Feminism in jackboots:

A row has broken out at the University of York after it scrapped its International Men’s Day and said it would continue to focus instead on the ‘inequalities faced by women’.
…The decision came after 200 academics, alumni and students at York – most of them women – penned an open letter attacking the event….’

Seems fascism is ok, if it’s in the right cause….

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9 Responses to Feminism in jackboots:

  1. K2 says:

    I’m wondering how long it takes before the mainstream culture finally connects the dots. Government mandated “man jobs” for women or demographic collapse and the end of western culture. It’s one or the other.

    • Wombat says:

      Demographic or monetary. Take your pick.

      The global elites believe that they can force the centre to hold while the collapse the pillars of civilisation.

      They believe that they will emerge to rule over muddled stew of human nothingness. A gulag planet that will never again have the capacity to be free of its shackles.

    • Darin says:

      People I know just used to take it in stride and laugh at the full on retards.Now they have gotten sick of it and are starting to push back.

      • Wombat says:

        I suppose there was always the sense that these idiots would “grow out of it” or that it was just a generational thing, not that each stupid movement would be used to set the bar lower for the next stupid movement.

        Now it’s becoming increasingly apparent even to the laziest minds that this is not about justice. It’s about the plain, primitive desire to assert authority over other living creatures.

        This year’s BlackLivesMatter crowd are last years gun control mob who were last years feminist movement who were last years full-retard communists.

        Life is the will to power. We need to stop bitching about their will to power and start finding our own. I never wanted to have to crush my enemies, feel them driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women, but if I have to choose between crushing my enemies and being crushed myself then I make no mistake, I will unshackle my humanity in the blink of an eye and become the-destroyer-of-worlds until such time as there is no more need of such a creature.

        • Darin says:

          Yup,me too,I no longer bite my tongue when someone starts rattling off some stupid PC crap or parrots a common lie.
          Someone today got in on the “well not accepting muslim refugees isn’t very Christian” bullshit.I agreed and said,it isn’t Christian to turn them away,the Christian thing to do is convert them to Christianity or drive them out by force.

          It was fun watching them short circuit and nearly go into a seizure trying to process what I said.Then I put them in full meltdown by saying that if God can’t fix those people,what makes us think we can?Then a loud pop as their head exploded http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

          • KG says:

            “Life is the will to power. We need to stop bitching about their will to power and start finding our own.”
            Absolutely. We’re losing, not because we lack a better way, but because we lack the will to work united and ruthlessly towards it.
            We’re so busy fighting minor grassfires on all fronts we’re overlooking the real targets.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The university is becoming a joke!

    Overpriced…Idiot commie professors….4/6/8 wasted years depending on the degree you’re seeking…

    I think it can be easily demonstrated that unless you want a degree in a highly specialized field – say a medical doctor – the university is a game not worth the candle.

    Also, if you really, really, REALY want the sheepskin – you can do college online and in your spare time at home with an Internet connection.


    Fortunately, the majority do not waste their time at college – or if they do – soon drop out when faced with the expense and B.S.

  3. Wombat says:

    International men’s day?

    Why, that’d be like going back to the ol’ south cotton fields and suggesting they have an international negro’s day.