Who is promoting this obscenity?

‘Children as young as four ‘encouraging each other to consider a sex change’
Some schools are seeing children coming forward to seek support towards a possible change after one pupil takes the first step..’

Kids don’t dream this stuff up on their own. Some very sick, evil adults are behind this. The bastards should be in jail.

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14 Responses to Who is promoting this obscenity?

  1. Oswald Bastable says:

    Should be on fire…

  2. Wombat says:

    Children do what they need to to get attention. When self- centred progressives have kids it apparently requires the child to generate gender issues before gender neutral parent one and\or two show any pride in them.

  3. KG says:

    I firmly believe that prog so-called teachers are behind this.

  4. Michael in Nelson says:

    Could well be teachers KG but they go with the curriculum that is required. The problem is too many teachers don’t think for themselves.

    • KG says:

      From conversations with teachers and parents, Michael, it seems to me that teachers are all too willing to push their personal agendas on to kids, regardless of the curriculum.

  5. Lara says:

    A four year old child is still working out basic basic concepts. This is just sick. Innocence and extreme youth taken advantage of.

  6. mara says:

    They did not spoil my child because I did not let them.

    • Darin says:

      It is getting increasingly difficult to do that Mara.The state is always clawing away power from parents in regards to what their children think and learn.PC cultural perversion is just the latest advance.

  7. MacDoctor says:

    Gender identity confusion is very common amongst 4-year-olds. Normal adults help them through this confusion by providing gender role models. Only a deeply perverted, twisted evil sicko would use this perfectly innocent confusion to push some ideological gender wheelbarrow at the expense of a child’s normal development. Hanging is definitely too good for them…

  8. KG says:

    Transgender Fad Rapidly Spreading in Primary Schools, ‘Clusters’ Emerging as Children Copy Friends