Open house

Full-on dhimmitude:  ‘Italy covers up nude marble statues for Iranian president’s visit’
Because the president of a country that hangs homosexuals in batches (from construction cranes, in public) must be terribly sensitive, you see….
‘Report: Iran World’s Leading Executioner of Children’

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71 Responses to Open house

  1. KG says:

    eastcoastpatriot says:
    January 26, 2016 at 8:25 pm

    Trump Dumps the (Fox) debate!!!

    They have a flashing banner on Breitbart, it’s official from Lewandowski. Someone had the best response over there regarding Trump’s move…

    “You can see this guys balls from space!!!!”

  2. KG says:

    ‘Stonewalling and strange deals: Has NZ become more corrupt?
    New Zealand’s public sector is the most corrupt it has been in almost 20 years – but we still rank highly compared to other countries according to a new report.’
    Compared to Somalia and Burkino Faso?

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      The thing is, it’s more subtle here. They know they don’t have to pay a sly backhander to every bureaucrat up the chain, from the guard at the gate to the Mayor to the Prime Minister. But they do know if they make the right ‘donation’ to the right ‘charitable cause’ the skids of their project will be nicely greased.

      • KG says:

        Exactly. I woke up to how it was done in NZ, I realised it was all around me, and explained the meteoric rise of so many nonentities.

  3. KG says:

    Police flee for their lives at Swedish migrant camp after they are surrounded by screaming mob as they try to relocate ten-year-old boy ‘who had been raped multiple times’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Don’t worry. It’s just a freakish coincidence that all of the fifteen or twenty bad muslims happened to be in the same place at the same time.

  4. KG says:

    ‘The Madness of Frau Merkel.

    The grand new EU claims to have the answer to war and peace forever. It’s not a secret that the EU wants to run the world through international institutions like the UN, the most corrupt collection of thugs, genociders and rapists on earth.
    The EU is of course a messianic cult like all the others, with the difference that previous European delusions killed foreigners; but this time the ruling class has declared war on its own peoples.
    Frau Merkel may not look like a black Chicago Machine politician, but in their hearts they are twin souls.’

  5. KG says:

    ‘Hillary: Nominating Obama to the Supreme Court ‘Great Idea’ — ‘I Love That’
    Tuesday in on the campaign trial in Decorah, IA, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was asked if as president she would consider nominating President Barack Obama as a Supreme Court justice.
    Laughing Clinton said, “Wow, what a great idea. Nobody has ever suggested that to me. Wow, I love that.”…’

    Hmmm….DOJ suddenly decides not to prosecute Hillary over the illegal server.
    Hillary becomes President, Obama nominated for Supremes.
    Pretty obvious deal, ain’t it?

  6. mara says:

    Two things about being old. 1, I won’t have to live through the consequences of the coming progressive idiocy and 2, I still hope to be on a fecking cloud, playing my harp and looking down in fits of laughter at what the citizens have brought upon themselves. My off-spring excepted, but I gave them every opportunity to survive and they likely will. I had better sign up with the harp-playing lessons.

  7. KG says:

    More crony capitalism:
    ‘Developers of about 70 Auckland building projects will benefit from taxpayers funding the City Rail Link.’
    Then why don’t the effing developers pay for it themselves?
    This isn’t capitalism – it’s yet another example of government shovelling taxpayers money at their mates.

  8. KG says:

    Girl fights back against man who ‘sexually assaulted her in street’ – now SHE faces jail

    • Wombat says:

      Razor wit over at VladTepes blog.

      ‘7. Islamic State setting up terror training camps in Europe, police agency warns

      (I thought there was one already for decades. I believe it is called, ‘Bosnia’)’

  9. Contempt says:

    So Trump and Cruz are in a bar discussing World War III. Trump says we kill 140,000,000 muslims and one big busted blond woman. Bar tender says “Why you wanna kill a big busted blond woman? Trump says, “See I told you nobody cared about 140 M muslims.”

    A cowboy, an Indian and a muslim are riding together on a train. The Indian muses out at the passing plains and says, “One time we had all this beautiful open country for ourselves then the cowboys killed us off.” Muslim says, “When we take over this will all be ours.” Cowboy says, “We ain’t started playin’ cowboys and muslims yet.”

    There always has been and always will be a tipping point. It will be Hell when it tips.

  10. Michael in Nelson says:

    Meanwhile, the war against the 2nd Amendment continues…

    • KG says:

      And it is a war. This is the problem when the courts and bureaucrats are allowed to “interpret” the Constitution.
      Either we have black letter law, or we have tyranny.

