popcorn and watch the news Smiley

  5. Darin says:

    Yes,I’ll have the triple stack pancakes,with Butter,Maple syrup and two eggs over easy…oh,wait,what? :shock:

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Recipe for haggis:
      1. Take all the bits of the sheep you’re not legally allowed to sell as “food”.
      2. Stuff them inside the sheep’s stomach
      3. Cook the whole bag of goodies
      4. Serve over bagpipe playing and Robbie Burns poetry.

      Incidentally, you turn your nose up at haggis … have you never once wondered what’s in those burgers you shovel down? :mrgreen:

  6. Michael in Nelson says:

    For someone who has no shame, the Hildabeast sure knows how to humiliate others.

    • Ronbo says:

      A little told story is the extremely high casualty rate for the untrained ISIS Jihadists – A recent British Muslim who returned from Syria told why he defected from ISIS and returned to Britain – He and the other new ISIS volunteers were sent to the front to haul the back the dead bodies of the last batch of British Muslim ISIS volunteers.

      He deserted that night and kept running until he reached London and the corner pub, where he told his story to a reporter from the Daily Mail for pint of beer.

  7. KG says:

    Easily the most superficial, idiotic, pointless piece of so-called “travel writing” I’ve ever seen. :evil:
    This could well have been written by a lobotomized chimp during a toilet break.

    • Darin says:

      “This could well have been written by a lobotomized chimp during a toilet break.”

      I was going to say third grader high on meth :mrgreen:

      I did learn one thing from the article,I had no idea Australia had an Alpine region

  8. mawm says:

    The generation the mandarins of political correctness have been waiting for…..

    These wee little petals, who have been raised with helicopter parenting, in an everybody gets a prize, micro-managed play time, anti-bullying school environment, and who have been taught to take offence, are being set free in society ……. and they are struggling to ‘feel safe’.