Lt. Col. (ret.) Henry Worsley

Screen Shot 2016-01-26 at 7.25.27 AM raise a glass to a fine, brave gentleman.

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16 Responses to Lt. Col. (ret.) Henry Worsley

  1. andy5759 says:

    What can I say? Sharing a planet with that man, and others like him, humbles me. RIP.

    • KG says:

      Me too, Andy. That attempt may be labelled a “failure” by some, but to me it embodies so many of the manly virtues that are under attack today.

  2. Victor says:

    I would like to make that journey one day… a solo quest to the South Pole… and I just might – and we should a strive to be a little bit more like this man – he was doing something noble…

    • KG says:

      Victor, I get the following message when I click on that link:
      ‘Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.’
      I think the code should be
      And I’ve taken the liberty of altering it in your comment.

    • KG says:

      Aye, Victor. But nobility – like grace – is all but dead.

      • Victor says:

        That is just a silly list of the options I was contemplating at the time I wrote them – it was not important… but I do seriously think about doing those things… and now a solo trip across Antarctica is on that list.

        I know that google puts different addresses for many sites for different countries – and my American links wont work in other places – not sure why, but there was no problem before… or it could be that ghost in the machine some call the ‘*******’ – when websites look different on different computers from different places.

  3. mara says:

    I hope he had children. There could be some good genes there.

  4. Darin says:

    A unique individual of quality

  5. Bo Chandler says:

    Thank God not everyone is like him.
    Otherwise, who would there be left to ask if I want fries with my burger?