Open house

U.S. using the F-35 to cripple the IAF?
Kerry’s new Iranian Best Buddies must be delighted…
German Propaganda: Overcome Your ‘Dark Side,’ Embrace Migrants
I prefer “embrace your dark side, overcome migrants”. But that’s just me.

Man Threatened with 6-Figure Fine for Criticizing Pro-Migration Journalist
Paging Mr. Eric Blair…

UK Govt Ministers Won’t House Migrants in Their Constituencies

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41 Responses to Open house

  1. Darin says:

    Troops betrayed as Army dumps hundreds of heroic war dogs-

    US government-corrupt from the floor up :evil:

  2. Caleb says:

    What is stopping Israel and Russia working together in a closer manner.
    I guess that is a very complicated question..

  3. mara says:

    I just clicked on to David Thompson and saw that people want to buy fake feet that have a vaginal opening at the cut off end. I have been around for a while, not much shocks me anymore, but that came close. Spew.

    • KG says:

      From the link:
      “Octopuses only live about three or four years and mate once at the end of their lives.

      Then they die.”
      I wish that were true of some humans I’ve met.

  4. Darin says:

    Wright Bros engines,a bunch of them

  5. Ronbo says:

    More details today in the strange death of Justice Scalia – He was found dead WITH A PILLOW OVER HIS FACE! (No heart attack, heh?) Also, someone ordered his security detail to stand down! (Isolated ranch in the wilds of Texas, what could go wrong?)

    When the Justice doesn’t appear for breakfast someone looks in the (unlocked?) bedroom and finds the Scalia tango uniform (militaryese “toes up” as in dead.) A phone call is finally made to a Texas Justice of Peace (a Democrat, btw.) by the FBI who says he can’t be bothered to view the body and doesn’t order an autopsy as there was no sign of foul play (?!?) Meanwhile another Texas Justice of the Peace (a Republican, no doubt) says he would have ordered an autopsy.

    Conclusion: Scalia was murdered on orders of Obama in a well planned execution by pillow with only one small detail not taken care of – the murderer did not remove the pillow from the face of his elderly victim after the foul deed.

    Hamlet: “Murder most foul, as in the best it is. But this most foul, strange and unnatural.”

  6. Magoo says:

    Copy of Trump’s 2001 voter registration form. Check the tick in the box at the bottom left hand corner:

    • Ronbo says:

      So what if Trump was a Democrap Party member at one time?

      I had as an instructor at the Military Intelligence school was a former member of the Communist Party of Russia and the KGB who defected to the West in Berlin with a briefcase full of secret documents. He was fully vetted by the CIA, became a naturalized American citizen, and received a top secret clearance to teach classes at NSA and at the various M.I. schools.

      Therefore, not all members of the Democrap Party are loyal party members – some may have a hidden agenda – like the former KGB officer – and will come over to Republic some day with interesting information about the dark side.

      • Darin says:

        In a closed primary state,you register democrat,but vote republican in the general.By doing so you get to vote in the primary for the weakest dem candidate and vote in the general for the strongest republican.Both sides do this in closed primary states,it’s SOP.
        I also don’t care who he donated money to.When you’re in business you grease the skids of both parties,if you don’t,life will be a constant headache.I wish it wasn’t that way,but it’s the way it is in the corrupt system we have.

      • Magoo says:

        It’s from 2001. I wonder if he voted for Obumhole a few years later.

        • Bo Chandler says:

          People like Trump don’t bother voting.

          In the time it would take them to line up at a poll booth and cast their vote they could have instead made enough money to buy 100 votes through advertising, smear campaigns, etc.

          It’s a poor time investment for them.

  7. KG says:

    ‘This One Question Determines If a Voter Backs Donald Trump
    A recent poll released by the Rand Corporation in Santa Monica, California has identified a key question that determines whether a voter is likely to support Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump…’

  8. Ronbo says:

    Yes, he can!

    What seems suspicious is that Obama said Saturday night that he would submit an appointment to the Senate, as part of his constitutional obligation, but “in due time.” This window is open next week and this week only. In short: Both bodies of Congress are operating in the perfect parliamentary status in which a recess appointment would be applicable. The last such appointment to the high court came by President Eisenhower in 1956 when he appointed William Brennan. Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution states that “The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate.”

    Google: Obama Has Rare Parliamentary Window To Make Recess Appointment To Succeed Scalia.

    • Darin says:

      If he tries it,then it’s war.

      • Ronbo says:

        I think its CW2 regardless of what happens this year – the blood is in the water – but I do agree this will make many patriots hate Obama more than they thought possible.

        I expect him to make the appointment…and soon.

  9. KG says:

    ‘Left Media Migrant Rape Cover-Up: HuffPo, Indy, AND United Nations Claim Cologne Attackers ‘Not Refugees’, German Prosecutor: ‘Total Nonsense’
    Mainstream media outlets have been blasted for peddling “total nonsense” today as left-wing newspapers coalesced to claim with one voice that “only three” of the suspects involved in Cologne’s mass migrant rape on New Year’s Eve were recent migrants or refugees…’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      More Lugenpresse bullshit, please.

      It’s like they’re trying to contain the blast of a firecracker by closing their fist around it.

  10. KG says:

    Will somebody please give this cow a fat lip?
    ‘Bill would force men to get a note from wives to buy Viagra’

    • Bo Chandler says:

      Enough people voted for this lunatic to put her in a position of power. Just think about that.

      Never let yourself forget for a second that if you want liberty you will eventually be forced to subjugate these people (goodbye democracy), put them in the ground or secede from them (unlikely to happen peacefully).

      You cannot rehabilitate millions of lunatics while they’re running the asylum. You will break free of this or you will be utterly subjugated by it. Nobody gets to watch from the outside.

    • KG says:

      Interesting. The media emphasised that the judge was acting in accordance with Texas law by signing the death certificate despite the absence of a doc, on the word of attending law officers that there appeared to be “no suspicious circumstances”.

    • Darin says:

      This could be a real move forward,the same or similar treatment was the subject of a recent documentary where it was being used to treat glioblastoma brain cancer which is notoriously difficult to treat and has a very low survival rate.They had similar results half of the patients in the study were cured,but some died because the immune response was too strong.Let’s hope they get it sorted and we see approval soon.

      • KG says:

        It’s a huge leap forward, if the report is accurate. I wonder why it’s taken so long to exploit the body’s immune system, though. To this layman, it would seem to be an obvious starting point.

  11. KG says:

    ‘South Carolina GOP Poll Shows Trump Leads with 33%… Cruz, Rubio Tied For Second with 14%’

  12. Ronbo says:

    It looks like the American version of Julius Caesar is doing well, but like the article below indicates regardless of which member of The First Triumvirate of Trump, Clinton and Sanders wins, the American People lose and the Republic is history:

    Question: “If Trump is elected will he be assassinated by the Senate like Caesar?”

    • The Gantt Guy says:

      Why would the Senate assassinate him, when he’s said he will work with them (whether it be McConnell or Schumer)? Under Trump nothing will change; they won’t lose any power they don’t already hold, and after all, isn’t that their main game?