Open house

There are no female psychopaths, ok?
According to the NZ Herald:

‘The everyday psychopath
Your nearest psychopath might be your father-in-law, your boss, your financial adviser or even that guy your daughter is thinking about dating…’
Just a continuation of the sleazy, cowardly war on masculinity. Any single example may be trivial, but the cumulative effect of this relentless propaganda is very real.

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46 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    ‘Wake-up time in Europe: Time to get armed
    Sweden the latest to report soaring gun sales..’

    • Wombat says: up, Christendom!

      • Darin says:

        And remember,WTSHTF don’t waste resources,time or take any risks for your lib prog neighbors.Let the wolves have them.

        • Wombat says:

          Brother Darin.

          Did not the Spartans see wisdom in conscripting the weak to farm so that the strong might focus their attention to the ways of war?

          • Darin says:

            We have tractors now

            • Wombat says:

              In a societal upheaval, absent continual supplies of diesel.

              Gotta have a plan B.

              Besides, I figure you gather up the menfolk that make it to the border of Conservatoria, give them a knife and tell them “a job and a tent awaits anyone who can bring me the head of an islamist”. :mrgreen:

              • Darin says:

                Okay,but no whiny bitches and no lumbersexuals :mrgreen:

                • Wombat says:

                  Bah. The whiny bitches draw rickshaw duty. Whips are excellent motivators, both for speed and silence. And when they keel over and die they can be easily replaced.

                  It’s called “human capital” Mr Darin, and it’s a terrible thing to waste.

  2. Warren Tooley says:

    That’s why I don’t subscribe to the Herald. Why don’t we pray that the Herald will go bankrupt.

  3. mara says:

    The Herald is rubbish so we unsubscribed. It’s still free online but as soon as a paywall is in place we are gone and won’t miss it.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Saw this on my way to doing the puzzles. Seldom read anything else in that rag.

  5. Phil Stephenson says:

    Back in 2000 here in New South Wales a woman killed her husband and cooked his head, and was going to serve it up to her family before she got caught. I think she woud have to fall into that category.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      I remember a case in the U.S. Guy meets gal, they move in together. He knocks her briefcase down off the shelf. It opens and it’s full of credit cards and/or different IDs. He tells the police. They arrest her. He has remorse and bails her out. She shoots him but inflicts only a non-fatal wound.

      Plain old criminality isn’t necessarily psychopathy but shooting the guy instead of taking off suggests it was here.

  6. KG says:

    Patriot Nurse: The Time For Compromise IsĀ Over

  7. Contempt says:

    Read my lips umm forgot what I was er um

  8. Darin says:

    My God how stupid have we become?-

    20 minutes to put a kitchen cart together?I used to pull a Chevy 350 turbo trans out ,change the clutch bands,servos and filter and have it back in the truck in a half hour

    Now where is my f–king 6mm Allen wrench?

  9. Darin says:

    This just in-“Earth may spin faster as Glaciers melt…..women and minorities to be hardest hit”

  10. Flashman says:

    Quiz question: In practical terms how do you tell the difference between a Psychopath and a Sociopath?

    Bear in mind that their “idiosyncrasies” are often bundled in a single individual.

    • Darin says:

      Both are similar,but sociopaths live in a mental construct they have created and if you’re not part of it or they see you as threatening it watchout.Least that’s my definition

      See Rosamund Pike’s character in the movie Gone Girl

      • Warren Tooley says:

        That was my gut reaction too. Soci-opaths, as in soci-al engineering. That its all about social structure. Where as psychopaths all about what they personally want.

  11. KG says:

    ‘South Island temperatures soar as Christchurch, Dunedin smash records
    Record-breaking temperatures have swept through the country today with the heat in Christchurch reaching a sweltering 36.1 degrees this afternoon.
    The heat in the city was hot enough to break the previous record of 35.4C measured in December 1975 at Christchurch Airport.

    .7 of a degree???? All this fuss over .7 of a degree?? Does this silly bitch know ANYTHING of science?

  12. The Gantt Guy says:

    Goober’s Gone!

    As for the others, if your name is not Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Bush, please raise your hand. Now, if your hand is raised, please make your way to the exit.

  13. Ronbo says:

    Another Ronbo, “I told you so.”

    The Republican Party is about ready to go out of business and be replaced by a new major party – This hasn’t happened since 1854, when the nationalist Whig Party collapsed over the issue of slavery.

    Like I said, “Before the CW2 comes a new major national party.”

  14. mawm says:

    Something to read:-

    Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war.

  15. KG says:

    REUTERS ROLLING: TRUMP 36.7%, CARSON 11.3%, CRUZ 11%, RUBIO 8.3%