Read just an excerpt of this drivel published in Fairfax Media’s Sydney Morning Herald and repeated in NZ’s Stuff News.
The deadliest enemies are not those carrying Kalashnikovs, the real enemies are the wet, uninformed, idiot, cowardly scum beloved of the leftist Western media.



‘The Algerians and Africans accepted into Parisian society are all potential IEDs ready to explode when their pins are pulled, their patience exhausted and they become filled with rage and a growing distrust of Western so-called civilisation…’
‘Edward questions the politicisation of the West’s reaction to the bombing of white targets while attacks in the Middle East get little fanfare. Only days ago, terrorist bombs killed 43 people in Lebanon with barely any mention in our press, but Paris is somehow different. It is us now, and suddenly every revengeful attack will beget bigger retaliations – and so grows terrorism on the back of blowback.

…The arrogance and ignorance of our foreign policy has enraged two generations of Muslims and will undoubtedly see the blonde-haired and olive-skinned progeny of Scandinavian and Syrian origins rebel in time. They might look attractive but they will feel like aliens in a land where the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was written. The ultra-right depicted in that series of books will not take kindly to the wiry, wily desert peoples washed up on their shores…’
(bold mine)

Make no mistake – plenty of these preening, self-righteous little assholes secretly admire the assault on Western civilization, and if they had any balls themselves they’d happily join in. They’re the apologists for and the enablers of terrorists and as such deserve the same fate.

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15 Responses to WTF!

  1. KG says:

    Somebody tell me again how Anders Breivik was wrong to kill the progeny of this scum, progeny being actively groomed to support the leftist agenda.

    • Ronbo says:

      The Lamestream Media blaming the victims of Islamofascist terrorism is getting SO DAMN OLD….

      Ander Breivik had it right – the main enemy of Western Civilization are the white elite socialist traitors living among us – and to confront Islam and conquer it for all time, we must first destroy the 5th columnists within our communities.

      • Darin says:

        On Fox this morning a “muslim counter terrorism expert” making excuses for the “vast majority of islam”and all that broken record horse shit :evil:

        • carol-christian soldier says:

          saw that one and immediately turned it off!
          FOX is getting more and more PC!!

  2. Andrew Berwick says:

    The deadliest enemies are not those carrying Kalashnikovs, the real enemies are the wet, uninformed, idiot, cowardly scum beloved of the leftist Western media.

    The real enemies are those who ban US from carrying Kalashnikovs.

    • andy5759 says:

      Correct. One armed person at the rock concert would have saved lives. The knowledge that there will be armed resistance will deter some attacks. If our governments are still too pussy to arm civilians they could consider an employment opportunity for ex servicemen as some kind of armed reservists hired to protect large gatherings. Tomorrow I will wear a pork pie hat, that’s my French Connection.

    • Wombat says:

      “The real enemies are those who ban US from carrying Kalashnikovs.”

      If someone banned you from breathing would politely lie down and die?

  3. Grog says:

    The vast amount of ignorance in that short essay is enough to cause vertigo.

    Mr. (?)(humanist?) Waterstreet fails to understand that all of this is because all non-muzzies are considered by the muzzies to be inferior and therefore subject to inferior treatment, in various fashions.

    When retribution happens, there will be pronouncements of “racism”, “let the gov’t worry about it”, “no one should take personal action”, etc etc ad nauesum………

    I need no words from anyone in regard to protecting my family.

    The rest of the year, and 2016, will not be pleasant.

  4. Darin says:

    Until enough people come to the same conclusion I did years ago nothing will happen except the attacks will get more brazen and bloody.
    My conclusion was a dramatic reduction in the muslim population is what’s needed,with a preference towards extinction.They are useless people,genetic throwbacks even in the 7th century,if they all were wiped out tomorrow the Earth would not shed a tear at their passing.These are not the descendants of the Persian Zoroastrians that benefited the march of science and reason,these are the descendants of the people who killed them.

    • Ronbo says:

      I think it will come to total war against Islam…but first we must fight a civil war in our Western nations to secure our near areas against the inevitable Leftist stab in the back…

      …and this will happen just as soon as the patriots understand that at least 20% of our fellow citizens are traitors to need to be put to the sword…

      Islam is seventh century barbarism…but the modern Western Left has become 21st barbarism.

      Marcus Tullius Cicero > Quotes > Quotable Quote

      Marcus Tullius Cicero

      “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear.”

      ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

  5. carol-christian soldier says:

    first war of this new Republic was against muslims (barbary pirates) —

    and – least we forget- Hassan (muslim) murdered our BEST in a gun free zone (can you believe military compounds are gun – free!!)( I can because of the PC elites running our military) —
    and the Hassan rampage is STILL labeled -“work place violence”..

    geeez-if were not just 10:30 AM – I’d pour myself a Scotch!!

    • Ronbo says:

      We need some,“work place violence” against the Leftists who Enable Muslim terrorist scum like Hassan to do his dirty work…

      As I’ve said many times before – much as I detest the Muslims – much as I detest black racists – it pales to insignificance to the contempt I have for about 50 million of my fellow white countrymen and women who are Leftist traitors.

      The Leftists in America should count themselves lucky that I will never have the power to punish them – I would make General Pinochet look like a choir boy in comparison.

  6. mara says:

    ” standing together, there is nothing Islamic about these people, your pain is our pain, your fight is our fight, praying for Paris, diversity is our strength, je suis Paris, we are all Parisians ….. puke.

  7. Oswald Bastable says:

    Now I’m not for shooting the leftard enablers. Just relocating them to a friendly Muslim country, where they would be more at home…

  8. Magoo says:

    Andrew Bolt gets it right:

    Too many shallow people changing their profile pictures on Fartbook to the French flag who then defend Islam by saying it’s a peaceful religion & it’s just a handful of extremists.