Col. B. Bunny:

‘..We are focused on the vapid, the stupid, the ignorant, the obscene, the transient, and the cheap. The word “gun” causes highly educated people in their distant suburban or gated and guarded communities to experience moistness. Illiterates vote and subversives control our schools. We fawn over the foreigner. Certain of our citizens give their children names not even found in a Tarzan novel and smirk at their creativity. The same citizens turn great cities into slums, two-way shooting galleries, and new habitats for wild turkeys. Citizens who object are persecuted. Public officials at all levels cannot master simple arithmetic and their powers of foresight drop off exponentially three days in the future or at quitting time on Friday, whichever comes first…’
‘Western suicide.’

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7 Responses to Col. B. Bunny:

  1. Bo Chandler says:

    My contribution to Twitter for the day.

    • Col. Bunny says:

      That picture of the cops leading the Muslim infantry into the homeland is like that tapestry of Harold taking an arrow in the eye in 1066.

      It’s also like a drawing of the Trojan horse and the paintings of the breaching of the walls of Constantinople.

      It’s like a surgeon who hasn’t washed his hands picking up his scalpel.

      We are on the cusp of something catastrophic and several famous thinkers are concerned that Trump is not a conservative.

      Thanks for the link, KG!

  2. Bo Chandler says:

    If we woke up one day to find that half the population had literally turned into a mix of sheep and wolves then we would not drop everything to take on the impossible duty of playing shepherd to millions of bleating fools.

    We remove ourselves from hostile territory, and this time we build walls and enforce a no-man’s land.