‘The Privileged vs. the White Working Class’

Victor Davis Hanson:
‘..Truck drivers, trappers, farmers don’t rate in the eyes of our elites.
A recent study published by the National Academy of Sciences, co-authored by a Nobel laureate, revealed a spiraling death rate since 1999 of Americans described as middle-aged (45 to 54), middle/working-class (without a college degree) whites (apparently self-identified as such).
…The study’s findings belie conventional wisdom, which has focused almost exclusively on the plight of minorities, who in many areas have proven unable to achieve parity, ostensibly because of endemic and lethal white racism.
Indeed, the authors, Nobel Laureate Angus Deaton and his wife, Anne Case, found their study rejected by several prestigious medical journals. Again, their conclusions are explosive — given that they raise questions about the conventional wisdom that “white privilege” trumps class considerations and is the key driver of minority despair and the inability to ensure equality of result…’

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2 Responses to ‘The Privileged vs. the White Working Class’

  1. mawm says:

    I think that study also had ‘male’ attached to it. The conclusion was that middle-class, middle-aged white males were reviled and blamed for just about anything and as a result were more likely to commit suicide and we’re least likely to have any form of healthcare directed at them. The generation of ignored ( and drugged) male white youths have yet to reach the age where they add to those stats. I hope they have learned to hunt. http://falfn.com/CrusaderRabbit/wp-content/plugins/wp-monalisa/icons/wpml_cool.gif

    • Wombat says:

      This is where groups like the Iron Legion are so important.

      These guys offing themselves do it because they feel they’re not a part of anything. That they’re completely alone.

      We need to start taking these men and giving them a purpose.