As is any other politician making the same claim:

  ‘Theresa May: Syrian refugees will be thoroughly screened
Home Secretary Theresa May says border checks will be increased in light of the Paris terror attacks, but states that refugees are already thoroughly screened..’


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11 Responses to LIAR.

  1. Ronbo says:

    The response of the Republican controlled U.S. Congress: ______ chirp, chirp.

  2. KG says:

    ‘Britons encouraged to ‘adopt’ a Syrian family as part of PM’s refugee scheme’

  3. Wombat says:

    I found this through Bolt.

    Check out the comments. This one in particular summed up the sheer betrayal conservatives of Australia are still feeling.

    Des Morris: We voted for the Liberal Party, we got a Labor look-alike; we voted for Tony Abbott, we got Malcolm Turnbull; we voted for a conservative, we got a lefty; we voted for the Liberal agenda, we got the ABC’s agenda; we voted for one committed to the Liberal Party, we got a donor to the Labor Party; we voted for government stability, we got a change of Prime Minister; we voted for a legitimate prime ministership, we got a stolen one; we voted for party unity, we got a party split; we voted for loyalty, we got treachery and treason; we voted for a humble man, we got and arrogant, pompous narcissist; we voted for a decent and honourable man, we got a man with little integrity; we voted for a caring individual, we got a self centred egotist; we voted for a constitutional monarchist, we got a republican; we voted for traditional marriage, we got a ‘gay marriage’ advocate; we voted for a global warming moderate, we got a global warming scare mongered; we voted for a Christian, we got a Muslim sympathiser; we voted to scrap the carbon tax, we got a carbon tax enthusiast; we voted to stop the boats, we got an open borders advocate; we voted to curb the ABC, we got an ABC cheerleader; we voted for traditional values, we got progressive immorality; we voted for freedom of speech and conscious, we got ‘gaystapo’ intolerance.

    • KG says:

      Damn right, Wombat. And then the Libs have the effing nerve to appeal for loyalty and solidarity after the coup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      Every Liberal supporter should vote Labor come the elections – that is, if they vote at all. :evil:

    • andy5759 says:

      Can I steal that please? That’s applicable here, there and everywhere. When it comes down to it, we know what we want, so why don’t they deliver? Could it be that democracy is a sham? Well, who’d a thunk that?