This is obscene

An outrage against dignity and privacy.

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5 Responses to This is obscene

  1. Anonymong says:

    Yes, the article is obscene. I know not whether any of those in the photograph know the Truth. But if ever I am in the situation of the dying man in the photograph, I want to be surrounded by people who are happy because they know that I would be on my way to a better place. A place where scheming, conniving and political correctness are no more, and where allah is confined to the place ordained for it. If you knew you were going to such a place, wouldn’t you too be happy.

    We buried my father earlier this year after he had suffered a pretty grim time. Not only am I glad that he had been released from his suffering, but I also rejoice that he will have been dealt with fairly by a God who keeps his promises.

    The article is obscene, the photo is not.

    • KG says:

      “If you knew you were going to such a place, wouldn’t you too be happy.”
      The crucial word being, of course, “knew”. And none of us do.
      And that has bugger-all to do with the violation of privacy the article is about.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        I do. I know with absolute certainty.

        I think it was a genuine and caring gesture for those men to take their little trophy to visit with their friend.

        It turned into disaster porn when they took a photographer and scribbler with them.

        • KG says:

          I envy people their faith. But faith is not proof of an afterlife. Believing is not knowing.
          Yeah, it was a kind and decent gesture, but the “news” article wasn’t.

          • Brown says:

            God is not a god of scientific evidences for us but I expect that Jesus proved his authority quite clearly as His witness changed the world. The Apostles ticked others off with statements that people had seen things that were darned convincing so should buck up their ideas but its clear that even miracles didn’t convince everyone.

            I agree that believing is not knowing but having slipped quietly in the believing camp I wondered how I was ever so blind to be outside it. My wife has frequently pondered the reality of her faith and salvation but last Thursday had a quiet moment when we were off subject a bit, as is common at bible study, that reinforced for her how secure she is. This world may be crap at times but the next is all good.

            God looks after his own.