Mustn’t derail the gravy train…

Disinterest in pre-Maori history stuns
Substantial evidence collected in 1988 that showed human occupation of New Zealand pre-dated Maori occupation by thousands of years was hidden in National Archives for 75 years. This includes carbon dating collected by 37 government-funded archaeologists in a one-year survey of stone structures in the Waipoua Forest near Dargaville.

Plumm interviewed one of those archaeologists, Noel Hilliam, who said that the initial dating showed the structures went back to 2225BC, which is about 3150 years before Maori history began in New Zealand.

Why the cover-up? Hilliam said: “The Maori guy in charge of the Waipoua survey closed the operation down the day after the initial dating came through”….’

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33 Responses to Mustn’t derail the gravy train…

  1. Odakyu-sen says:

    Let’s think about this. Stone structures take an awful lot of manpower to build. That means a sizeable population with food sources to supply all the energy needed.
    Lots of people eating means lots of middens with bone and (pottery?) fragments. Find the middens and you’ve got a case.

    • Cadwallader says:

      I have heard numerous theories about pre-Maori presences in NZ and remain dubious as to their authenticity. If there has been a conspiratorial cover-up of some remnants of the early occupants, and given that the land throughout NZ has been scoured and farmed for 200 odd years it defies belief that private citizens wouldn’t have unearthed traces of these people. (I would personally welcome a sustainable and credible case revealing
      there was pre-Maori occupancy.)

      • Bo Chandler says:

        You might be right, but if I were a farmer and I dug up an ancient piece of pottery I’d quietly stick it on an obscure shelf at the back of the wool shed and never speak of it to anyone.

        • KG says:

          I share the scepticism, but to me the crucial point is this:
          Why embargo the results of the research for 75 years?
          Is it for the same reason the Littlewood Treaty is never mentioned, ie to remove any ammunition for dissenting voices concerning the corrupt Waitangi Tribunal’s “findings”?

          • Cadwallader says:

            I can clearly see that vested interests would welcome some form of cover-up…as you say the gravy train would be derailed.

            • KG says:


              • john says:

                It would be interesting to know just what it was that scared the maori dude so much into shutting down the operation and for TPTB to slap a 75 year embargo on it. And yet at the same time it’s “nothing to see here folks”. Seems like they want it both ways, which would be typical.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        Cad, I urge you to read ‘To the ends of the earth’ by Max Hill – it contains a pretty compelling set of information.

        Also, visit

        Martin Doutre’s research is extensive.

        And, as KG said, if there’s no ‘there’ there, why bury the information for 75 years?

        And where did the red hair gene come from?

  2. Brown says:

    I’ll go out on a limb and propose that the Maori and govt have done a deal to avoid dealing with the annoying possibility that the govt has no authority as power has never transferred from the UK to NZ. The govt had a shot with the 1976 constitution act but that is itself illegal if the govt is illegal. If the govt proposes Maori are first that removes the uncomfortable truth getting in the way and the Maori clip the ticket while pretending to be annoyed. This wasn’t an issue in the 19th century but as the UK set us free it became one as one authority was not properly replaced by another. Plenty of people have pondered this before but of course the ordinary bloke ignores it and remains a serf so we never have the discussion we should.

    • KG says:

      And we never will, Brown.

    • Cadwallader says:

      The UK passed the Statute of Westminster Act (1931?) which empowered the various colonies. NZ accepted self government by enacting the Statute of Westminster (Adoption)Act 1947. This would’ve occurred earlier, in the 1930s but for WW2. There is no argument that from 1947 self-government has rested in Wellington.

  3. Alan says:

    Archeologists deal with evidence. They gather, collate and interpret what they find. A new site is interpreted before excavation along with using geophysical technology to assess any site. Items found a subject to radio carbon dating, including skeletons along with DNA analysis where possible. I am not dismissing the possibility that there is something out there, but it is notable that in the length and breath of New Zealand since European occupation, nothing really in the way of direct evidence has ever been located.

