Open house

And if it had been a father?
‘NZ: ‘No jail term for child abuser
A woman who filmed herself performing a sex act on her one-year-old son for a paedophile friend has dodged jail…’

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54 Responses to Open house

  1. Bo Chandler says:

    By (apparently) many standards, I had a “very difficult upbringing.”

    I would sure appreciate it if someone gave me some sort of reliable indicator as to what sort of legal capital that provided me.

    Could I steal a car? Rob a bank? Break someone’s kneecaps and still avoid jail?

    I seems unreasonable that I’m owed some sort of leniency from society yet nobody in authority is willing to quantify precisely how many get-out-of-jail-free cards my suffering will buy me.

  2. Bo Chandler says:

    New Fred.

    ‘A congressman voting for a war would have to explain to his constituents why he wanted to spend a trillion dollars on killing remote peasants when his jurisdiction had crumbling schools. People in Oklahoma might ask, “Can’t we grow our own goat herds more cheaply and kill them here?”’

    Funny stuff.

    • Darin says:

      Fred’s all wet on this one,the military is very much under the control of the civilian government,that’s the problem.Not being able to fight a war in proper fashion isn’t the fault of the men or the gear,it’s the fault of Washington DC just the same as it was in Vietnam.Too many strategy sessions in the basement of the White House is never a good idea.

      He’s also wrong on media coverage,it was 24/7/365 under Bush with the death toll trumpeted every evening on the news.Not so under Obama,not a peep,no mention made unless it’s a “friendly fire” or “collateral damage”story or they need to make a traitor like Bergdahl look like the next Stg York.

      No,civilian control IS the problem,not the cure.The US only has to go after “goat herders” because civilian policy let them cross our borders and wreak havoc.Normally I like Fred’s stuff,this time me thinks Fred has been hitting the crack pipe a bit hard.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        I don’t agree with him entirely on this one either, but it’s still entertaining to read. Fifty fifty for accuracy I reckon.

  3. Bo Chandler says:

    Twitter just blocked me for “unusual activity”.

    Typical bullshit. “Give us a phone number and we’ll send you a reactivation code.”

    On an unrelated note, reckon I’ll lay away some more ammo on Wed.

  4. Ronbo says:


    If all goes well I will be flying east this morning over the Pacific on a Boeing 737 to the Hawaiian archipelago and the city Honolulu for some sunny R&R from Seattle, where it rains nine months out of the year.

    So I doubt I’ll have time to post anything until after Feb. 2nd – when I’m due to return to Seattle, good Lord willing and if the creek don’t rise.

    Anyhow, I just wanted to report these travel plans, so the Crusader Command knows that I didn’t get arrested, shot, or killed in a traffic accident!

  5. Darin says:

    FEDs bragging about stealing land,and yes that is the same bitch from the Oregon ranch theft-

    If they ever set foot on my land they will never leave :evil:

    • Bo Chandler says:

      I refuse to believe that their location at any given time is so secretly guarded that she cannot be “taken care of”.

  6. Darin says:

    The Non-Republican/Republican scandal-

    Typical,democrats in control as far as the eye can see,but it’s still Republicans to blame.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      The Establishment Republicans have no fight in them at all. That’s why the historical party of the KKK, the Democrats, continues to gleefully hang the mantle of racism on the shoulders of the GOP.

      It’s also why Trump is rolling over them like a monster truck.

    • KG says:

      ( And very amusing to see the cop don ear protectors in order to shut down the little generator. :mrgreen: )

  7. KG says:

    We hope so. :mrgreen:
    ‘Glenn Beck: Donald Trump Is a ‘Very Dangerous Man’..’
    Mind you, Trump would have a way to go to be more dangerous than faux conservatives such as Beck.

  8. Jamie says:

    COME ON SUE ME BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BRING IT ON MUTHA F**KA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. KG says:

    ‘346 sex offenders ruled ‘unfit’ to drive a taxi’

  10. KG says:

    A slimy, evasive item in the Brit Daily Telegraph:
    ‘When it comes to integrating immigrants, friendship is the key
    By David Goodhart’
    but wait…
    ‘Dave Goodhart works for Demos, which was founded by the editor of Marxism today. It is a communist publication supporting the “new communism” of the likes of Tony Blair.’
    Excellent comments under the article, which illustrates perfectly how the agenda of the elites flies in the face of the people’s wishes.

  11. Robertv says:

    A review of active shooter cases by the Air Force has confirmed what gun rights advocates have long been saying: Firearms in the hands of good guys are often the best bet for stopping massacres.

    The military branch earlier this month sent out a letter to its base commanders around the nation reminding them that they can authorize subordinates to carry guns, even while off-duty and out of uniform. It also established three programs to help ensure that armed service members are in a position to protect their bases.

  12. Lara says:

    freaking sick. I hope she never sees her kids again. What kind of a society are we when this pond scum gets a flick on the wrist for such a shocking crime? Even her parents spoke out against her. pond scum. At least the wee kids are out of her so called care. twisted bloody judge.

  13. KG says:

    ‘A Houston grand jury investigating criminal allegations against Planned Parenthood stemming from a series of undercover videos on Monday instead indicted two of the anti-abortion activists who shot the footage.
    In a stunning turn of events, the grand jury declined to indict officials from the abortion provider, and instead handed up a felony charges of tampering with a government record against Center for Medical Progress founder David Daleiden and center employee Sandra Merritt. Daleidon was also charged with a misdemeanor count related to purchasing human organs…’

  14. KG says:

    Serious crime concerns in Britain, this via Tim Blair:
    ‘Drive-by yoghurt attack on crochet teacher’s haberdashery leaves her shaken’

  15. Darin says:

    Surface plate calibration and conditioning-

    How they are made-

    • KG says:

      Metrology is a fascinating subject in its own right. I’m downloading the complete video from the second link.
      Thanks for those.

  16. Darin says:

    One rule for thee and another for me-

    The bitch should have been fired the same day :evil:

    • KG says:

      Swedish police say there’s no evidence it was terrorism and may have been an “accident”.

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Having routinely dealt with Sudanese refugees in a children’s hospital, let me tell you I do NOT miss having to put the hard word on “15 year old” former child soldiers who are in actual fact in their twenties but lowball their age on arrival for obvious reasons.