Open House

on Donald Trump.  Brilliant stuff.

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72 Responses to Open House

  1. Michael in Nelson says:

    Happy New Tear KG & Gecko and all the fine visitors. I’m off to do real science for the next month. Back in early Feb. Keep ’em honest

  2. KG says:

    James Delingpole:
    ‘The Force Awakens’ Is the Worst Thing Ever

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      “… never before has there been a movie where the generally favourable reception by critics and audiences alike has been quite so dramatically at odds with the actual product”

      He goes on to blame chemtrails. I prefer to believe he just doesn’t understand the power of the Jedi mind trick!

      • Darin says:

        I blame Disney,everything they touch turns to crap,John Carter anyone?

        I will say there is no way it can top the stench of this years worst film-Noah.What a turd,it was a combination of Lord of the Rings,meets Avatar meets Cast Away

        • Gregoryno6 says:

          John Carter – they couldn’t decided whether their target demographic was the over 20s or the under 10s.

          • Wombat says:

            My wife and my eldest son loved the new Star Wars movie. I thought it was a load of crap.

            It’s “A new Hope” all over again. Seriously. Damn near the same plot.

          • Wombat says:

            And Noah was just a steaming load of hippie shit.

            I knew I was in for a rough ride early on in the film when Noah’s son picks a tiny flower from a bush containing hundreds of same.

            “It’s pretty!”

            Noah chastises him.

            “…We only collect what we can use, and what we need…”

            At which point I yelled “It’s a fucking flower!“. Got a good laugh from everyone within earshot.

            • Darin says:

              Ya,saw that too,luckily I waited till it was free with Amazon Prime.I like watching on Prime,cause I can skip ahead 10 minutes at a time and see the BS before I step in it,then shit can the rest and write a bad review if the suckage continues.
              I laughed,I cried,but I did not kiss $10 bucks goodbye.

  3. Ronbo says:

    Last summer I told the Crusaders that if Trump wasn’t stopped by Christmas, he would be elected president in a landslide come November, 2016.

    It would appear I’m no longer a voice crying in the wilderness.

    Next prediction:

    The Left will go absolutely APE when this happens, so look for massive civil unrest in 2017, maybe even a declaration of martial law by lame duck President Obama and a refusal to leave office, as the Left pulls out all stops to destabilize the country in protest of a President Trump and a hard right turn to nationalism, American style.

    Perhaps U.S. Civil War II in 2017?

    Could be.

    No ruling class goes quietly into the night.

  4. Darin says:

    Actor James Woods has it right -“Buy guns learn to use them”

  5. Jamie says:

    Better late than never I guess….

    “Swiss army chief André Blattmann warned, in a Swiss newspaper article on Sunday, the risks of social unrest in Europe are soaring. Recalling the experience of 1939/1945, Blattman fears the increasing aggression in public discourse is an explosively hazardous situation, and advises the Swiss people to arm themselves and warns that the basis for Swiss prosperity is “being called into question.”

    The situation is growing increasingly risky, Blattman begins.

    “The threat of terror is rising, hybrid wars are being fought around the globe; the economic outlook is gloomy and the resulting migration flows of displaced persons and refugees have assumed unforeseen dimensions.”

    Blattmann: “Social unrest can not be ruled out”, the vocabulary in public discourse will “dangerously aggressive.”

    “The mixture is increasingly unappetizing” Blattmann sees the basis of Swiss prosperity, “has long been once again called into question.”

    “He recalls the situation around the two world wars in the last century and advises Switzerland, to arm themselves.”

    • Wombat says:

      Via Wikipedia: The structure of the Swiss militia system stipulates that the soldiers keep their own personal equipment, including all personally assigned weapons, at home (until 2007 this also included ammunition[4]). Compulsory military service concerns all male Swiss citizens, with women serving voluntarily. Males usually receive initial orders at the age of 18 for military conscription eligibility screening. About two-thirds of young Swiss men are found suitable for service, while alternative service exists for those found unsuitable.

      So in theory, two thirds of all men plus what women have volunteered have military service weapons and training in the use of such.

      On paper they’d be the most dangerous mob per capita in the world. So what is it that the numbers don’t tell us?

  6. Ronbo says:

    Jerry Seinfeld: The King of Comedy has become a Leftist Thought Criminal.

    • Grog says:

      Laugh In, Abbot and Costello, Flip Wilson, Pryor, Carlin, Cosby, 3 Stooges, et al…………..

