Open house

And more dishonest bullshit from the NZ Herald.

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45 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘424 Mass Shooting ‘Casualties’ in U.S. Since Obama Took Office, 508 Such ‘Casualties’ in France During Past Year Alone’

  2. Pascal says:

    Who remembers when the SSM and GOPe went apoplectic trying to get Trump to swear he’d not run third party?

    Well it appears that those hypocrites don’t like the way the voters are leaning:

    and tried to do it in secret.

  3. Wombat says:

    Another “far right” protest shut down, this time by the Supreme Court. Hooray for freedom of speech.–stop-cronulla-rally.html

    Nazi Fuckwit, and Mayor of Sutherland Shire Council Carmelo Pesce added words to the effect of, “I fully support freedom of speech, just not today, here, in my dominion.”

    A man to get behind.

    The ABC this morning has been predictably smug. Let me paraphrase some of the downright duplicitous tripe slopping out of the radio.

    “Australian Party for Freedom is an anti-Islam party that claims it is not racist, yet during it’s demonstrations when confronted with anti-racism protesters there have been repeated incidents of violence.”

    The ABC could write chapter and verse on how to shamelessly deceive a nation without ever telling an outright lie.

    • KG says:

      “..when confronted with anti-racism protesters there have been repeated incidents of violence.”
      The violence comes almost exclusively from the fascist cunts pretending to be “anti-racism”.
      As it does in Britain with the Unite thugs.
      But the ABC would never mention that these pricks are funded by unions and various leftist outfits.
      Abbott had his chance to clean out the ABC and he blew it. Now the Ministry of Propaganda is all but untouchable, under Turnbull.

    • mawm says:

      The author, David Hay, is standing in the up coming Auckland mayoralty election. I guess he’s just another Lyin Len, living-off-the-public-teat clone. He’s even declared that he’ll go on the publicly funded overseas jaunts such as this Paris one. He most definitely will not get my vote and I’ll encourage everybody around me not to do so.

      • KG says:

        His remarks about local councils showing “leadership” are enough to disqualify the slimeball as far as I’m concerned.

  4. mara says:

    KG, do you think Abbott has a snowball’s chance in Hell of returning to power?

    • KG says:

      Well, yes I do, Mara. And I’m not usually an optimist. But John Howard showed that it ain’t ever over in politics.
      Turnbull is a smooth weasel, but he’ll wear pretty thin soon with Aussies looking for real change and real leadership. And I think if TSHTF with a major terrorist attack or a major crisis he’ll be gone pretty quickly.

      • Wombat says:

        I hope not.

        I want him to languish in his self-made hell for the next 12 months while more and more votes move in the direction of the ALA.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          I can see Abbott come back at some point, but not for the next election. I think Turdbull will go early, especially if he gets a whiff that Labor is about to roll Shorten. He will win, but a lot – and I don’t think for a second anybody in the elite has yet realised how universally despised Turdbull is outside of Melbourne and Sydney – of their traditional Conservative vote will bleed to the Nats and the ALA. The ALA have good candidates – Bernard Gaynor being but one example – and will get a ton of free publicity, so I think the future for them is looking bright.

          Then, after the election, Labor will dump Shorten and go with Albanese – every bit as corrupt, but not tainted by the Royal Commission and a pretty good public speaker. The shine will come off the Turdbull and the treasonous scum – Bishop, Morrison, Pyne – will go to Abbott begging him to come back. Meantime, he’s been partying on the back bench for say 18 months, looking to see which of the backbenchers is genuine talent. He will roll Turdbull, and Morrison, Pyne and Bishop, and his cabinet will be made up of real Aussies. He will likely re-install Macfarlane as a Fuck You to Turdbull. He will have learned from his mistakes, so the first order of business will be to break up and sell off the ABC.

  5. Redbaiter says:

    If there’s a FITH Progressive idea out there that Paul Thomas doesn’t subscribe to I’ve yet to discover it.

    One of the many reasons I have for ensuring the NZ Herald never get’s one cent from me.

  6. The Gantt Guy says:

    While we’re on the topic of dishonest bullshit, this news just in … a review conducted by two avowed communists of the ABC show “Q+A” has found it does not have a leftwing anti-coalition bias and in fact, needs to have more watermelons and women on its panel…

    Oh wait, that isn’t satire?