    • KG says:

      The one question I want answered, Alan, is why the 75 year embargo?

      • Cadwallader says:

        Perhaps more importantly; who imposed the embargo and under whose direction? Why 75 years rather than total destruction of the materials which give rise to the allegation that “substantial evidence” has been shelved? Is it secreted in the Texas School Book Depository?(I am not a fan of conspiracy theories, what next? That lefties have brains?)

        • The Gantt Guy says:

          Well, (according to the article) the evidence was collected in 1988, during the Prime Ministership of David Lange. By the time they’d had it analysed, it was likely late-80s or early-90s. That means the Prime Ministerships of either Palmer (the most likely candidate for such a cover-up, himself being an apologist and the inventor of the “principles” of the Treaty), Moore, Bolger or Shipley (unlikely, although I have me doubts about Shipley), or Clarkula (quite possible)

          • Cadwallader says:

            I think I need to give this further thought, but on the list of treacherous creeps who would authorise a cover-up, Palmer would sit at the top.

            • Bo Chandler says:

              This is why the globalist elites would rather burn down the house than surrender it peacefully.

              Just try to imagine the scale of evidence we’d find of what these rats have been up to if we had unrestricted access to the records of all levels of government.

              It’s also the reason Hillary will probably walk, because like a stone arch bridge, each piece hold up the ones next to it and so on and so forth. Remove one and a chain reaction starts.

            • The Gantt Guy says:

     Treasonous scumbag.

  4. Darin says:

    As an outsider looking in I think one obvious point is missing here.

    It just doesn’t matter who was where first.No one can own a country,it belongs to the group with the statistical and intellectual advantage simple as that.All this nonsense about “first peoples” is just that nonsense.

    • KG says:

      Yep. I understand the American Indians have pulled the same scam with the discovery of some early remains? (Taken them and hidden them from researchers, that is.)

      • Darin says:

        It’s the myth of the noble savage which began in cheesy romantic novels and moved into pop culture and academia,then became the drum beat of the communist left.

        There were many Indian tribes in North America,most were violent,poorly evolved hunter gatherers,some were more evolved agrarian tribes,most were primitive fire worshippers who engaged in war,slave taking,human sacrifice and on occasion cannibalism.The assertion that white Europeans were somehow evil is pure bullshit,but the racially obsessed left eats it up to the point we have Elizabeth Warren aka Fauxcahuantas and Ward “not a drop of engiun blood in me” Churchill.

        • Col. Bunny says:

          I have a 40-y-o photo of an exhibit in a tribal museum in some Western U.S. state. Lots of detail about the wars they fought with other Indians. They didn’t appreciate the lie it gave to the usual “correct” version of events. Early Spanish explorers encountered locals terrified of enslavement by other indigs, who proved to be unpleasant characters.

          Indians lived, expanded, and died by the sword. Then a new tribe showed up. The newcomers are in the process of being conquered by savages themselves but they actually seem to enjoy it. Some don’t. Whether they’re a majority or not is about to be revealed.

          • Bo Chandler says:

            “Whether they’re a majority or not is about to be revealed.”

            Pfft. Numbers? Whether they possess a majority of force or not is about to be revealed.

            Numbers aint everything. Especially when the progs have spent the last five decades distancing themselves from the use of guns.

            Unless I’m mistaken and you’re talking about the next election.

      • Col. Bunny says:

        There’s a law, antiquities act or something, that requires Indian remains to be handed over with lightning speed to Indians. They were horrified at the prospect of remains of non-Asians being found. Oops.

        Gives new meaning to “proper burial.”

    • Col. Bunny says:

      My sediments exactly. You own what you can take and keep. Period.

      The UN charter prohibits aggressive war unless the US needs to wage war on Serbia, Libya or Syria. So ain’t nothing changed.

  5. Robertv says:

    Human history over the last 15 000 years is much more complicated than we ever imagined.

    Dr. Robert Schoch – Forgotten Civilization