The face of a totalitarian:

0F74158800000514-3373981-image-a-30_1451042144248What is it with women who gain power?
Theresa May says new spying powers will be used to bring cyberbullies and online trolls to justice
New spying laws will be used to bring online bullies and trolls to justice, the Home Secretary says.

Theresa May reportedly claims the surveillance powers – unveiled under the Investigatory Powers Bill last month – will help police and spooks to track down and identify anonymous cyberbullies.
This is because they will force Internet firms to retain individuals’ connection records – which may then be used by officials to unmask abusive users going by various aliases, The Times reports.
It is the first time the government has said the new laws will be used to deal with what Mrs May describes as the ‘pernicious’ issue of cyberbullying, which affects millions of young Brits annually….’
Millions of stupid young girls, that is. And for this, people are being spied upon and their few freedoms threatened.

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23 Responses to The face of a totalitarian:

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    Because going after stupid white teens is easier than going after disaffected Asian “yoof” in Britain, eh?

    • KG says:

      Yes indeed. The politician’s favourite weapon is mass distraction and never mind the consequences.

  2. KG says:

    ‘..they will force Internet firms to retain individuals’ connection records – which may then be used by officials to unmask abusive users going by various aliases..’
    Until the act is used to clamp down on anti-government speech.
    The Investigatory Powers Bill was promoted and passed as a way to fight terrorism. It was never that and was always intended as a club to beat the peasants into submission.

    • Yokel says:

      And for those who are prepared to fight it, it won’t work anyway.
      It hasn’t yet been passed, but kicking it out will take an enormous effort from the demoralised supine herd.

      Initially promoted to solve terrorism, the alert amongst us have noted that Mr Plod the policeman isn’t using all the powers that he already has when “fighting” terrorism. So they have to widen the “debate” to widen the powers. This is well on its way to becoming a generic “won’t somebody think of the children?” trump card soon.

  3. mawm says:

    May’s only talking about doing it but in Oz they are doing it already.

    A Victorian woman has been charged with serious religious vilification after posting comments about Islam on Facebook. She posted on the Stop the Bendigo Mosque site saying that “all mosques should be burnt down with the doors locked at prayer time”. A sentiment that is probably echoed by millions of Australians.

  4. Wombat says:

    “We ask the citizens of this great nation to have trust that these unprecedented powers of surveillance will be used only to root out terrorists.”

    -The leader of every western nation 09/11/01 +1

    This ends only when we get off the internet, onto the streets and into government buildings, en masse, with all the tools needed to dismantle this global concentration camp before the ribbon is cut and it’s declared open for business. :evil:

  5. KG says:

    “This ends only when we get off the internet, onto the streets and into government buildings, en masse, with all the tools needed to dismantle this global concentration camp before the ribbon is cut and it’s declared open for business.”
    I sometimes think the occasional prosecution like the one above is merely a tactic to lull us into thinking that all our online range might make a difference.
    A safety-valve, in other words.

    • Wombat says:

      I think the publicity is going to hurt them on this one, but only if we’re willing to raise the stakes every time the tyrants do.

      Presently they raise the stakes and we fold, albeit noisily and with foul language.

      It’s not good enough. The charging officer, the prosecutor, the DA (or equivalent) and the judge all need to have their pictures and addresses crowd-sourced and made public.

      They need to have their movements tracked in real time and posted online. Small “protests” would be enough to do it without giving the painfully obvious avenue of being charged with intimidating an official.

      Ditto for their spouses, children, grandchildren etc.

      Others could use that information as they choose. We need to make this kind of anti-free-speech intimidation so unpleasant that future requests to engage in lawfare against patriots is avoided by public officials at all costs.

      • Wombat says:

        p.s. The three man team is looking better and better.

        • KG says:

 It sure is. But where to find such men?

          Intelligence is the key to this. Anybody who can dig up information on these bastards needs to disseminate it as widely as possible. Destroy their privacy, intimidate them, ensure they can never relax.

  6. Jamie says:

    Theresa May and Loretta Lynch – a pair of deuces???

  7. mara says:

    They are progressive in the same way that a tumour is progressive. It keeps progressing until it kills you.

  8. Darin says:

    Cyberbullies and Trolls?Easy fix,take advantage of the rules to go after the celebrities,talking heads and libtard trolls.

  9. PC says:

    Riiiight. So the taxpayer will fund a government agency to arbiter as to whether “Brittany’s clunge is mingy”. Great, just bloody great. National security: brought to you by PlaySchool.

  10. tranquil says:

    I’ve always despised May. This gives me even more reason to.