“An insult to zoos.”

Colonel B. Bunny:
‘..I wonder if the mental disease that modern liberalism is is a reflection of the realization on the part of millions of progressives (liberals, socialists, and communists) that absolutely everything about progressivism is a lie or a complete failure of the intellect. The reason that attacks on truth tellers are so virulent is precisely because it is intolerable that what one has supported all one’s life is a pathetic fraud and a lie of untold viciousness because of the damage it has inflicted…’
I reckon the Colonel hit the nail on the head there. And that’s why the regressives’ insistence that truth is a malleable construct. It terrifies ’em.

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5 Responses to “An insult to zoos.”

  1. Kirly says:

    The Colonel is indeed right BUT, the regressives are so deep in their delusion that they cannot even see reality and truth anymore. They are like the people in the Bible where God says after they reject Him repeatedly, there will come a point where He will harden their hearts and they won’t be able to turn to Him.

    Too bad the freaks are making our lives so difficult on their way to hell.

  2. Ronbo says:

    The same thing has happened over and over in history – for example, early 17th century England and Charles I – who decided that he was an absolute monarch and Parliament counted for nothing.

    The result was bloody civil war that ended with ole Charlie literally losing his head – and a military dictatorship instituted under Cromwell that made King Charlie’s absolute monarchy look like Sunday picnic. At least King Charles didn’t ban Christmas, as did Cromwell.

    Ditto 18th century France where absolute monarch Louis XVI finally managed bankrupt the richest country in Europe and the starving mob at the end of the day killed him and his lovely queen – and after a series of civil wars the French revolution led to a military dictatorship under Napoleon, who proved once again that when you march your army into Russia it will freeze to death in the winter.

    …and today…In the glorious high tech 21st century – at a time when mankind has made about every mistake in political science that be imagined over the 2.500 years – AND LEARNED NOTHING FROM THOSE MISTAKES – we have defaulted back to the pre-revolutionary status of 17th century England and 18th century France – where a block headed and very reactionary ruling class has done pretty much the same dumb shit things as the regimes of Charles I did to England and Louis XVI did to France.

    Therefore, if history is a teacher -revolution – followed by civil war(s) ending with the establishment of a military dictatorship.

  3. Gregoryno6 says:

    Bullseye. They might hold power in the halls of academe, but where on the political map can the leftists point to and say “It works there”?
    When people leave home seeking a better life, where does the traffic go? There’s lots of people down on capitalism but nobody’s moving to North Korea.
    Leftism as we know it is in a terminal phase. Nothing positive to offer. It can only tear down what others have built. And screw things up for the future generations – which is why every day brings a story of some new idiocy being proclaimed from a university somewhere. Unions used to organise strikes for the most petty of reasons. It’s hard to have an impact though when you represent fewer than one worker in five.
    The decline of leftism began with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the removal of the Iron Curtain. It was plain at last to the champagne socialists of the West that Marxism had done nothing for the workers; time had stood still for fifty years. How much longer until the corpse finally stops kicking is anyone’s guess. But the campus hysterics and instant outrage and stupid claims that are punctured almost instantly (the internet has been far more unkind to the left than the right) suggest the show might be over in another five to ten years.

  4. Magoo says:

    ‘Progressives’ also consider themselves to be intellectually superior, which means that anyone who doesn’t agree with them is not only intellectually inferior, but automatically wrong by default. Having a political debate with a greenie usually ends with them just saying ‘no’ dismissively when they inevitably lose the debate.

    • KG says:

      Yep – which is why they tend to skip debate and move straight to censorship and/or abuse, Magoo.