The driver behind the invasion:

‘Last week, mega bank UBS published a document entitled “The Future of Europe”, written by analysts in its Chief Investment Office. The message of the report is clear: we need more migrants for cheaper labour in Europe, or big, corporate profits will be hit.
…The document begins with quotes from European Commission President Jean Claude Juncker, and billionaire “no borders” campaigner George Soros. It states, right from the get go: “To match the US labor growth rate, the EU needs 1.8m additional immigrants (of working age) annually for the next 10 years…”
In other words the migrant crisis – while a nightmare for Western Civilisation, for towns and cities across Europe, and for European security – is perfect for those who want more cheap labour on the continent…’
Do read on, there’s lots more in this long article by Raheem Kassam. He points out that the horrific social costs were not factored into the report.

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6 Responses to The driver behind the invasion:

  1. KG says:

    From the article, a point I make to the pro-invasion people again and again:
    ‘But from the other perspective – a migrant crisis of this sort may attract a majority of working age men from the outset, but they will soon be eclipsed by millions of dependents that they “send home for” – as the Financial Times reports just today. The idea of creating a larger labour force out of this migrant crisis suddenly becomes questionable, especially considering the dependents, the capital outlay required to process, police, and house them, and indeed the pension liabilities that will emerge as a result…’

    • KG says:

      Which is of course perfectly true.
      So – given that it would be far cheaper to stimulate European participation in the economies of Europe, via tax breaks, cheap housing, subsidised childcare etc, we have to look for the real motive behind enabling the invasion.
      That motive is the destruction of European nation states and distinct national identities. In other words, cultural genocide in the service of corporate and political interests.
      We fight or we vanish as distinct European peoples.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        Chip up, lads. The worm is starting to turn. The Cologne rapes were a watershed moment, and I for one cannot thank those muslim apes enough for being stupid enough to lift the curtain this early in the run-up.

  2. K2 says:

    The underlying reason things like feminism, gay rights and making college the path to any good paying job (when it really has no relation to the actual job) is to reduce the native population. The first two are self explanatory and the last keeps women from having babies during their most fertile period in life. So the answer to this quandary is even simpler than opening the borders to third world shit holes, it’s a simple paradigm shift.

  3. C-CS says:

    “…European Commission ..”

    G. Washington stated —in his fare well address- “>>>”…stay out of the the affairs of Europe!!!…”
    our “leaders” in the US did not take heed to his
    wisdom — and we in the US have been in wars

    • KG says:

      Wisdom seems to be in very short supply in government and the bureaucracy nowadays, Carol.
      Plenty of clever people. Few wise ones.