      Seinfeld is good for some people, I just have a different view on humor. Not pointed at you, Ronbo, just my comment.

  7. Grog says:

    The FSM church is now “legitimate”

    The stories don’t mention if angel hair pasta will be a required serving at weddings.

  8. Ronbo says:

    I have a feeling we haven’t seen the last Crusade.

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      I’m not sure about that, Ronbo. As was said in the first episode of this season of Homeland (paraphrasing): there are two choices. (1) the US (inter alia) sends 200,000 forces to support a similar number of doctors and nursery school teachers for an indeterminate period, or (2) (hat-tip Ted Cruz) we see if we can make sand glow in the dark.

      I don’t see any apetite whatever – outside of warmongers like Lindsey Graham and John McCain – for sending troops to the M.E. to get involved in an Arab civil war that’s been underway for 1,400 years.

      Unless of course you’re referring to Minuteman missiles and their assorted brethren and cousins as “Crusaders”? In which case, let’s party…

      • Andrew Berwick says:

        Hell YEAH! “What’s the point of a good nuclear triad if you’re not going to use it”

      • Wombat says:

        I’m of a different mind. I think if we employ lazy solutions we’re going to continue to decline into being a lazy society.

        My opinion is that we do the troops thing minus the doctors and teachers, and frankly I’m not sure why we ever bothered with the fucking “hearts and minds” nonsense in the first place.

        I believe the only way to win this AND come out stronger as a civilisation is to say to clear the fucking land of the mohammedean assholes who live(d) there, not for a week, not for a year, but FOR-FUCKING-EVER!

        Take the land, and when it’s attacked take the land the attackers came from, until there’s a stream of refugees heading deeper into the M.E. saying “seriously, you don’t want to fuck with these guys”.

        Beachfront property for the taking. Farmland as it become available. Minimal taxation and regulation. Zero infringement of the right to bear arms. Adventure. Brotherhood. A life less ordinary.

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          All well and good, but it’s like a virus. If you don’t innoculate you need to wipe out every single viral cell.

          Meaning, if you’re going in without the doctors and teachers, you need to kill every.single.person. Even one mohammedan remaining will ensure the survival of the evil death cult. And that doesn’t even consider the invaders in our own lands.

          I’m not talking about any kind of “democracy project” nonsense. I’m suggesting that to destroy the virus of iSlam you need to not just kill the virus, you need to innoculate the next generation (or the one after), so the illness doesn’t return.

          • Wombat says:

            Once you kill the fighters the rest will flee or be evicted.

            Despite the M.E.’s reputation as a dusty moonscape there’s plenty of farmable land there. Nuking it all would be like setting fire to a nice house to rid it of vermin.

            So you toss out the mohammedeans and keep the rest. The mohammedeans will give you plenty of excuses to expand. Meanwhile you evict them from western nations and push them into a decreasingly small area of the world, where history shows us they will be equally busy killing each other as lashing out at us.

          • Wombat says:

            *Decreasingly small?

            Probably should have gone with “ever shrinking”.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

     Proper grammar’s a bitch on Sunday afternoons!

              • Wombat says:

                My point is, I’m not a fan of “ethnocide” or whatever you’d call it.

                Forcing islam to live with itself and nobody else is not a light-switch solution, but IMHO it’s still the correct one.

                It gives them a chance for reformation, gives us reprieve from them, and we don’t have the blood of a half a billion women and children on our hands (which would quite possibly stain our societal soul beyond redemption).

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  True enough. Let’s go with your way first. If that doesn’t work, then we can see if we can make sand glow in the dark.

                • The Gantt Guy says:

                  Looks like the decision, or at least the timeline, may have been removed from Western hands with Saudi executing the shiite (latrine?) cleric. The towel-heads are a bit grumbly at the moment!

                • Andrew Berwick says:


                  The point is there are something like 1/4 of the world – 1.6 billion.

                  We don’t have the soldiers to wipe them out. But we do have the nukes.

              • Wombat says:

                Why kill 1.6 billion people, including millions of children, when you don’t have to?

  9. mawm says:

    PEGIDA hymn races to No 1. Amazon, who distribute it, pledge profits from it to refugee charities.

    I hope all of you will source your on line shopping elsewhere. Any company that declares it’s hard left political ideology, along with “artists” of any sort, will not get my money. I’m off to eBay, Barnes and Noble, etc. Bye-bye Bizos!

