Germany, warming up:

‘Eyewitness Cologne: Germany Deploys 143 Officers To Stop Migrant Rape, 1,500 Officers To Stop Anti-Rape Protest’

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6 Responses to Germany, warming up:

  1. Brown says:

    I guess they were just following orders. I wonder for how much longer though?

    • KG says:

      I thought that was a very fair and balanced article, Brown. Nice to see that PEGIDA sheeted home the blame to where it belongs – politicians.

      • Wombat says:

        I believe the nationalists will come out on top of this struggle, but the main question is how long, bloody and ugly it’s going to be.

        There are a lot of “you’re just a civilian” assholes in law enforcement, but there are also a lot of morally upright souls in the forces (police/defence).

        If we write them all off and cast them as our enemies in their entirety then we will still win, but it’ll take a lot longer and cost us a lot more in the end.

        The worst coppers are the politicians at the top of the ranks. Rage should be directed appropriately at those bastards, but we stand to gain little by butting up against the rank and file.

    • Wombat says:

      It wasn’t enough to start billion dollar wings of government that sit on their fat asses and do nothing.

      Now they have to start billion dollar wings of government to contest the other billion dollar wings of government.

      Why? Because the vast majority of the people on the government’s tit are not EVER going to vote for smaller government, and when you get that number high enough then democracy will only ever ensure a greater degree of socialism.