  7. Ronbo says:

    Fox News is reporting this morning by way of a retired Counter-Terrorism FBI agent that the Muslims responsible for the San Bernardino Massacre were known and tracked by him until he retired – and then the case dropped because Obama’s “didn’t target” Muslims.


    • Yokel says:

      Triggered by the thought that all our governments seem to behave as though they are actively conspiring with the enemy to destroy our nations, I put my thinking head on. …
      Is there any head of government who would not qualify for the epithet “Quisling” these days? A few spring to my mind, such as Putin in Russia, Orban in Hungary, Netanyahu in Israel. Any others?

  8. Darin says:

    Pat Buchanan – The Establishment unhinged

    “Trump’s surge this week, in the teeth of universal denunciation, suggests that a large slice of America agrees with his indictment – that our political-media establishment is dumb as a box of rocks and leading us down a path to national suicide.”

    • KG says:

      Now there’s a relief! :lol:

    • Ronbo says:

      To borrow a quotation from Lenin speaking on the pre-revolutionary situation in Russia during early 1917 – and who was right twice a day like a broken clock – “The worse it gets, the better for us.”

      Today’s “American Bolsheviks” are people like me watching and waiting patiently for the reactionary and out-of-touch kabuki theater of Progressivism to make one mistake too many and get boo’d off stage.

      …and when the curtain rises it will be a completely new production more in tune with reality.

  9. Ronbo says:


    Proving once again that great minds think alike…I couldn’t have said it better!


    “In the end the radical phases of revolutions collapse under the weight of their own chaos and confusion. But the worse the situation becomes, the more it motivates and radicalizes opposition.”

    I was worried that Obama would be America’s Lenin, but its looking more and more like he’s going to be our Robespierre.

  10. KG says:

    “..No one can remain free, no one can ensure the freedom of his descendants, unless he nurtures and transmits to those around him the essential defiance that animates all the other freedom-conserving behaviors.
         Without weapons, our defiance will mean little. The State will become irresistible, able to coerce and chivvy us as it pleases. If the Left is truly resolved, in this final year of the Obamunist Regime, to attempt to disarm us, the moment will be upon us to decide on our priorities.
    (bold mine)

  11. Michael in Nelson says:

    As an American, I do not support Donald Trump in his presidential bid. However, I do understand the anger of the electorate at the ‘Establishment’. For the NZ Herald to assume they understand Americans is the hight of arrogance (typical of the left).

    Suppose, I was to establish a religion with the tenets of Islam. I would guarantee you the left would do everything they could to destroy me and all my followers. So, you tell me, why the difference?

    • Cadwallader says:

      I agree, while not being a fan of Donald Trump, I find the reactions of the Left to him to be disturbingly totalitarian and vicious. The UK petition to bar Trump’s entry is laughable when their government is stockpiling jihadis on a daily basis. Has the Progressive Left any degree of self-perception?

  12. KG says:

    “The potential ramifications of this level of tracking are scary as hell.”

  13. KG says:

    Fuckwits – they’re everywhere:
    ‘Obesity in women ‘as dangerous as terror threat’: Extraordinary claim by health chief as she uses speech to demand condition is added to list of emergency threats
    Chief Medical Officer Dame Sally Davies wants the obesity crisis in women to be classed alongside flooding and major outbreaks of disease – as well as the threat from violent extremism…’

    • Wombat says:

      Speaking as the husband of someone who is currently ruining their back having to treat these fucking whales, I wish they would all fucking die.

      They go to hospital because they get waited on hand and foot.

      They aren’t forced to diet. They aren’t forced to exercise. They aren’t forced to undergo suitable surgery.

      They become million-dollar-a-year burdens to the state and push out elective surgery waiting lists indefinitely.

      Again, I hope they all fucking die.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Wombat, speaking as the husband of a woman who battles every day against demons of which “normal” people know nothing, and completely understanding that you are voicing a perspective borne of frustration, and with the greatest of respect to both you and your wife, you have no idea the back-story of some of these people, so you can take your gross generalisation and shove it right up your arse.

        My wife has beaten back obesity, having lost 45 kgs through nothing more than a strength of character and determined self-will of which I remain to this day truly in awe. She had precisely zero help from any of the “health” “professionals” she encountered. In fact, any time she came within 20 feet of a nurse the judgement oozing out of them was palpable. Many of the “nurses” she sought out for help were downright cunts. Does that mean I think all nurses are cunts? Of course not, but that was certainly Mrs Gantt’s experience.

        Just something to ponder.