    • Darin says:

      Amazon probably got a talking to from Dear Angela and the Stasi,Bezos is much less liberal than the CEO’s and staff of B&N and Ebay from what I have seen.

      • mawm says:

        I’m finding that purchasing direct from the manufacturer is working for me, not that I’ve done much.

        • Darin says:

          I shop around for everything since no one vendor has the best deals on everything,but often times Amazon beats the rest when the shipping costs are factored in.

          • Wombat says:

            Tommy Robinson seems to think that Amazon is fucking with the sales records of his new book to keep it off the best sellers list.

            I wouldn’t doubt it either.

  10. The Gantt Guy says:

    On the link at the O/P (being consigned to a Cube Farm, I’m a MASSIVE Dilbert fan) … per Scott Adams:

    “On the surface, and several layers deep as well, Trump appears to be a narcissistic blow-hard with inadequate credentials to lead a country.”

    Completely unlike the Emperor Hussein I, or Slick Willy Clinton, or or or…

    • Darin says:

      The difference being,and it’s a big one,Trump actually did something of value and built an empire.
      Obama and Clinton have been living in public housing their entire lives and done nothing but damage other people and leech off the system.

      Trump IS the morally superior man IMHO.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Absolutely no question on that one. That’s why I raised the point – Adams, for all his brilliance, levelling a charge against Trump which would be far more accurately levelled at any of the Donkey Prez’s of the past 50 years (and, sadly, a goodly number of the Pachiderm ones too). You point out the exact juxtaposition between he and they. And it’s yuuuuuge.

  11. Oswald Bastable says:
  12. Ronbo says:

    Now where can I enlist in the Royal Marines?

  13. Ronbo says:

    Did Revolution 2.0 just break out in Oregon?

    • KG says:

      Multiply that by a thousand times, make it ‘hot”……and maybe there’s a chance.

        • KG says:

          Great background stuff! Thanks, Grog.

        • Wombat says:

          I’ve got a “down for maintenance page” at the end of that link.

        • Wombat says:

          Googled it. Sweet baby Jesus! The new year is kicking off in a big way.

          If it weren’t for the damned pacific ocean I’d toss the .223 in the car and head down there to do overwatch.

          I’m not a praying type of guy, but I’m saying a prayer for those men, now and as often as I remember to.

        • Wombat says:

          A comment from the Zero Hedge article re: Oregon.

          “This article came out 12noon. By 1PM it had 31,664 Reads and 213 comments. Must be the 1st hour record.”

          A quick scan shows most of those comments are anti-federal, and Zero Hedge is not exactly a “far right hangout”.

  14. KG says:

    Myth of the ‘Moderate Muslim’

    “When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.” – The Quran, Surah 9:5

  15. Darin says:

    Why so many Christian pastors who advocate passivism have it wrong-

    “It is one thing for a Christian clergyman to advocate self-sacrificing pacifism for himself in the face of mortal danger, but quite another to advocate or force pacifism on others against their natural God-given will to live. No one on Earth has the authority to tolerate, through pacifism, maiming injury or death to their own family or neighbor at the hands of murderers, terrorists, Muslim jihadists or tyrannical government; that is not only cowardly and un-Christian, it is evil. As Christians we are under Divine obligation to provide, not only food and shelter for our families, without which physical harm would ensue, but also to provide safety from violent physical harm. Both the New and Old Testaments provide us with a resounding “yes” to the question posed by Reverend Piper: “Can I shoot my wife’s assailant?”

    • KG says:

      “As Christians we are under Divine obligation to provide, not only food and shelter for our families, without which physical harm would ensue, but also to provide safety from violent physical harm.”
      The obligation has nothing whatsoever to do with Christianity, and in fact is superior to and existed prior to any religious dogma, because it’s intrinsic in the natural world.
      Any man who will not defend his wife and kids from harm, using whatever means and at whatever personal cost to do that, has failed to keep the bargain he makes when he takes a partner and has children.
      Such a creature is no man, but a cowardly piece of offal using the nearest convenient rationale to justify that cowardice.

      • Wombat says:


        Take the average Christian pacifist. If God himself came down from heaven and told them to start busting heads and taking names then they’d probably see to converting to Buddhism.

        • Darin says:

          Yup,I know too many that will complain about the way the world is,but don’t see how much of our freedoms were lost while the Church rolled over and played dead.