Like it or not, this is the answer to barbarians:

Soldiers-of-Odin-Reuters-640x480 ‘Anti-Immigrant ‘Soldiers of Odin’ Raise Concern in Finland’
The final sentence of this article…interesting.


Hungarian Paper Slams Merkel: ‘No Bastards On Earth More Abominable Than Liberal Pigs Digging Europe’s Grave’

Anti-Immigration Protesters Send Busload of Syrian Refugees to Merkel’s Office

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11 Responses to Like it or not, this is the answer to barbarians:

  1. Cadwallader says:

    The Hungarian headline is terrific. The local dribbly media would never carry that sort of leader on any front page.

  2. Flashman says:

    Be under no illusion, East Europeans *loath* the muz. The ottoman empire still looms large in their national awareness, hell, its centuries of brutality helped define them as a people.

  3. Ronbo says:

    I think the poop is gonna hit the fan soon on a planetary scale not seen since the great revolutions of 1848 rolled through country after country – and upended the then ruling classes of Europe’s nice little quiet lawn party of oppression.

    ….and the oligarchy of Europe DID NOT SEE IT COMING!!!!

    No surprise: The oligarchies of the time didn’t see the American, French or Russian revolutions coming down the lane when it was common knowledge among the plebs that something BIG was brewing in the tea pot.

    It’s the same thing today in this country and Europe – the angry peasants are sharping their long knives, loading their muskets and looking for a leader to command “fix bayonets” and order them”over the top” — and the European and American oligarchies do not see the big smoking revolutionary express train bearing down on them!

    Rush Limbaugh has spoken on this disconnect with reality on the part of the oligarchy many times, but how else can you explain their actions and words? After seven years of anti-gun speeches it’s clear to anyone conscious that when Obama talks gun grab, gun and ammunition sales in America increase 100%, 200% for MONTHS. Obama is the greatest gun salesman in history and surely he knows this fact, but it doesn’t worry me.

    I submit because he’s living in oligarchy cloud cuckoo land and as blind as Louis XVI was until after the attack on the Bastille. Asked old Louie, “Is it a rebellion?” No, answered a lackey, “It’s a revolution.”

    • Flashman says:

      Agreed 100%.

      A “black swan” event is a cataclysmic outlier that no “sensible” pundits in the mainstream ever expect to occur. All swans are white, ya dummy!

      Except black ones do exist.

      9/11 was a black swan, a Serbian gunman plugging an Austrian duke was a black swan, rubber boats landing in Greece…black swan also.

      Thing is, black swans roost in festering, corrupted environments…which they love. And when they spread their wings…. Well, ask King Louis what happens next.

  4. Seneca III says:

    I do hope that the ‘Sisters of Kyllikki’ wear a recognisable uniform as do the Soldiers of Odin. That way the latter can cheerfully turn a blind eye and simply stand back when the former are being raped and groped by Rapers and Gropers of the Roper persuasion. It would be an excellent abject lesson for all pathological altruists and very satisfying to watch particularly if the Ropers were then afterwards exterminated by the SoO the former having so succinctly made my point for me.

  5. mawm says:

    A comment on the Daily Mail’s article on the “Soldiers of Odin” –

    They’re not far right…just right!

    He’s right.

    • KG says:

      :mrgreen: The first comment is a beauty!
      The condemnation of this publicity-seeking, ungrateful, ignorant clown is almost unanimous, yet we in the West still get this shit rammed down our throats by the Marxist media and their spineless political accomplices, altering our lives to suit ignorant pigs who have learned nothing and want only to tear down what our forefathers built.
      It’s time for revolution.
      Big Machine Gun

      • Ronbo says:

        I read very few – if any – comments supporting the P.C. college crowd of anti-white, mind numbed Leftist robots.

        There is hope for Britain…and Europe.