Maybe she’s turning muslim?

‘Boozing is unsafe at ‘any level’, thunders chief quack
The government’s chief advisor on health ignored more than 80 studies to produce her new Puritanical guidelines on booze – which asks Britons to forego their Friday drink. Civil servant Dame Sally Davies has drawn up the lowest recommendations in the West: there is no “safe drinking level”, her team declared…’

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5 Responses to Maybe she’s turning muslim?

  1. Ronbo says:

    This is a warning shot across the bows of the SS Majority in Britain and it’s done to test the response from the public – Yes, the Regime in power in Britain does plan to crack down on booze at a later date to make the Muslim minority happy….APPEASEMENT, big time!

  2. Wombat says:

    I think a lot of progressives are starting to get a bit jumpy about which way the winds of change are blowing.

    For many of these turncoats, pledging allegiance to islam is simply a smart way of hedging their bets. They become part of a protected “minority”, and if Europe goes full caliphate then they’re in on the ground floor.

    I suspect they’ve written off a nationalist resurgence as an impossibility.

  3. andy5759 says:

    Let’s be ‘aving you, come on then (pointing at chin), give it yer best shot. My pub stays a pub, it sells beer. My pub will be here after these blow (each other) hards are distant memories. So will we all, but that’s another thing.