    • KG says:

      Christ! 8O I hope one of this prick’s family gets stabbed – let’s see how much sympathy he feels for the perp then.
      Cunt. :evil:

    • KG says:

      Francis Porretto has something of an anti-Trump post up at the moment: (and he’s disabled comments for that post)
      But I think – like so many others – he rather misses the point. Republican voters, through Trump, are expressing their disgust and outrage at the Republican establishment, at politicians in general and Washington, period.
      Regardless of whether Trump becomes the nominee, whatever happens, Trump has given these people a voice and things in the GOP will never be the same again.
      And that’s more progress than we’ve seen for longer than I can remember.

      • Bo Chandler says:

        That’s it. It not about the nomination or even the presidency. It’s about sending a message.

  11. KG says:

    Aussies have saying when people are deeply pissed-off at a party or politician and looking for a protest alternative.
    “A drover’s dog could win this”.

  12. KG says:

    This will make for an interesting 2016, ja?
    GERMAN AUTHORITIES tell they have identified 680 Islamist radicals living in Berlin, including at least 50 who have returned from fighting for ISIS and over 300 of whom are ‘geared toward violence’.

  13. Bo Chandler says:

    Detonating this vessel would have be a relatively cheap way to kick off a local jihadi uprising and say afterward “accident/private vessel/blahblahblah”.

    What I want to know is, was this ship intercepted en-route or at port? If en-route, then we may be looking at a foiled plot being covered up for obvious political reasons.

    • Darin says:

      Detonate?Their supply ship?Why would they do that,those weapons are needed to take full on jihad to the streets of Europe.The foot soldiers are in place,if a hundred or a thousand terrorist attacks happen on the same day,is it still terrorism,or open war?

      • KG says:

        From the link:
        ‘The ship was due to unload some of these in Sweden, but port authorities got to it first. The ship had called at a number of other European ports before being intercepted in Sweden, and the last call had been in Sheerness in the United Kingdom.’
        And we all have confidence that Customs in those ports carefully checked what was unloaded, don’t we?
        Don’t we?

        • Bo Chandler says:

          Entirely possible on both counts. I often underestimate the sheer corruption of dock officials, and that’s assuming they’re not all muslims by now anyway.

          My original take was that they could never get illegal armaments off the dock but in hindsight that seems wildly optimistic.

          Looking at it again, it seems as though they’re doing a European tour for mosque resupply. But could it be that easy, even now?

          • KG says:

            Yes, yes it could.

            • Darin says:

              Over here we spent a fortune,literally,trying to secure our ports.Hired security in the thousands,added equipment in the billions and only managed to inspect 10% of what comes across our docks.I don’t see Europe being much different.

              • KG says:

                Almost certain to be worse in Europe, Darin, given the number of muzzies now employed in those jobs.

              • The Gantt Guy says:

                I don’t know about now, but back in the day, our customs and border people only managed to physically inspect i1 in every 90 – yes, NINETY – containers coming in to the country through the port of Timaru. Not surprisingly, there was a large contingent of Chinese around the docks much of the time.

                • Darin says:

                  I was once offered a nearly new 16×80″ metal lathe if I wanted one,brought in by a Vietnamese friend of mine off the docks and off the books.I didn’t take him up on it only because I have little use for a metric only lathe that won’t cut imperial threads.It is now and always has been fairly easy to move even large things across borders off the books.

  14. KG says:


    TRUMP 61.18% (200,165 votes)

    CRUZ 18.34% (60,005 votes)

    RUBIO 7.41% (24,232 votes)

    • Darin says:

      Trump won the debate and wasn’t even there.Also MEgyn Kelly has been getting a thorough thrashing for her lousy performance in all the comments sections.I think she will rue the day she went the full katie couric on Trump.

      • KG says:

        I hope she does.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          These media fops seem to think that they are the kryptonite to Trump’s superman, despite being constantly shown that it’s actually the other way around.

          They are the ones that have been impervious until Trump arrived, and now he saunters through them and they wilt like orchids in Arizona.

      • The Gantt Guy says:

        She went Katie Couric because (a) FOX is open-borders across the board and (b) Megyn wants a job at one of the alphabet networks. She is a horrendously bad show host and an even worse debate “moderator”.

        And Trump is still a New York Liberal.

  15. Redbaiter says:

    This is interesting-

    Anger is growing in the veterans’ community over the appointment of former Army Chief David Morrison as Australian of the Year.

    Some veterans have accused the retired Lieutenant General of turning his back on Defence personnel, and an online petition is now calling on him to consider resigning his new position.