Open house

and the filth that is the BBC

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29 Responses to Open house

  1. Ronbo says:

    BBC – funded 100% by the hard working British taxpayers and TOTALLY WORTHLESS EXCEPT FOR SOCIALIST PROPAGANDA.

  2. mawm says:


    I just love how these hypocrites eventually show their true colours ……and they are racists just like everybody else they have accused of being so. They have closed their borders to the poor starving masses fleeing persecution. Heartless!

    I wonder how they are going to feel when I set up a campaign to help the refugees buy bombs to target women and children in supermarkets, pubs and churches.

    See, it’s not so easy for a first world country to support millions of they greedy grabbing third worlders.

  3. Flashman says:

    It’s official. Old Remus is back to full-time blogging.

  4. KG says:

    BERLIN (AP) — Berlin police say they’ve raided 10 buildings in the German capital as part of a crackdown on far-right hate speech on social media networks.
    Police said Thursday that the morning raids involved 60 officers, who confiscated smartphones and computers as evidence, which are now being evaluated. They didn’t have any immediate information on arrests.
    They say the raids are part of an ongoing investigation into hate speech spread over social media meant to incite people against asylum-seekers and refugee housing.

  5. Brown says:

    Fairwell BBC – so sad to see such an institution fall.

  6. Ronbo says:

    KG said,

    “The world is beginning to feel like a madhouse, a place with no secure moorings.”

    When the British Army – the best professional army in the world – was defeated at the decisive battle of Yorktown in 1781 by a motley bunch of colonial rebels and French troops, the Royal Army band played, “The world turned upside down…”

    I think we are living in one of those revolutionary times like the late 18th century and institutions of long standing believed almost eternal and unconquerable fall to common people who think outside the box.

    People like us, for example.

    Out of chaos comes order.

  7. mara says:

    If all European men with balls revolted against the rape of their women …. oh, wait

  8. mawm says:

    More chaos. This time in South Africa.

    Under the bad Apartheid government SA supplied electricity to southern Africa. When the ANC took over they had a fully functioning grid. Failure to maintain it has led to rolling black-outs that have gone on for a couple of years.

    Now the water supply has imploded. The ANC in their wisdom fired all the white engineers and appointed 50 Cuban engineers to maintain the system. Apparently they have allowed the infrastructure to crumble and no provision was made for the millions that have poured over the borders and the rampant African birth rate. Johannesburg, which used to be a first world city, has no water! So they started bringing in water tankers to supply the hospitals, schools and suburbs………but, it’s hard to believe, these have been stolen.

    In addition the University students, just a certain group of course, started protesting fee increases. The government backed down but no this is not enough and the students are running riot burning their down campuses.

    Ah well, I’ve always said that it takes 20 years for the last vestiges of Western development to disappear under ‘African democracy’ – you know, that special brand of liberation Marxism. SA has not done too badly ….. 21 years of ANC corruption!

    Ek voel so hartseer via my land.

    • KG says:

      Perhaps sadness is more manageable than anger, Mawm. I just feel deeply angry about all the good things that are lost forever.

  9. KG says:

    Who did she think should pay for it?
    ‘A mother who gave birth in the back of a taxi was shocked when the taxi driver demanded money off her to clean up the mess…’

    • KG says:

      8O We’re through the looking glass! A “motherscholar” FFS?
      These bastards urgently need a bullet between the eyes.

  10. Darin says:

    Fred on everything-

    “Stray thought: If universities accepted only those with intelligence and interest, the noise level would drop appreciably. I am for it.”

    • KG says:

      From Fred:
      ‘..White Privilege is real, of course. It is a combination of high genetic intelligence, studiousness, a tendency toward intellectual exploration, the capacity to organize, sustained hard work, and conscientiousness. There is a reason why whites design Mars landers and black athletes do not.’

  11. Darin says:

    Study finds 1 in 5 New Yorkers has mental health issues…………..I think that number is off by a factor of 3

  12. Ronbo says:

    The Red Guards of Chairman Mao have been reborn in America:

    This can only end badly…like civil war.

  13. tranquil says:

    Hi all –

    A big shooting and hostage-taking in Paris –

    “Police: At least 35 dead in Paris attacks; hostages taken”

    Over 100 hostages from what I’ve seen elsewhere.

    I desperately *hope* that this can be the final spark that kicks off full-on WAR against Muslims in Europe. It may not be enough but one can only hope.
    Hopefully treasonous politicians there will meet the same fate as the Muslims.

    • Darin says:

      “I desperately *hope* that this can be the final spark that kicks off full-on WAR against Muslims in Europe.”

      I doubt it,the dumb sheep will keep allowing this to happen right up to when the blade touches their own throats.

      News is saying one terrorist has been arrested………arrested?Tortured for information and shot should be the news,otherwise we know the French authorities aren’t serious. :evil:

  14. Gregoryno6 says:

    “The world is beginning to feel like a madhouse, a place with no secure moorings.”
    I’m beginning to understand how Australians felt when they heard the news about Singapore in 1942.
    Supposedly impossible. Singapore was the ‘impregnable fortress’. And the Japanese soldiers were weak – just like the Islamics today are really really nice, just misunderstood and maligned by Western racists.
    Things that everybody knows – until you meet someone who doesn’t know it.

    • Ronbo says:

      Like many American Patriots said on 9/11 – “THIS WAS THE BEGINNING OF EITHER WW III or THE THIRD GREAT JIHAD AGAINST WESTERN CIVILIZATION…take your pick.”

      Since that date there have been small wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria where the West has made “limited war” against Islam – In WW II terms we have fought once again the “Phony War” of 1939/40 against Nazi Germany – when we should have mobilized and attacked with full fury – to include nuclear weapons – as soon as the dust settled at Ground Zero.

      I think its time the West admits the Phony War against Islam is a miserable failure and stop underestimating the WILL OF ISLAM to make Jihad on the West.

      TOTAL WAR means exactly today what it meant in WW II for the Allies – mobilization, the draft, raising vast armies, production of weapons and attack, attack, ATTACK the 57 Muslim countries – and turn them into atomic dust if necessary.

      The ISIS battle plan…read it and weep!

      The preview of coming attractions if we do not declare TOTAL WAR against Islam.