The racket

“The trend is raising concerns that student visas are being used as a de facto way to migrate to New Zealand permanently.”
And from here to Australia…

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9 Responses to The racket

  1. mawm says:

    Nothing new here, it’s been going on forever. However it will eventually result in the Australians taking away the special visa category for Kiwis – the genuine ones, just like they took away welfare from lazy Kiwis living on the Gold Coast.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The 19 hijackers of the infamous 9/11 came into the country on student Visas – and overstayed long enough to bring down the Twin Towers and heavily damage the Pentagon – the first large scale attacks on the American Homeland since the British attacked and burned to the ground the White House and the Capitol Building in 1814.

    Of course, not all people from overseas are so bloody minded as the Muslim scum of 9/11 – and there are millions of decent, hardworking folks – like the Irish, for example – who illegally extend their college education in America from a few years to forever.

    “Well, you see officer, after I graduated from college in New York, I decided to take a short vacation and see the country.”

  3. Wombat says:

    Nothing will happen at all over here.

    Abbott may have done something about it, but Turnbull? No bloody way.

  4. Flashman says:

    There’s nothing new here.

    At least most of the Chinese return home and make a genuine effort to study.

    Indians are another story. Their goal, the only one, is to win the key to the golden crapper: permanent residence in NZ. Study? Pah! Cheat? Oh yeah. Speak and write English? Huh?

    But of course polytechnic and PTE CEO’s dribble at the all the tainted dosh they bring in. Wider social responsibilities don’t figure in *their* year-end bonus calculations.

    • KG says:

      What’s new is seeing the racket mentioned in the NZ media. Let’s see if any outlet investigates further, eh?
      I’d love to see some hard numbers and analysis of the “qualifications” .

    • mawm says:

      I have no beef with the younger generation Indians. They are smart and they work. It is in their culture to get one better than you, especially their men, and once you know that they are tame. At least they are not going to bomb us and some of their women are hot.

  5. Andrew Berwick says:

    Any serious AUS reforms must close the borders, deport or shoot all the Muslims, as then don’t he same to the Kiwis.