
Obama: Last Year in Office Will Be One of ‘Sustained Attention’ to Gun Control
Buy and hide guns and ammunition.

2,098 Syrian Muslim Refugees Allowed Into USA — Only 53 Christians
Well of course – Hussein O has to please his muslim handlers, after all.

Trump: I Will Build ‘a Big Beautiful Safe Zone’ in Syria for Refugees
Doable. Affordable. And much, much too sensible.

Eastern Europe Rising:
Czechs showing the way. May the uprising spread….

Anonymous Just Took Down Thousands of ISIS Twitter Accounts
Hackers doing what Western governments apparently cannot….

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22 Responses to Quickies

  1. Brown says:

    Watching Europe being transformed reminds me of the power blocks mentioned in Orwell’s 1984. Always at war, never winning, changing alliances and no one in grey overalls knows who the enemy is.

    • Ronbo says:

      Also, Orwell said in “1984” that mainland Europe would be taken over by Russia and become “EURASIA” – while Britain, America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand would be joined together in “OCEANIA” – and China would takeover the Far East and become, “EASTASIA.”

      These three big power blocs would be always at war with one another in ever changing alliances based on which power bloc was winning the endless war.

      This war was meant never to be won, but is used as means by the ruling class “Inner Party” to use up the surplus production and keep the everyone in the world in totalitarianism, poverty, hatred and fear.

      Like I said before, Orwell is the prophet of things to come.

      • Yokel says:

        There is a theory in some quarters that Orwell was not a prophet, but was giving a real warning about plans already made. After all he was a Socialist for much of his writing life. It is suggested that he had somehow become acquainted with the plans of The Powers That Be, and wished to warn his readers. As his books have only produced mild interest and not riots, TPTB have obviously decided that they can continue to follow the script without any need for additional deception.

  2. Ronbo says:

    “Obama: Last Year in Office Will Be One of ‘Sustained Attention’ to Gun Control”

    No surprise there because the “Inner Party” ruling class Progressives know they must disarm the public before their dictatorship become totalitarian…

    The big problem for Obama is that he has an impossible task in America, as even if he takes control of the legal gun market, seizes the guns in shops, shuts down private weapons production – there are several hundred of million firearms already in the hands of patriots – who have spent the last seven years building up their private armories, not to mention a thriving black market in stolen guns that keeps the black gangbangers and the white criminal class well supplied.

    BTW, the Australian government did a gun grab back in the 1990s; however, the majority of formerly legal weapons were either not turned in to the authorities, or ended up on the black market.

    Also, there is the historical fact that the last time a government in America sent the troops out to grab the guns, a revolution broke out that in less than ten years sent that particular regime and thousands of its supporters to other countries minus their property and to the hangman.

  3. The Gantt Guy says:

    Found the clip from Homeland I mentioned yesterday…


    Not sure it’d still be King Barry’s favourite TV show!

  4. dondiego says:

    On the subject of syrian invaders: Had a short rant at lunchtime. Said “This why I f****n hate democracy…” then read the paragraph from the big-smoke [100kms away] rag stating 2/3rds of the electorate polled say “Pause your 300 Syrian refugee intake next month” but the bastards [local govt] plan to just do it anyway.

    Also, right underneath a ‘Paris Mourns’ boo-hoo article was a muzzie saying that city needs a mosque.
    *Best invite myself along when one of those lads I work with goes pigging. Uses for the left-overs…http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  5. Ronbo says:

    It would appear the Islamic terrorist mastermind of the Paris Massacre has been cornered in the St. Denis section of that city – pretty wild earlier, gunfire and bombs going off. War zone, heh? I’m watching live on Fox News.

    Meanwhile, everyone on this side of the Pond is waiting for our almost inevitable ISIS terrorist attack with mega deaths…I’m guessing it will be in Washington, D.C. and I’m thinking Capitol Hill that will target Congressmen, or the Pentagon aimed at taking out military personnel. The White House won’t be touched – the Islamists know Obama is their ally.

    Personally, I think the Islamists have badly overplayed their hand, as the calls for a declaration of TOTAL war is rising, along with demands for the deportations of Muslims back to their countries of origin.

    • MikeH says:

      While so many are

      • MikeH says:

        Damn ultra sensitive touch pads!!!

        While so many are expecting attacks on Washington and New York City, and the muzzie bastards being aware of that fact, I’d think attacks on other U.S. targets would more tactically advantageous.

        The time for Christmas shopping is ramping up. I’d think shopping malls in almost any of the medium to large populated cities would be prime targets. Not only would it create wide spread fear, keeping a lot of people away from malls nation wide, it would most likely rain down economic havoc on many retailers.

        In the words of a very wise man; “Walk softly, yet carry a 1911 close at hand”.

        • Wombat says:

          If I lived in CC country and I was anticipating an attack I’d personally give serious consideration to the FN Five Seven. With proper projectiles it defeats the level of armour you’re likely going to have to shoot through.

          20 rounds in a standard mag is also a real bonus. Not quite the stopping power of a .45 but it has a laser-like trajectory. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_yes.gif

  6. Contempt says:

    Would “folks” please omit “radical” before islam? The term Radical Islam is too radical and completely incorrect, off-topic and illusionary. It is simply – Islam. Islam has never been highjacked. Misunderstood or good as in “I know some good muslims” etc.

    Unfortunately the average Joe cannot distinguish a good one from a bad one, at least I can’t.

  7. HarvardPotatoHead says:

    Aw Cointempt U so full of it. We had a bunch of good muslims at Harvard one of them even edited the Harvard Law Review. But I feel your pain.

  8. Contempt says:

    Harvard, I knew you were out there somewhere. Please let me help you! We know that you have had so many poor experiences during your stay on campus. How ’bout some news on BlackBerry?

  9. Tom says:

    I read that France will still take in 30,000 invaders,Will they never learn.

  10. Ronbo says:

    Karma for the murdering Muslims of the West:


    I expect to see more of this type of self help…

  11. mara says:

    Poetry Corner time.
    I’m sick to death of “disaffection”
    A word which, on further reflection,
    Is an indication
    Of obfuscation
    And obvious misdirection. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_bye.gif
    And obvious misdirection.

  12. Wombat says:

    “Buy and hide guns and ammunition.”

    You know what they say. If you’re thinking of burying them then it’s actually time to start digging them up.